ANNEX III Loan Level Data — Reporting template for structured finance instruments backed by loans to small and medium-sized enterprises


Field NameStatic/DynamicData TypeField Definition and Criteria
Pool Cut-off DateDynamicDateCurrent pool or portfolio cut-off date.
Pool IdentifierStaticText/NumericThe unique transaction or pool identification string/transaction name.
Loan IdentifierStaticText/NumericUnique identifier for each loan.
OriginatorStaticTextLender that advanced the original loan.
Servicer IdentifierStaticText/NumericUnique identifier per servicer to flag which entity is servicing the loan.
Servicer NameDynamicTextServicer name.
Borrower IdentifierStaticText/NumericUnique identifier per borrower — to enable borrowers with multiple loans in the pool to be identified (e.g. further advances/other loans shown as separate entries)
Obligor Information
CountryStaticListCountry of permanent establishment.
PostcodeStaticTextFirst two or three characters must be provided at a minimum. Do not supply the full postcode.
Obligor Legal Form/Business TypeStaticList
Borrower Basel III SegmentStaticList
Originator Affiliate?StaticY/NIs the borrower an affiliate of the originator?
Asset TypeStaticList
Bank Internal Loss Given Default (LGD) EstimateDynamicNumericLoss Given Default in normal economic conditions.
NACE Industry CodeStaticText/NumericBorrower industry NACE Code.
Lease characteristics
Loan Origination DateStaticDateDate of original loan advance.
Final Maturity DateStaticDateFinal maturity date of the loan.
Loan Denomination CurrencyStaticListLoan denomination.
Loan HedgedDynamicY/NHas the specific loan been hedged for currency risk?
Original Loan BalanceStaticNumericOriginal total loan balance.
Current BalanceDynamicNumericAmount of loan outstanding as of pool cut-off date, This should include any amounts that are classed as principal in the transaction. For example if fees have been added to the loan balance and are part of the principal in the transaction these should be added. Excluding any interest arrears or penalty amounts.
Securitised Loan AmountStaticNumericBalance of the securitised loan as of the cut-off date
Principal Payment FrequencyStaticListFrequency of principal payments due, i.e. number of months between payments.
Interest Payment FrequencyStaticListFrequency of interest payments due, i.e. number of months between payments.
Amortisation TypeDynamicListAmortisation type.
Type of LoanStaticList
Balloon AmountDynamicNumericThe balloon payment amount
Payment typeDynamicList
Interest Rate
Current Interest RateDynamicNumericCurrent interest rate (%)
Interest Cap RateDynamicNumericInterest rate cap (%).
Interest Floor RateStaticNumericInterest rate floor (%).
Interest Rate TypeDynamicListInterest Rate Type.
Current Interest Rate IndexDynamicListCurrent interest rate index (the reference rate off which the mortgage interest rate is set).
Current Interest Rate MarginDynamicNumericCurrent interest rate margin (for fixed rate loans this is the same as the current interest rate, for floating rate loans this is the margin over or under if input as a negative) the index rate.
Interest Reset PeriodStaticList
Performance Information
Interest Arrears AmountDynamicNumericCurrent balance of interest arrears.
Number of Days in Interest ArrearsDynamicNumericNumber of days this loan is in arrears (at pool cut-off date) according to the definition of the issuer
Principal Arrears AmountDynamicNumericCurrent balance of principal arrears. Arrears defined as: Total principal payments due to date LESS Total principal payments received to date LESS any amounts capitalised.
Number of Days in Principal ArrearsDynamicNumericNumber of days this loan is in arrears (at pool cut-off date) according to the definition of the issuer.
Default or Foreclosure on the loan per the transaction definitionDynamicY/NWhether there has been a default or foreclosure on the loan per the transaction definition.
Default or Foreclosure on the loan per Basel III definitionDynamicY/NWhether there has been a default or foreclosure on the loan per Basel III definition.
Reason for Default (Basel II definition)DynamicListUsing Basel II Definition Reason for default.
Default DateDynamicDateDate the loan defaulted per the transaction default definition.
Default AmountDynamicNumericTotal default amount (per the transaction default definition) before the application of sale proceeds and recoveries.
Cumulative RecoveriesDynamicNumericTotal recoveries including all sale proceeds. Only relevant for loans that have defaulted/foreclosed.
Allocated LossesDynamicNumericThe allocated losses to date.
Date Loss AllocatedDynamicDateThe date when the loss was allocated.


Field NameStatic/DynamicData TypeField Definition and Criteria
Outstanding Balance Period 1DynamicNumericAmortisation Profile with 0 % prepayments
Outstanding Balance Period 1 DateDynamicDateDate associated with Period 1 Balance
Outstanding Balance Period [2-120]DynamicNumericAmortisation Profile with 0 % prepayments
Outstanding Balance Period [2-120] DateDynamicDateDate associated with Period [2-120] Balance


Field NameStatic/DynamicData TypeField Definition and Criteria
Collateral IDStaticTextUnique collateral code for the originating entity.
Loan IdentifierStaticText/NumericUnique loan identifier associated with the collateral. These should match the identifiers from field ‘Loan Identifier’.
Security TypeStaticListIs there a fixed or floating charge over the assets?
Collateral TypeStaticListCollateral type.
Original Valuation AmountStaticNumericProperty value as of date of latest loan advance prior to a securitisation.
Original Valuation DateStaticDateDate of latest property valuation at time of latest loan advance prior to a securitisation.
Current Valuation DateDynamicDateThis should be the date of the most recent valuation.
Original Valuation TypeStaticListValuation type at origination.
Property PostcodeStaticTextFirst two or three characters must be provided at a minimum.
Origination Channel/Arranging Bank or DivisionStaticList
Collateral CurrencyStaticListThis should be the currency relating to the valuation amount in ‘Collateral Value’.
Number of Collateral Items Securing The LoanDynamicNumericThe total number of collateral pieces securing the loan. The number should reflect the number of collateral reports submitted for the loan in the current file.


Field NameStatic/DynamicData TypeField Definition and Criteria
Fields at Security or Bond Level Data
Report DateDynamicDateThe date on which the transaction report was issued.
IssuerStaticTextName of issuer and issue series, if applicable.
Drawings under Liquidity FacilityDynamicY/NIf the transaction has a liquidity facility confirm whether or not there has been a drawing under the liquidity facility in the period ending on the last interest payment date.
Fields at Collateral Level Data
Trigger Measurements/RatiosDynamicY/NHave any trigger event occurred? The status of various delinquency, dilution, default, loss and similar collateral measurements and ratios in relation to their early amortisation or other trigger event levels, as at the current determination date.
Average Constant Pre-payment RateDynamicNumericThe report shall include the Average (Avg) Constant Pre-payment Rate (CPR) speed of the underlying loans. Avg CPR speed is the amount expressed as an annualised percentage of principal prepaid in excess of scheduled repayments. The Avg CPR speed is calculated by first dividing the Current Loan Principal Balance (i.e. the actual balance) by the Scheduled Loan Principal Balance assuming no pre-payments have been made (i.e. only scheduled repayments have been made). This quotient is then raised to a power whereby the exponent is the quantity twelve divided by the number of months since issue. Subtract this result from one then multiply it by one hundred (100) to determine the Avg CPR speed.
Fields for Transaction Report Contact Information
Point ContactStaticTextName of the department or the point person(s) of the information sources.
Contact InformationStaticTextTelephone number and e-mail address.


Field NameStatic/DynamicData TypeField Definition and Criteria
Fields at Tranche Level
Bond Class NameStaticText/NumericThe designation (typically a letter and/or number) given to a tranche of Bonds which exhibit the same rights, priorities and characteristics as defined in the prospectus, i.e. Series 1, Class A1 etc.
International Securities Identification NumberStaticText/NumericThe security identification code assigned to each class of SME pursuant to standards established by the International Standards Organisation (ISIN) or other unique securities code established by an exchange or other entity.
Interest Payment DateDynamicDateThe periodic date on which the last payment of interest to holders of a specific tranche of bonds is scheduled to occur.
Principal Payment DateDynamicDateThe last periodic date on which a payment of principal to holders of a specific tranche of bonds is scheduled to occur.
Bond CurrencyStaticTextBond denomination.
Reference RateStaticListThe base reference interest index as defined in the offering document (e.g. three-month Euribor) applicable to a specific tranche of bonds.
Legal MaturityStaticDateThe date before which a specific tranche of bonds must be repaid in order not to be in default.
Bond Issue DateStaticDateDate the bonds were issued.