Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2450Show full title

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2450 of 2 December 2015 laying down implementing technical standards with regard to the templates for the submission of information to the supervisory authorities according to Directive 2009/138/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (Text with EEA relevance)

S.01.01 — Content of the submission

General comments:

This section relates to opening, quarterly and annual submission of information for groups, ring fenced funds, matching portfolios and remaining part at group level.

When a special justification is needed the explanation is not to be submitted within the reporting template but shall be part of the dialogue with the national competent authorities.

Z0010Ring–fenced fund/matching portfolio/remaining part

Identifies whether the reported figures are with regard to a ring–fenced fund (‘RFF’), matching adjustment portfolio (‘MAP’) or to the remaining part. One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — RFF/MAP

  • 2 — Remaining part

Z0020Fund/Portfolio number

When item Z0010 = 1, identification number for a ring–fenced fund or matching portfolio. This number is attributed by the undertaking and must be consistent over time and with the fund/portfolio number reported in other templates.

When item Z0010 = 2, then report ‘0’

C0010/R0010S.01.02 — Basic Information — General

This template shall always be reported. The only option possible is:

1 — Reported

C0010/R0020S.01.03 — Basic Information — RFF and matching adjustment portfolios

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no RFF or MAP

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0030S.02.01 — Balance sheet

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0040S.02.02 — Assets and liabilities by currency

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 3 — Not due in accordance with instructions of the template

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0060S.03.01. — Off–balance sheet items — general

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no off–balance sheet items

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0070S.03.02 — Off–balance sheet items — List of unlimited guarantees received by the group

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no unlimited guarantees received

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0080S.03.03 — Off–balance sheet items — List of unlimited guarantees provided by the group

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no unlimited guarantees provided

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0110S.05.01 — Premiums, claims and expenses by line of business

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed

C0010/R0120S.05.02 — Premiums, claims and expenses by country

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 3 — Not due in accordance with instructions of the template

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed

C0010/R0130S.06.01 — Summary of Assets

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 4 — Not due as S.06.02 reported quarterly

  • 5 — Not due as S.06.02 reported annually

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed

C0010/R0140S.06.02 — List of assets

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 7 — Not due as no material changes since quarterly submission

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed

C0010/R0150S.06.03 — Collective investment undertakings — look–through approach

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no Collective investment undertakings

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 7 — Not due as no material changes since quarterly submission

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed

C0010/R0160S.07.01 — Structured products

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no structured products

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0170S.08.01 — Open derivatives

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no derivative transactions

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 7 — Not due as no material changes since quarterly submission

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0180S.08.02 — Derivatives Transactions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no derivative transactions

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 7 — Not due as no material changes since quarterly submission

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0190S.09.01 — Income/gains and losses in the period

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0200S.10.01 — Securities lending and repos

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no Securities lending and repos

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0210S.11.01 — Assets held as collateral

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no Assets held as collateral

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0260S.15.01 — Description of the guarantees of variable annuities

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no variable annuities

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0270S.15.02 — Hedging of guarantees of variable annuities

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no variable annuities

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0370S.22.01 — Impact of long term guarantees measures and transitionals

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no long term guarantees (‘LTG’) or transitional measures are applied

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0410S.23.01 — Own funds

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 6 — Exempted under Article 254(2)

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0420S.23.02 — Detailed information by tiers on own funds

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0430S.23.03 — Annual movements on own funds

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0440S.23.04 — List of items on own funds

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0460S.25.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — for groups on Standard Formula

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported as standard formula (‘SF’) is used

  • 2 — Reported due to Article 112 request

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model (‘PIM’)

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model (‘IM’)

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0470S.25.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — for groups using the standard formula and partial internal model

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 10 — Not reported as use of standard formula

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0480S.25.03 — Solvency Capital Requirement — for groups on Full Internal Models

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 10 — Not reported as use of standard formula

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0500S.26.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Market risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0510S.26.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Counterparty default risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0520S.26.03 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Life underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0530S.26.04 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Health underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0540S.26.05 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–Life underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0550S.26.06 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Operational risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0560S.26.07 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Simplifications

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no simplified calculations used

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0570S.27.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–Life and Health catastrophe risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0680S.31.01 — Share of reinsurers (including Finite Reinsurance and SPV's)

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no reinsurance

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0690S.31.02 — Special Purpose Vehicles

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no Special Purpose Insurance Vehicles (‘SPV’)

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0700S.32.01 — Undertakings in the scope of the group

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0710S.33.01 — Insurance and Reinsurance individual requirements

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0720S.34.01 — Other regulated and non-regulated financial undertakings including insurance holding companies and mixed financial holding company individual requirements

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no non–(re)insurance business in the scope of the group

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0730S.35.01 — Contribution to group Technical Provisions

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0740S.36.01 — IGT — Equity–type transactions, debt and asset transfer

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no Intragroup transaction (‘IGT’) on Equity–type transactions, debt and asset transfer

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0750S.36.02 — IGT — Derivatives

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no IGT on Derivatives

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0760S.36.03 — IGT — Internal reinsurance

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no IGT on Internal reinsurance

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0770S.36.04 — IGT — Cost Sharing, contingent liabilities, off BS and other items

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no IGT on Cost Sharing, contingent liabilities, off BS and other items

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0780S.37.01 — Risk concentration

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not due in accordance with threshold decided by group supervisor

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0790SR.02.01 — Balance Sheet

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no RFF/MAP

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 14 — Not reported as refers to MAP fund

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0840SR.25.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Only SF

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported as standard formula is used

  • 2 — Reported due to Article 112 request

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0850SR.25.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — SF and PIM

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 10 — Not reported as use of standard formula

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0860SR.25.03 — Solvency Capital Requirement — IM

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 10 — Not reported as use of standard formula

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0870SR.26.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Market risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0880SR.26.02 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Counterparty default risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0890SR.26.03 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Life underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0900SR.26.04 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Health underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0910SR.26.05 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–Life underwriting risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0920SR.26.06 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Operational risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0930SR.26.07 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Simplifications

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Not reported as no simplified calculations used

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)

C0010/R0940SR.27.01 — Solvency Capital Requirement — Non–Life Catastrophe risk

One of the options in the following closed list shall be used:

  • 1 — Reported

  • 2 — Risk not existent

  • 8 — Not reported as use of partial internal model

  • 9 — Not reported as use of full internal model

  • 11 — Not reported as reported at RFF/MAP level

  • 13 — Not reported as method 2 is used exclusively

  • 0 — Not reported other reason (in this case special justification is needed)