1.Prior to making its final decision, in order to allow a proper assessment of the application and where relevant, to require the applicant to submit an application under Article 231 of Directive 2009/138/EC, the group supervisor shall consult the supervisory authorities involved in the assessment of the application.
2.During the assessment of the application, the supervisory authorities within the college of supervisors, that are not the supervisory authorities involved in the assessment of the application as referred to in Article 343(2), shall also be allowed to participate in the assessment of the application. Their participation shall be limited to identifying and preventing any of the following circumstances:
(a)where the exclusion of parts of the business from the scope of the internal model leads to a material underestimation of the risks of the group;
(b)where the internal model conflicts with an internal model previously approved or in the process of approval by the relevant supervisory authority used for the calculation of the Solvency Capital Requirement of any of the related insurance or reinsurance undertakings.
3.Where applicable, the assessment of the application shall include an evaluation of whether the explanation provided in accordance with Article 343(5)(a)(iii) of the reasons for the exclusion of related undertakings from the internal model for the calculation of the group solvency is appropriate in order to demonstrate that the overall risks to which the group is exposed are not underestimated by using a partial internal model.
4.The assessment of the application shall include an evaluation of whether the justification provided in accordance with Article 343(5)(a)(iv) of the reasons why the internal model covers a related undertaking for the calculation of the consolidated group Solvency Capital Requirement but it is not used to calculate the Solvency Capital Requirement of that related undertaking, is appropriate in order to justify that an application is not submitted in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 231 of Directive 2009/138/EC.