1. Key information on implementation of the programme and its priorities
a) Financial data
Financial implementation data giving, for each measure and focus area, a statement of the expenditure incurred and declared in the declarations of expenditure. It shall cover the total incurred public expenditure as well as the financial recoveries and corrections brought by the Member States during the previous calendar year.
b) Common and programme-specific indicators and quantified target values
Information on RDP implementation as measured by common and specific indicators, including the progress achieved in relation to the targets set for each focus area and on realised output compared to planned output as set out in the indicator plan. Beginning from the annual implementation report to be submitted in 2017, the achievements towards the milestones set in the performance framework (table F). Additional information on the stage of RDP implementation is provided through data on financial commitments by measure and focus area, and the related expected progress towards targets.
Table A: Committed expenditure by measure and focus area
Table B: Realised output indicators by measure and focus area
Table C: Breakdown for relevant outputs and measures by type of area, gender and/or age
Table D: Progress towards targets
Table E: Monitoring of transitional measures
Table F: Achievement of the performance framework indicators