Textual Amendments
F1 Substituted by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/429 of 14 February 2020 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance).
‘ LEI code ’ shall include the LEI code of the investee. Where a LEI code exists for the investee, it shall be reported;
‘ Entity code ’ shall include the identification code of the investee. The entity code is a row identifier and shall be unique for each row in template 40.1;
‘ Entity name ’ shall include the name of the investee;
‘ Entry date ’ shall mean the date on which the investee entered within the ‘ scope of the group ’ ;
‘ Share capital of investee ’ shall mean the total amount of capital issued by the investee as of the reference date;
‘ Equity of investee ’ , ‘ Total assets of the Investee ’ and ‘ Profit or (loss) of the Investee ’ shall include the amounts of those items in the last financial statements of the investee;
‘ Residence of investee ’ shall mean the country of residence of the investee;
‘ Sector of investee ’ shall mean the sector of counterparty referred to in paragraph 42 of Part 1 of this Annex;
the ‘ NACE code ’ shall be provided on the basis of the principal activity of the investee. For non-financial corporations, NACE codes shall be reported with the first level of disaggregation (by ‘ section ’ ). For financial corporations, NACE codes shall be reported with a two level detail (by ‘ division ’ );
‘ Accumulated equity interest (%) ’ shall be the percentage of ownership instruments held by the institution as of the reference date;
‘ Voting rights (%) ’ shall mean the percentage of voting rights associated to the ownership instruments held by the institution as of the reference date;
‘ Group structure (relationship) ’ shall indicate the relationship between the ultimate parent and the investee (parent or entity with joint control of the reporting institution, subsidiary, joint venture or associate);
‘ Accounting treatment (Accounting Group) ’ shall indicate the relationship between the accounting treatment with the accounting scope of consolidation (full consolidation, proportional consolidation, equity method or other);
‘ Accounting treatment (CRR Group) ’ shall indicate the relationship between the accounting treatment and the CRR scope of consolidation (full consolidation, proportional consolidation, equity method or other);
‘ Carrying amount ’ shall mean the amounts reported on the balance sheet of the institution for investees that are neither fully nor proportionally consolidated;
‘ Acquisition cost ’ shall mean the amount paid by investors;
‘ Goodwill link to the investee ’ shall mean the amount of goodwill reported on the consolidated balance sheet of the reporting institution for the investee in the items ‘ goodwill ’ or ‘ investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated ’ ;
‘ Fair value of the investments for which there are published price quotations ’ shall mean the price at the reference date. It shall be provided only where the instruments are quoted.
‘ Security code ’ shall include the ISIN code of the security. For securities without ISIN code, it shall include another code that uniquely identifies the security. ‘ Security code ’ and ‘ Holding company code ’ shall be a composite row identifier, and together shall be unique for each row in template 40.2;
‘ Holding company code ’ shall be the identification code of the entity within the group that holds the investment. ‘ Holding company LEI code ’ shall include the LEI code for the company holding the security. Where a LEI code exists for the holding company, it shall be reported;
‘ Entity code ’ , ‘ Accumulated equity interest (%) ’ , ‘ Carrying amount ’ and ‘ Acquisition cost ’ are defined in paragraph 296 of this Part. The amounts shall correspond to the security held by the related holding company.]