ANNEX III Information and publicity referred to in Article 13

PART 2 Technical characteristics of information and publicity actions

1. Logo and slogan

Each action of information and publicity shall display the following elements:


the Union emblem in accordance with the graphic standards as presented on, together with an explanation of the Union’s role, by means of the following statement:

The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas.


for the actions and measures financed by LEADER, the LEADER logo:

++ LEADER logo++

2. Information and communication material

Publications (such as booklets, leaflets and newsletters) and posters about measures and actions co-financed by the EAFRD shall contain a clear indication on the title page of the Union’s participation, as well as the Union’s emblem if a national or regional emblem is also used. Publications shall include references to the body responsible for the content and to the Managing Authority designated to implement the EAFRD and/or national assistance in question.

In the case of information made available by electronic means (websites, databases for potential beneficiaries) or as audiovisual material, the first paragraph shall apply by analogy.

Websites concerning the EAFRD shall:


mention the contribution of the EAFRD at least on the home page;


include a hyperlink to the Commission website concerning EAFRD.