CHAPTER 3Capacity allocation and congestion management cost recovery

Article 76Costs of establishing, amending and operating single day-ahead and intraday coupling


All NEMOs shall bear the following costs:


common, regional and national costs of establishing, updating or further developing the price coupling algorithm and single day-ahead coupling;


common, regional and national costs of establishing, updating or further developing the continuous trading matching algorithm and single intraday coupling;


common, regional and national costs of operating single day-ahead and intraday coupling.


Subject to agreement with the NEMOs concerned, TSOs may make a contribution to the costs provided for in paragraph 1 subject to approval by the relevant regulatory authorities. In such cases, within two months of receiving a forecast from the NEMOs concerned, each TSO shall be entitled to provide a cost contribution proposal to the relevant regulatory authority for approval.


The NEMOs concerned shall be entitled to recover costs in accordance with paragraph 1 which have not been borne by TSOs in accordance with paragraph 2 by means of fees or other appropriate mechanisms only if the costs are reasonable and proportionate, through national agreements with the competent regulatory authority.