Regulation (EC) No 2533/98 is amended as follows:
in Article 8(1):
in Article 8(4), point (a) is replaced by the following:
in Article 8, the following paragraph is inserted:
‘4a.The ESCB may transmit confidential statistical information to authorities or bodies of the Member States and the Union responsible for the supervision of financial institutions, markets and infrastructures or for the stability of the financial system in accordance with Union or national law, and to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), only to the extent and at the level of detail necessary for the performance of their respective tasks. The authorities or bodies receiving confidential statistical information shall take all the necessary regulatory, administrative, technical and organisational measures to ensure the physical and logical protection of confidential statistical information. Any further transmission thereafter shall be necessary for the execution of those tasks and shall be explicitly authorised by the ESCB member that collected the confidential statistical information. Such authorisation shall not be required for further transmission from the ESM members to national parliaments to the extent required under national law, provided that the ESM member has consulted the ESCB member before the transmission and that, in any event, the Member State has taken all the necessary regulatory, administrative, technical and organisational measures to ensure the physical and logical protection of confidential statistical information in accordance with this Regulation. When transmitting confidential statistical information in accordance with this paragraph, the ESCB shall take all the necessary regulatory, administrative, technical and organisational measures to ensure the physical and logical protection of confidential statistical information pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Article.’.