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44. Defined benefit plans and employee benefits U.K.

44.1 Components of net defined benefit plan assets and liabilities U.K.

References National GAAP compatible IFRS Amount
Annex V.Part 2.306-307
010 Fair value of defined benefit plan assets IAS 19.140(a)(i), 142
020 Of which: Financial instruments issued by the institution IAS 19.143
030 Equity instruments IAS 19.142(b)
040 Debt instruments IAS 19.142(c)
050 Real estate IAS 19.142(d)
060 Other defined benefit plan assets
070 Present value of defined benefit obligations IAS 19.140(a)(ii)
080 Effect of the asset ceiling IAS 19.140(a)(iii)
090 Net defined benefit assets [Carrying amount] IAS 19.63; Annex V.Part 2.308
100 Provisions for pensions and other post-employment defined benefit obligations [Carrying amount] IAS 19.63, IAS 1.78(d); Annex V.Part 2.9
110 Memo item: Fair value of any right to reimbursement recognised as an asset IAS 19.140(b)

44.2 Movements in defined benefit obligations U.K.

ANNEX IV Table 76: rows 1 - 15
[F1References National GAAP compatible IFRS Defined benefit obligations
Annex V.Part 2.306, 309
010 Opening balance [present value] IAS 19.140(a)(ii)
020 Current service cost IAS 19.141(a)
030 Interest cost IAS 19.141(b)
040 Contributions paid IAS 19.141(f)
050 Actuarial (-) gains or losses from changes in demographic assumptions IAS 19.141(c)(ii)
060 Actuarial (-) gains or losses from changes in financial assumptions IAS 19.141(c)(iii)
070 Foreign currency exchange increase or (-) decrease IAS 19.141(e)
080 Benefits paid IAS 19.141(g)
090 Past service cost, including gains and losses arising from settlements IAS 19.141(d)
100 Increase or (-) decrease through business combinations and disposals IAS 19.141(h)
110 Other increases or (-) decreases
120 Closing balance [present value] IAS 19.140(a)(ii); Annex V.Part 2.310

44.3 Memo items [related to staff expenses] U.K.

References National GAAP based on BAD References National GAAP compatible IFRS Current period
010 Pension and similar expenses Annex V.Part 2.311(a) Annex V.Part 2.311(a)
020 Share based payments Annex V.Part 2.311b) IFRS 2.44; Annex V.Part 2.311(b) ]