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CHAPTER 1 U.K. Capacity calculation

Section 1 U.K. General requirements

Article 14U.K.Capacity calculation time-frames

1.All TSOs shall calculate cross-zonal capacity for at least the following time-frames:

(a)day-ahead, for the day-ahead market;

(b)intraday, for the intraday market.

2.For the day-ahead market time-frame, individual values for cross-zonal capacity for each day-ahead market time unit shall be calculated. For the intraday market time-frame, individual values for cross-zonal capacity for each remaining intraday market time unit shall be calculated.

3.For the day-ahead market time-frame, the capacity calculation shall be based on the latest available information. The information update for the day-ahead market time-frame shall not start before 15:00 market time two days before the day of delivery.

4.All TSOs in each capacity calculation region shall ensure that cross-zonal capacity is recalculated within the intraday market time-frame based on the latest available information. The frequency of this recalculation shall take into consideration efficiency and operational security.

Article 15U.K.Capacity calculation regions

1.By three months after the entry into force of this Regulation all TSOs shall jointly develop a common proposal regarding the determination of capacity calculation regions. The proposal shall be subject to consultation in accordance with Article 12.

2.The proposal referred to in paragraph 1 shall define the bidding zone borders attributed to TSOs who are members of each capacity calculation region. The following requirements shall be met:

(a)it shall take into consideration the regions specified in point 3(2) of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 714/2009;

(b)each bidding zone border, or two separate bidding zone borders if applicable, through which interconnection between two bidding zones exists, shall be assigned to one capacity calculation region;

(c)at least those TSOs shall be assigned to all capacity calculation regions in which they have bidding zone borders.

3.Capacity calculation regions applying a flow-based approach shall be merged into one capacity calculation region if the following cumulative conditions are fulfilled:

(a)their transmission systems are directly linked to each other;

(b)they participate in the same single day-ahead or intraday coupling area;

(c)merging them is more efficient than keeping them separate. The competent regulatory authorities may request a joint cost-benefit analysis from the TSOs concerned to assess the efficiency of the merger.

Section 2 U.K. The common grid model

Article 16U.K.Generation and load data provision methodology

1.By 10 months after the entry into force of this Regulation all TSOs shall jointly develop a proposal for a single methodology for the delivery of the generation and load data required to establish the common grid model, which shall be subject to consultation in accordance with Article 12. The proposal shall include a justification based on the objectives of this Regulation for requiring the information.

2.The proposal for the generation and load data provision methodology shall specify which generation units and loads are required to provide information to their respective TSOs for the purposes of capacity calculation.

3.The proposal for a generation and load data provision methodology shall specify the information to be provided by generation units and loads to TSOs. The information shall at least include the following:

(a)information related to their technical characteristics;

(b)information related to the availability of generation units and loads;

(c)information related to the schedules of generation units;

(d)relevant available information relating to how generation units will be dispatched.

4.The methodology shall specify the deadlines applicable to generation units and loads for providing the information referred to in paragraph 3.

5.Each TSO shall use and share with other TSOs the information referred to in paragraph 3. The information referred to in paragraph 3(d) shall be used for capacity calculation purposes only.

6.No later than two months after the approval of the generation and load data provision methodology by all regulatory authorities, ENTSO for Electricity shall publish:

(a)a list of the entities required to provide information to the TSOs;

(b)a list of the information referred to in paragraph 3 to be provided;

(c)deadlines for providing information.

Article 17U.K.Common grid model methodology

1.By 10 months after the entering into force of this Regulation all TSOs shall jointly develop a proposal for a common grid model methodology. The proposal shall be subject to consultation in accordance with Article 12.

2.The common grid model methodology shall enable a common grid model to be established. It shall contain at least the following items:

(a)a definition of scenarios in accordance with Article 18;

(b)a definition of individual grid models in accordance with Article 19;

(c)a description of the process for merging individual grid models to form the common grid model.

Article 18U.K.Scenarios

1.All TSOs shall jointly develop common scenarios for each capacity calculation time-frame referred to in Article 14(1)(a) and (b). The common scenarios shall be used to describe a specific forecast situation for generation, load and grid topology for the transmission system in the common grid model.

2.One scenario per market time unit shall be developed both for the day-ahead and the intraday capacity calculation time-frames.

3.For each scenario, all TSOs shall jointly draw up common rules for determining the net position in each bidding zone and the flow for each direct current line. These common rules shall be based on the best forecast of the net position for each bidding zone and on the best forecast of the flows on each direct current line for each scenario and shall include the overall balance between load and generation for the transmission system in the Union. There shall be no undue discrimination between internal and cross-zonal exchanges when defining scenarios, in line with point 1.7 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 714/2009.

Article 19U.K.Individual grid model

1.For each bidding zone and for each scenario:

(a)all TSOs in the bidding zone shall jointly provide a single individual grid model which complies with Article 18(3); or

(b)each TSO in the bidding zone shall provide an individual grid model for its control area, including interconnections, provided that the sum of net positions in the control areas, including interconnections, covering the bidding zone complies with Article 18(3).

2.Each individual grid model shall represent the best possible forecast of transmission system conditions for each scenario specified by the TSO(s) at the time when the individual grid model is created.

3.Individual grid models shall cover all network elements of the transmission system that are used in regional operational security analysis for the concerned time-frame.

4.All TSOs shall harmonise to the maximum possible extent the way in which individual grid models are built.

5.Each TSO shall provide all necessary data in the individual grid model to allow active and reactive power flow and voltage analyses in steady state.

6.Where appropriate, and upon agreement between all TSOs within a capacity calculation region, each TSO in that capacity calculation region shall exchange data between each other to enable voltage and dynamic stability analyses.

Section 3 U.K. Capacity calculation methodologies

Article 20U.K.Introduction of flow-based capacity calculation methodology

1.For the day-ahead market time-frame and intraday market time-frame the approach used in the common capacity calculation methodologies shall be a flow-based approach, except where the requirement under paragraph 7 is met.

2.No later than 10 months after the approval of the proposal for a capacity calculation region in accordance with Article 15(1), all TSOs in each capacity calculation region shall submit a proposal for a common coordinated capacity calculation methodology within the respective region. The proposal shall be subject to consultation in accordance with Article 12. The proposal for the capacity calculation methodology within regions pursuant to this paragraph in capacity calculation regions based on the ‘North-West Europe’ (‘NWE’) and ‘Central Eastern Europe’ (‘CEE’) as defined in points (b), and (d) of point 3.2 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 714/2009 as well as in regions referred to in paragraph 3 and 4, shall be complemented with a common framework for coordination and compatibility of flow-based methodologies across regions to be developed in accordance with paragraph 5.

3.The TSOs from the capacity calculation region where Italy, as defined in point (c) of point 3.2 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 714/2009, is included, may extend the deadline without prejudice to the obligation in paragraph 1 for submitting the proposal for a common coordinated capacity calculation methodology using flow-based approach for the respective region pursuant to paragraph 2 up to six months after Switzerland joins the single day-ahead coupling. The proposal does not have to include bidding zone borders within Italy and between Italy and Greece.

4.No later than six months after at least all South East Europe Energy Community Contracting Parties participate in the single day-ahead coupling, the TSOs from at least Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece shall jointly submit a proposal to introduce a common capacity calculation methodology using the flow-based approach for the day-ahead and intraday market time-frame. The proposal shall provide for an implementation date of the common capacity calculation methodology using the flow-based approach of no longer than two years after the participation of all SEE Energy Community Contracting Parties in the single day-ahead coupling. The TSOs from Member States which have borders with other regions are encouraged to join the initiatives to implement a common flow-based capacity calculation methodology with these regions.

5.At the time when two or more adjacent capacity calculation regions in the same synchronous area implement a capacity calculation methodology using the flow-based approach for the day-ahead or the intraday market time-frame, they shall be considered as one region for this purpose and the TSOs from this region shall submit within six months a proposal for applying a common capacity calculation methodology using the flow-based approach for the day-ahead or intraday market time-frame. The proposal shall provide for an implementation date of the common cross regional capacity calculation methodology of no longer than 12 months after the implementation of the flow-based approach in these regions for the methodology for the day-ahead market time-frame, and 18 months for the methodology for the intraday time-frame. The timelines indicated in this paragraph may be adapted in accordance with paragraph 6.

The methodology in the two capacity calculation regions which have initiated developing a common capacity calculation methodology may be implemented first before developing a common capacity calculation methodology with any further capacity calculation region.

6.If the TSOs concerned are able to demonstrate that the application of common flow-based methodologies in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 would not yet be more efficient assuming the same level of operational security, they may jointly request the competent regulatory authorities to postpone the deadlines.

7.TSOs may jointly request the competent regulatory authorities to apply the coordinated net transmission capacity approach in regions and bidding zone borders other than those referred to in paragraphs 2 to 4, if the TSOs concerned are able to demonstrate that the application of the capacity calculation methodology using the flow-based approach would not yet be more efficient compared to the coordinated net transmission capacity approach and assuming the same level of operational security in the concerned region.

8.To enable market participants to adapt to any change in the capacity calculation approach, the TSOs concerned shall test the new approach alongside the existing approach and involve market participants for at least six months before implementing a proposal for changing their capacity calculation approach.

9.The TSOs of each capacity calculation region applying the flow-based approach shall establish and make available a tool which enables market participants to evaluate the interaction between cross-zonal capacities and cross-zonal exchanges between bidding zones.

Article 21U.K.Capacity calculation methodology

1.The proposal for a common capacity calculation methodology for a capacity calculation region determined in accordance with Article 20(2) shall include at least the following items for each capacity calculation time-frame:

(a)methodologies for the calculation of the inputs to capacity calculation, which shall include the following parameters:


a methodology for determining the reliability margin in accordance with Article 22;


the methodologies for determining operational security limits, contingencies relevant to capacity calculation and allocation constraints that may be applied in accordance with Article 23;


the methodology for determining the generation shift keys in accordance with Article 24;


the methodology for determining remedial actions to be considered in capacity calculation in accordance with Article 25.

(b)a detailed description of the capacity calculation approach which shall include the following:


a mathematical description of the applied capacity calculation approach with different capacity calculation inputs;


rules for avoiding undue discrimination between internal and cross-zonal exchanges to ensure compliance with point 1.7 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 714/2009;


rules for taking into account, where appropriate, previously allocated cross-zonal capacity;


rules on the adjustment of power flows on critical network elements or of cross-zonal capacity due to remedial actions in accordance with Article 25;


for the flow-based approach, a mathematical description of the calculation of power transfer distribution factors and of the calculation of available margins on critical network elements;


for the coordinated net transmission capacity approach, the rules for calculating cross-zonal capacity, including the rules for efficiently sharing the power flow capabilities of critical network elements among different bidding zone borders;


where the power flows on critical network elements are influenced by cross-zonal power exchanges in different capacity calculation regions, the rules for sharing the power flow capabilities of critical network elements among different capacity calculation regions in order to accommodate these flows.

(c)a methodology for the validation of cross-zonal capacity in accordance with Article 26.

2.For the intraday capacity calculation time-frame, the capacity calculation methodology shall also state the frequency at which capacity will be reassessed in accordance with Article 14(4), giving reasons for the chosen frequency.

3.The capacity calculation methodology shall include a fallback procedure for the case where the initial capacity calculation does not lead to any results.

4.All TSOs in each capacity calculation region shall, as far as possible, use harmonised capacity calculation inputs. By 31 December 2020, all regions shall use a harmonised capacity calculation methodology which shall in particular provide for a harmonised capacity calculation methodology for the flow-based and for the coordinated net transmission capacity approach. The harmonisation of capacity calculation methodology shall be subject to an efficiency assessment concerning the harmonisation of the flow-based methodologies and the coordinated net transmission capacity methodologies that provide for the same level of operational security. All TSOs shall submit the assessment with a proposal for the transition towards a harmonised capacity calculation methodology to all regulatory authorities within 12 months after at least two capacity calculation regions have implemented common capacity calculation methodology in accordance with Article 20(5).

Article 22U.K.Reliability margin methodology

1.The proposal for a common capacity calculation methodology shall include a methodology to determine the reliability margin. The methodology to determine the reliability margin shall consist of two steps. First, the relevant TSOs shall estimate the probability distribution of deviations between the expected power flows at the time of the capacity calculation and realised power flows in real time. Second, the reliability margin shall be calculated by deriving a value from the probability distribution.

2.The methodology to determine the reliability margin shall set out the principles for calculating the probability distribution of the deviations between the expected power flows at the time of the capacity calculation and realised power flows in real time, and specify the uncertainties to be taken into account in the calculation. To determine those uncertainties, the methodology shall in particular take into account:

(a)unintended deviations of physical electricity flows within a market time unit caused by the adjustment of electricity flows within and between control areas, to maintain a constant frequency;

(b)uncertainties which could affect capacity calculation and which could occur between the capacity calculation time-frame and real time, for the market time unit being considered.

3.In the methodology to determine the reliability margin, TSOs shall also set out common harmonised principles for deriving the reliability margin from the probability distribution.

4.On the basis of the methodology adopted in accordance with paragraph 1, TSOs shall determine the reliability margin respecting the operational security limits and taking into account uncertainties between the capacity calculation time-frame and real time, and the remedial actions available after capacity calculation.

5.For each capacity calculation time-frame, the TSOs concerned shall determine the reliability margin for critical network elements, where the flow-based approach is applied, and for cross-zonal capacity, where the coordinated net transmission capacity approach is applied.

Article 23U.K.Methodologies for operational security limits, contingencies and allocation constraints

1.Each TSO shall respect the operational security limits and contingencies used in operational security analysis.

2.If the operational security limits and contingencies used in capacity calculation are not the same as those used in operational security analysis, TSOs shall describe in the proposal for the common capacity calculation methodology the particular method and criteria they have used to determine the operational security limits and contingencies used for capacity calculation.

3.If TSOs apply allocation constraints, they can only be determined using:

(a)constraints that are needed to maintain the transmission system within operational security limits and that cannot be transformed efficiently into maximum flows on critical network elements; or

(b)constraints intended to increase the economic surplus for single day-ahead or intraday coupling.

Article 24U.K.Generation shift keys methodology

1.The proposal for a common capacity calculation methodology shall include a proposal for a methodology to determine a common generation shift key for each bidding zone and scenario developed in accordance with Article 18.

2.The generation shift keys shall represent the best forecast of the relation of a change in the net position of a bidding zone to a specific change of generation or load in the common grid model. That forecast shall notably take into account the information from the generation and load data provision methodology.

Article 25U.K.Methodology for remedial actions in capacity calculation

1.Each TSO within each capacity calculation region shall individually define the available remedial actions to be taken into account in capacity calculation to meet the objectives of this Regulation.

2.Each TSO within each capacity calculation region shall coordinate with the other TSOs in that region the use of remedial actions to be taken into account in capacity calculation and their actual application in real time operation.

3.To enable remedial actions to be taken into account in capacity calculation, all TSOs in each capacity calculation region shall agree on the use of remedial actions that require the action of more than one TSO.

4.Each TSO shall ensure that remedial actions are taken into account in capacity calculation under the condition that the available remedial actions remaining after calculation, taken together with the reliability margin referred to in Article 22, are sufficient to ensure operational security.

5.Each TSO shall take into account remedial actions without costs in capacity calculation.

6.Each TSO shall ensure that the remedial actions to be taken into account in capacity calculation are the same for all capacity calculation time-frames, taking into account their technical availabilities for each capacity calculation time-frame.

Article 26U.K.Cross-zonal capacity validation methodology

1.Each TSO shall validate and have the right to correct cross-zonal capacity relevant to the TSO's bidding zone borders or critical network elements provided by the coordinated capacity calculators in accordance with Articles 27 to 31.

2.Where a coordinated net transmission capacity approach is applied, all TSOs in the capacity calculation region shall include in the capacity calculation methodology referred to in Article 21 a rule for splitting the correction of cross-zonal capacity between the different bidding zone borders.

3.Each TSO may reduce cross-zonal capacity during the validation of cross-zonal capacity referred to in paragraph 1 for reasons of operational security.

4.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall coordinate with the neighbouring coordinated capacity calculators during capacity calculation and validation.

5.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall, every three months, report all reductions made during the validation of cross-zonal capacity in accordance with paragraph 3 to all regulatory authorities of the capacity calculation region. This report shall include the location and amount of any reduction in cross-zonal capacity and shall give reasons for the reductions.

6.All the regulatory authorities of the capacity calculation region shall decide whether to publish all or part of the report referred to in paragraph 5.

Section 4 U.K. The capacity calculation process

Article 27U.K.General provisions

1.No later than six months after the decision on the generation and load data provision methodology referred to in Article 16 and the common grid model methodology referred to in Article 17, all TSOs shall organise the process of merging the individual grid models.

2.No later than four months after the decisions on the capacity calculation methodologies referred to in Articles 20 and 21, all the TSOs in each capacity calculation region shall jointly set up the coordinated capacity calculators and establish rules governing their operations.

3.All TSOs of each capacity calculation region shall review the quality of data submitted within the capacity calculation every second year as part of the biennial report on capacity calculation and allocation produced in accordance with Article 31.

4.Using the latest available information, all TSOs shall regularly and at least once a year review and update:

(a)the operational security limits, contingencies and allocation constraints used for capacity calculation;

(b)the probability distribution of the deviations between expected power flows at the time of capacity calculation and realised power flows in real time used for calculation of reliability margins;

(c)the remedial actions taken into account in capacity calculation;

(d)the application of the methodologies for determining generation shift keys, critical network elements and contingencies referred to in Articles 22 to 24.

Article 28U.K.Creation of a common grid model

1.For each capacity calculation time-frame referred to in Article 14(1), each generator or load unit subject to Article 16 shall provide the data specified in the generation and load data provision methodology to the TSO responsible for the respective control area within the specified deadlines.

2.Each generator or load unit providing information pursuant to Article 16(3) shall deliver the most reliable set of estimations practicable.

3.For each capacity calculation time-frame, each TSO shall establish the individual grid model for each scenario in accordance with Article 19, in order to merge individual grid models into a common grid model.

4.Each TSO shall deliver to the TSOs responsible for merging the individual grid models into a common grid model the most reliable set of estimations practicable for each individual grid model.

5.For each capacity calculation time-frame a single, Union-wide common grid model shall be created for each scenario as set out in Article 18 by merging inputs from all TSOs applying the capacity calculation process as set out in paragraph 3 of this Article.

Article 29U.K.Regional calculation of cross-zonal capacity

1.For each capacity calculation time-frame, each TSO shall provide the coordinated capacity calculators and all other TSOs in the capacity calculation region with the following items: operational security limits, generation shift keys, remedial actions, reliability margins, allocation constraints and previously allocated cross-zonal capacity.

2.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall perform an operational security analysis applying operational security limits by using the common grid model created for each scenario in accordance with Article 28(5).

3.When calculating cross-zonal capacity, each coordinated capacity calculator shall:

(a)use generation shift keys to calculate the impact of changes in bidding zone net positions and of flows on direct current lines;

(b)ignore those critical network elements that are not significantly influenced by the changes in bidding zone net positions according to the methodology set out in Article 21; and,

(c)ensure that all sets of bidding zone net positions and flows on direct current lines not exceeding cross-zonal capacity comply with reliability margins and operational security limits in accordance with Article 21(1)(a)(i) and (ii), and take into account previously allocated cross-zonal capacity in accordance with Article 21(1)(b)(iii).

4.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall optimise cross-zonal capacity using available remedial actions taken into account in capacity calculation in accordance with Article 21(1)(a)(iv).

5.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall apply the sharing rules established in accordance with Article 21(1)(b)(vi).

6.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall respect the mathematical description of the applied capacity calculation approach established in accordance with Article 21(1)(b)(i).

7.Each coordinated capacity calculator applying the flow-based approach shall:

(a)use data on operational security limits to calculate the maximum flows on critical network elements;

(b)use the common grid model, generation shift keys and contingencies to calculate the power transfer distribution factors;

(c)use power transfer distribution factors to calculate the flows resulting from previously allocated cross-zonal capacity in the capacity calculation region;

(d)calculate flows on critical network elements for each scenario (taking into account contingencies), and adjust them by assuming no cross-zonal power exchanges within the capacity calculation region, applying the rules for avoiding undue discrimination between internal and cross-zonal power exchanges established in accordance with Article 21(1)(b)(ii);

(e)calculate the available margins on critical network elements, taking into account contingencies, which shall equal the maximum flows reduced by adjusted flows referred to in point (d), reliability margins, and flows resulting from previously allocated cross-zonal capacity;

(f)adjust the available margins on critical network elements or power transfer distribution factors using available remedial actions to be considered in capacity calculation in accordance with Article 25.

8.Each coordinated capacity calculator applying the coordinated net transmission capacity approach shall:

(a)use the common grid model, generation shift keys and contingencies to calculate maximum power exchange on bidding zone borders, which shall equal the maximum calculated exchange between two bidding zones on either side of the bidding zone border respecting operational security limits;

(b)adjust maximum power exchange using remedial actions taken into account in capacity calculation in accordance with Article 25;

(c)adjust maximum power exchange, applying rules for avoiding undue discrimination between internal and cross-zonal exchanges in accordance with Article 21(1)(b)(ii);

(d)apply the rules set out in accordance with Article 21(1)(b)(vi) for efficiently sharing the power flow capabilities of critical network elements among different bidding zone borders;

(e)calculate cross-zonal capacity, which shall be equal to maximum power exchange adjusted for the reliability margin and previously allocated cross-zonal capacity.

9.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall cooperate with the neighbouring coordinated capacity calculators. Neighbouring TSOs shall ensure such cooperation by exchanging and confirming information on interdependency with the relevant regional coordinated capacity calculators, for the purposes of capacity calculation and validation. Neighbouring TSOs shall provide information on interdependency to the coordinated capacity calculators before capacity calculation. An assessment of the accuracy of this information and corrective measures shall be included in the biennial report drafted in accordance with Article 31, where appropriate.

10.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall set:

(a)flow-based parameters for each bidding zone within the capacity calculation region, if applying the flow-based approach; or

(b)cross-zonal capacity values for each bidding zone border within the capacity calculation region, if applying the coordinated net transmission capacity approach.

11.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall submit the cross-zonal capacity to each TSO within its capacity calculation region for validation in accordance with Article 21(1)(c).

Article 30U.K.Validation and delivery of cross-zonal capacity

1.Each TSO shall validate the results of the regional capacity calculation for its bidding zone borders or critical network elements, in accordance with Article 26.

2.Each TSO shall send its capacity validation and allocation constraints to the relevant coordinated capacity calculators and to the other TSOs of the relevant capacity calculation regions.

3.Each coordinated capacity calculator shall provide the validated cross-zonal capacities and allocation constraints for the purposes of allocating capacity in accordance with Articles 46 and 58.

Section 5 U.K. Biennial report on capacity calculation and allocation

Article 31U.K.Biennial report on capacity calculation and allocation

1.By two years after the entry into force of this Regulation, ENTSO for Electricity shall draft a report on capacity calculation and allocation and submit it to the Agency.

2.If the Agency requests it, in every second subsequent year ENTSO for Electricity shall draft a report on capacity calculation and allocation and submit it to the Agency.

3.For each bidding zone, bidding zone border and capacity calculation region, the report on capacity calculation and allocation shall contain at least:

(a)the capacity calculation approach used;

(b)statistical indicators on reliability margins;

(c)statistical indicators of cross-zonal capacity, including allocation constraints where appropriate for each capacity calculation time-frame;

(d)quality indicators for the information used for the capacity calculation;

(e)where appropriate, proposed measures to improve capacity calculation;

(f)for regions where the coordinated net transmission capacity approach is applied, an analysis of whether the conditions specified in Article 20(7) are still fulfilled;

(g)indicators for assessing and following in the longer term the efficiency of single day-ahead and intraday coupling, including the merging of capacity calculation regions in accordance with Article 15(3) where relevant;

(h)recommendations for further development of single day-ahead and intraday coupling, including further harmonisation of methodologies, processes and governance arrangements.

4.After consulting the Agency, all TSOs shall jointly agree on the statistical and quality indicators for the report. The Agency may require the amendment of those indicators, prior to the agreement by the TSOs or during their application.

5.The Agency shall decide whether to publish all or part of the biennial report.