
Article 11Combination of commitments and combination of measures

1.Various agri-environment-climate commitments under Article 28 of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, organic farming commitments under Article 29 of that Regulation, animal welfare commitments under Article 33 of that Regulation and forest-environmental and climate commitments under Article 34 of that Regulation may be combined provided that they are complementary and compatible. Member States shall attach the list of allowed combinations to their rural development programmes.

2.Where measures or different commitments under the same or different measures referred to in paragraph 1 are combined, in determining the level of support Member States shall take into account the specific income foregone and additional costs resulting from the combination.

3.Where an operation falls under two or more measures or under two or more different types of operations, Member States may attribute the expenditure to the dominant measure or type of operation. The specific contribution rate of that dominant measure or type of operation shall apply.