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(EUR million - 2011 prices)
COMMITMENT APPROPRIATIONS2014201520162017201820192020Total 2014-2020

1. Smart and Inclusive Growth

49 713 72 047 62 771 64 277 65 528 67 214 69 004 450 554

1a: Competitiveness for growth and jobs

15 60516 32116 72617 69318 49019 70021 079125 614

1b: Economic, social and territorial cohesion

34 10855 72646 04546 58447 03847 51447 925324 940

2. Sustainable Growth: Natural Resources

46 981 59 765 58 204 53 448 52 466 51 503 50 558 372 925
of which: Market related expenditure and direct payments41 25440 93840 41839 83439 07638 33237 602277 454

3. Security and citizenship

1 637 2 269 2 306 2 289 2 312 2 391 2 469 15 673

4. Global Europe

7 854 8 083 8 281 8 375 8 553 8 764 8 794 58 704

5. Administration

8 218 8 385 8 589 8 807 9 007 9 206 9 417 61 629
of which: Administrative expenditure of the institutions6 6496 7916 9557 1107 2787 4257 59049 798

6. Compensations

27 0 0 0 0 0 0 27
TOTAL COMMITMENT APPROPRIATIONS 114 430 150 549 140 151 137 196 137 866 139 078 140 242 959 512
as a percentage of GNI0,88 %1,13 %1,03 %1,00 %0,99 %0,98 %0,98 %1,00 %
TOTAL PAYMENT APPROPRIATIONS 128 030 131 095 131 046 126 777 129 778 130 893 130 781 908 400
as a percentage of GNI0,98 %0,98 %0,97 %0,92 %0,93 %0,93 %0,91 %0,95 %
Margin available0,25 %0,25 %0,26 %0,31 %0,30 %0,30 %0,32 %0,28 %
Own Resources Ceiling as a percentage of GNI1,23 %1,23 %1,23 %1,23 %1,23 %1,23 %1,23 %1,23 %