Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014Show full title

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 of 16 April 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)


355. Template 26 shall include detailed information on loans and advances classified as forborne in accordance with paragraphs 240 to 268 of this Part, excluding instruments classified as held for sale. Forborne exposures referring to either a modification of the previous terms and conditions or a total or partial refinancing of a troubled debt contract as defined in paragraph 241 of this Part shall be broken-down in more specific types of forbearance measures. U.K.

356. The Number of instruments shall be determined as defined in paragraph 320of this Part. U.K.

357. The gross carrying amount of exposures with forbearance measures shall be allocated to a category reflecting the type of forbearance measure. Where multiple forbearance measures have been applied to an exposure, the gross carrying amount of exposures with forbearance measures shall be allocated to the most relevant type of forbearance measure. The latter shall be identified based on the type of forbearance measure which has the highest impact on the Net Present Value (NPV) of the forborne exposure or by using any other methods considered applicable. U.K.

358. The types of forbearance measures shall be the following: U.K.


grace period/payment moratorium: temporary suspension of repayment obligations with regard to the principal or the interest, with repayments to be resumed at a later point in time;


interest rate reduction: permanent or temporary reduction of the interest rate (fixed or variable) to a fair and sustainable rate;


extension of maturity/term: extension of the maturity of the exposure, entailing a reduction in instalment amounts by spreading the repayments over a longer period;


rescheduled payments: adjustment of the contractual repayment schedule with or without changes to instalment amounts, other than grace periods/payment moratorium, extension of maturity/term and debt forgiveness. That category shall include, among others, capitalisation of arrears and/or accrued interest arrears to the outstanding principal balance for repayment under a sustainable, rescheduled programme; decrease of the amount of principal repayment instalments over a defined period, regardless of whether interests remain to be paid in full or whether they are capitalised or forfeited;


debt forgiveness: partial cancellation of the exposure by the reporting institution through forfeiture of right to legally recover it;


debt asset swaps: partial replacement of exposures in the form of debt instruments with assets or equity;


other forbearance measures, including among others, total or partial refinancing of a troubled debt contract.

359. Where the forbearance measure affects the gross carrying amount of an exposure, the gross carrying amount at the reference date, i.e. after application of the forbearance measure, shall be reported. In the case of refinancing, the gross carrying amount of the new contract ( refinancing debt ) granted which qualifies as a forbearance measure, as well as the gross carrying amount of the old re-paid contract that is still outstanding shall be reported. U.K.

360. The following items shall be reported in separate rows: U.K.


Instruments that were subject to forbearance measures at multiple points in time, where:


‘Loans and advances having been forborne twice and more than twice shall mean exposures classified as forborne in accordance with paragraphs 240 to 268 of this Part at the reporting reference date, to which forbearance measures have been applied at two, respectively more than two different points in time. That includes, among others, originally forborne exposures that exited the forborne status (cured forborne exposures), but were granted new forbearance measures after that;


Loans and advances to which forbearance measures were granted in addition to already existing forbearance measures shall mean forborne exposures under probation to which forbearance measures were applied in addition to forbearance measures granted at an earlier point in time, without the exposure having cured in between.


Non-performing forborne exposures that failed to meet the non-performing exit criteria. That shall comprise non-performing forborne exposures that failed to meet the conditions for ceasing to be non-performing as described in paragraph 232 of this Part at the end of the probation period of 1 year specified in paragraph 231 (b) of this Part.

361. Exposures to which forbearance measures have been granted since the end of the last financial year shall be reported in separate columns.] U.K.