Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014Show full title

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 of 16 April 2014 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions according to Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

Rows Legal references and instructions
Carrying amount of selected financial liabilities

Carrying amount of selected collateralised financial liabilities of the reporting institution insofar as these liabilities entail asset encumbrance for that institution.


Carrying amount of the collateralised derivatives of the reporting institution that are financial liabilities, that is, with a negative fair value, insofar as these derivatives entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

of which: over-the-counter

Carrying amount of the collateralised derivatives of the reporting institution that are financial liabilities which are traded over-the-counter, insofar as these derivatives entail asset encumbrance.


Carrying amount of the collateralised deposits of the reporting institution insofar as these deposits entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

Repurchase agreements

Carrying amount of the repurchase agreements of the reporting institution insofar as these transactions entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

Repurchase agreements (repos) are transactions in which the reporting institution receives cash in exchange for financial assets sold at a given price under a commitment to repurchase the same (or identical) assets at a fixed price on a specified future date. The following variants of repo-type operations are all required to be reported as repurchase agreements: — amounts received in exchange for securities temporarily transferred to a third party in the form of securities lending against cash collateral and — amounts received in exchange for securities temporarily transferred to a third party in the form of a sale/buy-back agreement.

of which: central banks

Carrying amount of the repurchase agreements of the reporting institution with central banks insofar as these transactions entail asset encumbrance.

Collateralised deposits other than repurchased agreements

Carrying amount of the of the collateralised deposits other than repurchase agreements of the reporting institution insofar as these deposits entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

of which: central banks

Carrying amount of the collateralised deposits other than repurchase agreements of the reporting institution with central banks insofar as these deposits entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

Debt securities issued

Carrying amount of the debt securities issued by the reporting institution insofar as these securities issued entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

The retained part of any issuance shall follow the specific treatment set out in point (vi) of paragraph 15 of Part A so that only the percentage of debt securities placed outside the entities of the group are to be included under this category.

of which: covered bonds issued

Carrying amount of covered bonds the assets of which are originated by the reporting institution insofar as these securities issued entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

of which: securitisations issued

Carrying amount of the securitisations issued by the reporting institution insofar as these securities issued entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

Other sources of encumbrance

Amount of collateralised transactions of the reporting institution other than financial liabilities, insofar as these transactions entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

Nominal of loan commitments received

Nominal amount of the loan commitments received by the reporting institution, insofar as these commitments received entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

Nominal of financial guarantees received

Nominal amount of the financial guarantees received by the reporting institution, insofar as these guarantees received entail asset encumbrance for that institution.

Fair value of securities borrowed with non-cash collateral

Fair value of the securities borrowed by the reporting institution without cash collateral, insofar as these transactions entail asset encumbrance for that institution.


Amount of collateralised transactions of the reporting institution other than financial liabilities, not covered by the above items, insofar as these transactions entail asset encumbrance for that institution.


Amount of all collateralised transactions of the reporting institution insofar as these transactions entail asset encumbrance for that institution.]