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ANNEX XIV Table 1: rows 1 - 162

Template Table Code Table Label
C 00.01C 00.01Nature of Report (COREP)
C 01.00C 01.00Capital Adequacy - Own funds definition
C 02.00C 02.00Capital Adequacy - Risk Exposure Amounts
C 03.00C 03.00Capital Adequacy - Ratios
C 04.00C 04.00Capital Adequacy - Memorandum Items
C 05.01C 05.01Capital Adequacy - Transitional provisions: Summary
C 05.02C 05.02Capital Adequacy - Transitional provisions: Grandfathered instruments constituting State aid
C 06.00C 06.00Group Solvency
C 07.00C 07.00.aCredit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: Standardised Approach to capital requirements
C 07.00C 07.00.bCredit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: Standardised Approach to capital requirements - Of which: Arising from Counterparty Credit Risk
C 07.00C 07.00.cCredit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: Standardised Approach to capital requirements - Memorandum items - Secured on Property
C 07.00C 07.00.dCredit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: Standardised Approach to capital requirements - Memorandum items - in default
C 08.01C 08.01.aCredit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: IRB Approach to capital requirements - TOTAL
C 08.01C 08.01.bCredit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: IRB Approach to capital requirements - TOTAL - Of which arising from counterparty credit risk and off balance sheet
C 08.01C 08.01.cCredit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: IRB Approach to capital requirements - TOTAL (SMEs subject to supporting factor)
C 08.01C 08.01.dCredit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: IRB Approach to capital requirements - TOTAL - Of which arising from counterparty credit risk and off balance sheet (SMEs subject to supporting factor)
C 08.02C 08.02Credit and counterparty credit risks and free deliveries: IRB Approach to capital requirements - Breakdown of exposures assigned to obligor grades or pools by obligor grades
C 09.01C 09.01.aGeographical breakdown of exposures by residence of the obligor (SA exposures)
C 09.01C 09.01.bGeographical breakdown of exposures by residence of the obligor (SA exposures) - Exposures in default
C 09.02C 09.02Geographical breakdown of exposures by residence of the obligor (IRB exposures)
C 09.03C 09.03Breakdown of total own funds requirements for credit risk of relevant credit exposures by country
C 10.01C 10.01Credit risk: Equity - IRB approaches to capital requirements - TOTAL
C 10.02C 10.02Credit risk: Equity - IRB approaches to capital requirements - Breakdown of total exposures under the PD/LGD Approach by obligor grades
C 11.00C 11.00Settlement/Delivery risk
C 12.00C 12.00Credit risk: Securitisations - Standardised Approach to own funds requirements
C 13.00C 13.00Credit risk: Securitisations - IRB Approach to own funds requirements
C 14.00C 14.00Detailed information on securitisations
C 15.00C 15.00Exposures and losses from lending collateralised immovable property
C 16.00C 16.00.aOperational risk - Excluding AMA
C 16.00C 16.00.bOperational risk - AMA
C 17.00C 17.00.aOperational risks: Gross losses by business lines and event types in the last year
C 17.00C 17.00.bOperational risks: Thresholds applied in data collections
C 18.00C 18.00Market risk: Standardised Approach for traded debt instruments
C 19.00C 19.00Market risk: Standardised Approach for specific risk in securitisations
C 20.00C 20.00Market risk: Standardised Approach for specific risk in the correlation trading portfolio
C 21.00C 21.00Market risk: Standardised Approach for position risk in equities
C 22.00C 22.00Market risk: Standardised Approaches for foreign exchange risk
C 23.00C 23.00Market risk: Standardised Approach for position risk in commodities
C 24.00C 24.00Market risk: Internal models - Total
C 25.00C 25.00CVA RISK
C 26.00C 26.00Large exposures limits
C 27.00C 27.00Identification of the counterparty
C 28.00C 28.00Exposures in the non-trading and trading book
C 29.00C 29.00Detail of the exposures to individual clients within groups of connected clients
C 30.00C 30.00Maturity buckets of the 10 largest exposures to institutions and the 10 largest exposures to unregulated financial entities
C 31.00C 31.00Maturity buckets of the 10 largest exposures to institutions and the 10 largest exposures to unregulated financial entities: detail of the exposures to individual clients within groups of connected clients
C 40.00C 40.00Alternative treatment of the Exposure Measure
C 41.00C 41.00On- and off-balance sheet items – additional breakdown of exposures
C 42.00C 42.00Alternative definition of capital
C 43.00C 43.00.aBreakdown of leverage ratio exposure measure components: Off-balance sheet items, derivatives, SFTs and trading book
C 43.00C 43.00.bBreakdown of leverage ratio exposure measure components: Other non-trading book exposures (SA)
C 43.00C 43.00.cBreakdown of leverage ratio exposure measure components: Other non-trading book exposures (IRB)
C 44.00C 44.00General Information
C 45.00C 45.00.aLeverage ratio calculation
C 45.00C 45.00.bLeverage ratio calculation - average
C 46.00C 46.00.aEntities that are consolidated for accounting purposes but are not within the prudential scope of consolidation (I)
C 46.00C 46.00.bEntities that are consolidated for accounting purposes but are not within the prudential scope of consolidation (II)
C 46.00C 46.00.cEntities that are consolidated for accounting purposes but are not within the prudential scope of consolidation (III)
C 51.00C 51.00.aLiquidity Coverage. Liquid assets (I). Total
C 51.00C 51.00.bLiquidity Coverage. Liquid assets (II). Total
C 51.00C 51.00.wLiquidity Coverage. Liquid assets (I). Significant currencies
C 51.00C 51.00.xLiquidity Coverage. Liquid assets (II). Significant currencies
C 52.00C 52.00.aLiquidity Coverage. Outflows (I). Total
C 52.00C 52.00.bLiquidity Coverage. Outflows (II). Total
C 52.00C 52.00.cLiquidity Coverage. Outflows (III). Total
C 52.00C 52.00.dLiquidity Coverage. Outflows (IV). Total
C 52.00C 52.00.wLiquidity Coverage. Outflows (I). Significant currencies
C 52.00C 52.00.xLiquidity Coverage. Outflows (II). Significant currencies
C 52.00C 52.00.yLiquidity Coverage. Outflows (III). Significant currencies
C 52.00C 52.00.zLiquidity Coverage. Outflows (IV). Significant currencies
C 53.00C 53.00.aLiquidity Coverage. Inflows (I). Total
C 53.00C 53.00.bLiquidity Coverage. Inflows (II). Total
C 53.00C 53.00.cLiquidity Coverage. Inflows (III). Total
C 53.00C 53.00.wLiquidity Coverage. Inflows (I). Significant currencies
C 53.00C 53.00.xLiquidity Coverage. Inflows (II). Significant currencies
C 53.00C 53.00.yLiquidity Coverage. Inflows (III). Significant currencies
C 54.00C 54.00.aLiquidity Coverage. Collateral swaps. Total
C 54.00C 54.00.wLiquidity Coverage. Collateral swaps. Significant currencies
C 60.00C 60.00.aStable funding. Items requiring stable funding (I). Total
C 60.00C 60.00.bStable funding. Items requiring stable funding (II). Total
C 60.00C 60.00.wStable funding. Items requiring stable funding (I). Significant currencies
C 60.00C 60.00.xStable funding. Items requiring stable funding (II). Significant currencies
C 61.00C 61.00.aStable funding. Items providing stable funding (I). Total
C 61.00C 61.00.bStable funding. Items providing stable funding (II). Total
C 61.00C 61.00.wStable funding. Items providing stable funding (I). Significant currencies
C 61.00C 61.00.xStable funding. Items providing stable funding (II). Significant currencies
F 00.01F 00.01Nature of Report (FINREP)
F 01.01F 01.01Balance Sheet Statement [Statement of Financial Position]: Assets
F 01.02F 01.02Balance Sheet Statement [Statement of Financial Position]: Liabilities
F 01.03F 01.03Balance Sheet Statement [Statement of Financial Position]: Equity
F 02.00F 02.00Statement of profit or loss
F 03.00F 03.00Statement of comprehensive income
F 04.01F 04.01Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: financial assets held for trading
F 04.02F 04.02Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss
F 04.03F 04.03Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: available-for-sale financial assets
F 04.04F 04.04Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: loans and receivables and held-to-maturity investments
F 04.05F 04.05Subordinated financial assets
F 04.06F 04.06Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: trading financial assets
F 04.07F 04.07Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: non-trading non-derivative financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss
F 04.08F 04.08Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: non-trading non-derivative financial assets measured at fair value to equity
F 04.09F 04.09Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: non-trading debt instruments measured at a cost-based method
F 04.10F 04.10Breakdown of financial assets by instrument and by counterparty sector: other non-trading non-derivative financial assets
F 05.00F 05.00Breakdown of loans and advances by product
F 06.00F 06.00Breakdown of loans and advances to non-financial corporations by NACE codes
F 07.00F 07.00Financial assets subject to impairment that are past due or impaired
F 08.01F 08.01.aBreakdown of financial liabilities by product and by counterparty (a)
F 08.01F 08.01.bBreakdown of financial liabilities by product and by counterparty (b)
F 08.02F 08.02Subordinated liabilities
F 09.01F 09.01Off-balance sheet items subject to credit risk: Loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments given
F 09.02F 09.02Loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments received
F 10.00F 10.00Derivatives: Trading
F 11.01F 11.01Derivatives - Hedge accounting: Breakdown by type of risk and type of hedge
F 11.02F 11.02Derivatives - Hedge accounting under National GAAP: Breakdown by type of risk
F 12.00F 12.00Movements in allowances for credit losses and impairment of equity instruments
F 13.01F 13.01Breakdown of loans and advances by collateral and guarantees
F 13.02F 13.02Collateral obtained by taking possession during the period (held at the reporting date)
F 13.03F 13.03Collateral obtained by taking possession [tangible assets] accumulated
F 14.00F 14.00Fair value hierarchy: financial instruments at fair value
F 15.00F 15.00.aFinancial assets pledged as collateral: derecognition and financial liabilities associated with transferred financial assets (a)
F 15.00F 15.00.bFinancial assets pledged as collateral: derecognition and financial liabilities associated with transferred financial assets (b)
F 16.01F 16.01.aInterest income and expenses by instrument and counterparty (a)
F 16.01F 16.01.bInterest income and expenses by instrument and counterparty (b)
F 16.02F 16.02Realised gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss by instrument
F 16.03F 16.03Gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading by instrument
F 16.04F 16.04Gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities held for trading by risk
F 16.05F 16.05Gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss by instrument
F 16.06F 16.06Gains and losses from hedge accounting
F 16.07F 16.07.aImpairment on financial and non-financial assets (a)
F 16.07F 16.07.bImpairment on financial and non-financial assets (b)
F 17.01F 17.01Reconciliation between IFRS and CRR scope of consolidation: Assets
F 17.02F 17.02Reconciliation between IFRS and CRR scope of consolidation: Off-balance sheet exposures - loan commitments, financial guarantees and other commitments given
F 17.03F 17.03Reconciliation between IFRS and CRR scope of consolidation: Liabilities
F 20.01F 20.01Geographical breakdown of assets by location of the activities
F 20.02F 20.02Geographical breakdown of liabilities by location of the activities
F 20.03F 20.03Geographical breakdown of main income statement items by location of the activities
F 20.04F 20.04Geographical breakdown of assets by residence of the counterparty
F 20.05F 20.05.aGeographical breakdown of off-balance sheet items subject to credit risk by residence of the counterparty (a)
F 20.05F 20.05.bGeographical breakdown of off-balance sheet items subject to credit risk by residence of the counterparty (b)
F 20.06F 20.06Geographical breakdown of liabilities by residence of the counterparty
F 20.07F 20.07Geographical breakdown by residence of the counterparty of loans and advances to non-financial corporations by NACE codes
F 21.00F 21.00Tangible and intangible assets: assets subject to operating lease
F 22.01F 22.01Fee and commission income and expenses by activity
F 22.02F 22.02Assets involved in the services provided
F 30.01F 30.01Interests in unconsolidated structured entities
F 30.02F 30.02Breakdown of interests in unconsolidated structured entities by nature of the activities
F 31.01F 31.01Related parties: amounts payable to and amounts receivable from
F 31.02F 31.02Related parties: expenses and income generated by transactions with
F 40.01F 40.01Scope of the group: “entity-by-entity”
F 40.02F 40.02Scope of the group: ‘instrument-by-instrument’
F 41.01F 41.01Fair value hierarchy: financial instruments at amortised cost
F 41.02F 41.02Use of the Fair Value Option
F 41.03F 41.03Hybrid financial instruments not designated at fair value through profit or loss
F 42.00F 42.00Tangible and intangible assets: carrying amount
F 43.00F 43.00Provisions
F 44.01F 44.01Components of net defined benefit plan assets and liabilities
F 44.02F 44.02Movements in defined benefit plans and employee benefits
F 44.03F 44.03Memo items [related to staff expenses]
F 45.01F 45.01Gains and losses on financial assets and liabilities designated at fair value through profit or loss by accounting portfolio
F 45.02F 45.02Gains and losses on derecognition of non-financial assets other than held for sale
F 45.03F 45.03Other operating income and expenses
F 46.00F 46.00Statement of changes in equity