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Article 5U.K.NEMOs designation in case of a national legal monopoly for trading services

1.If a national legal monopoly for day-ahead and intraday trading services which excludes the designation of more than one NEMO already exists in a Member State or Member State's bidding zone at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation, the Member State concerned must notify the Commission within two months after entry into force of this regulation and may refuse the designation of more than one NEMO per bidding zone.

If there are several applicants to be designated as the only NEMO, the Member State concerned shall designate the applicant which best meets the criteria listed in Article 6. If a Member State refuses the designation of more than one NEMO per bidding zone, the competent national authority shall fix or approve the NEMO fees for trading in the day-ahead and intraday markets, sufficiently in advance of their entry into force, or specify the methodologies used to calculate them.

In accordance with Article 4(6), the Member State concerned may also refuse cross-border trading services offered by a NEMO designated in another Member State; however, the protection of existing power exchanges in that Member State from economic disadvantages through competition is not a valid reason for refusal.

2.For the purposes of this regulation, a national legal monopoly is deemed to exist where national law expressly provides that no more than one entity within a Member State or Member State bidding zone can carry out day-ahead and intraday trading services.

3.Two years after the entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall forward a report to the European Parliament and the Council in accordance with Article 24 of Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 on the development of single day-ahead and intraday coupling in the Member States, with particular emphasis on the development of competition between NEMOs. On the basis of that report, and if the Commission deems that there is no justification for the continuation of national legal monopolies or for the continued refusal of a Member State to allow cross-border trading by a NEMO designated in another Member State, the Commission may consider appropriate legislative or other appropriate measures to further increase competition and trade between and within Member States. The Commission shall also include an assessment in the report evaluating the governance of single day-ahead and intraday coupling established by this Regulation, with particular emphasis on the transparency of MCO functions carried jointly by the NEMOs. On the basis of that report, and if the Commission deems that there is ambiguity in carrying out the monopolistic MCO functions and other NEMO tasks, the Commission may consider appropriate legislative or other appropriate measures to further increase transparency and efficient functioning of single day-ahead and intraday coupling.