Auditing body: | Drop box: AA, COM, ECOA, MSCOA, other | Year of audit | [year] |
Audit reference | [25 characters] | Type of audit | [drop menu: System: financial, re-performance or other] |
Scope of audit | [90 characters] |
Overall summary of very important and critical findings, together with recommendations to the Responsible Authority. | [900 characters] |
Overall audit conclusion, including identification of problems with a systemic character | [500 characters] |
Estimated financial and operational impact of the weaknesses identified | [500 characters] |
Corrective measures for the functioning of the system (action plan) | [900 characters] |
State of implementation of corrective measures (including outstanding issues from audits previously submitted) | Drop box: planned, in progress, implemented in full |
If applicable amount of financial correction made or planned | Amount Euro |