ANNEX VII Structure and content of annual implementation reports (referred to in Article 50 of Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 and Article 75 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013)

2. The progress in implementing the evaluation plan shall be presented as follows:


Description of any modifications made to the evaluation plan in the RDP during the year, with their justification.


A description of the evaluation activities undertaken during the year (in relation to section 3 of the evaluation plan).*


A description of activities undertaken in relation to the provision and management of data (in relation to section 4 of the evaluation plan).*


A list of completed evaluations, including references to where they have been published on-line.


A summary of completed evaluations, focussing on evaluation findings.


A description of communication activities undertaken in relation to publicising evaluation findings (in relation to section 6 of the evaluation plan).*


Description of the follow-up given to evaluation results (in relation to section 6 of the evaluation plan).*

*Reference shall be made to the evaluation plan, any difficulties encountered in implementation shall be described, together with solutions adopted or proposed.