

CHAPTER 4 Critical benchmarks

Article 20Critical benchmarks

1.The Commission shall adopt implementing acts in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 50(2) to establish and review at least every two years a list of benchmarks provided by administrators located within the Union which are critical benchmarks, provided that one of the following conditions is fulfilled:

(a)the benchmark is used directly or indirectly within a combination of benchmarks as a reference for financial instruments or financial contracts or for measuring the performance of investment funds, having a total value of at least EUR 500 billion on the basis of all the range of maturities or tenors of the benchmark, where applicable;

(b)the benchmark is based on submissions by contributors the majority of which are located in one Member State and is recognised as being critical in that Member State in accordance with the procedure laid down in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this Article;

(c)the benchmark fulfils all of the following criteria:


the benchmark is used directly or indirectly within a combination of benchmarks as a reference for financial instruments or financial contracts or for measuring the performance of investment funds having a total value of at least EUR 400 billion on the basis of all the range of maturities or tenors of the benchmark, where applicable, but not exceeding the value provided for in point (a);


the benchmark has no, or very few, appropriate market-led substitutes;


in the event that the benchmark ceases to be provided, or is provided on the basis of input data no longer fully representative of the underlying market or economic reality or on the basis of unreliable input data, there would be significant and adverse impacts on market integrity, financial stability, consumers, the real economy, or the financing of households and businesses in one or more Member States.

If a benchmark meets the criteria set out in point (c)(ii) and (iii) but does not meet the criterion set out in point (c)(i), the competent authorities of the Member States concerned together with the competent authority of the Member State where the administrator is established may agree that such benchmark should be recognised as critical under this subparagraph. In any case, the competent authority of the administrator shall consult the competent authorities of the Member States concerned. In the event of disagreement between the competent authorities, the competent authority of the administrator shall decide whether the benchmark should be recognised as critical under this subparagraph, taking into account the reasons for the disagreement. The competent authorities or, in the event of disagreement, the competent authority of the administrator, shall transmit the assessment to the Commission. After receiving the assessment, the Commission shall adopt an implementing act in accordance with this paragraph. In addition, in the event of disagreement, the competent authority of the administrator shall transmit its assessment to ESMA, which may publish an opinion.

2.Where the competent authority of a Member State referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 considers that an administrator under its supervision provides a benchmark that should be recognised as critical, it shall notify ESMA and transmit to ESMA a documented assessment.

3.For the purposes of paragraph 2, the competent authority shall assess whether the cessation of the benchmark or its provision on the basis of input data or of a panel of contributors no longer representative of the underlying market or economic reality would have an adverse impact on market integrity, financial stability, consumers, the real economy, or the financing of households and businesses in its Member State. The competent authority shall take into consideration in its assessment:

(a)the value of financial instruments and financial contracts that reference the benchmark and the value of investment funds referencing the benchmark for measuring their performance within the Member State and their relevance in terms of the total value of financial instruments and of financial contracts outstanding, and of the total value of investment funds, in the Member State;

(b)the value of financial instruments and financial contracts that reference the benchmark and the value of investment funds referencing the benchmark for measuring their performance within the Member State and their relevance in terms of the gross national product of the Member State;

(c)any other figure to assess on objective grounds the potential impact of the discontinuity or unreliability of the benchmark on market integrity, financial stability, consumers, the real economy, or the financing of households and businesses in the Member State.

The competent authority shall review its assessment of the criticality of the benchmark at least every two years, and shall notify and transmit the new assessment to ESMA.

4.Within six weeks of receipt of the notification referred to in paragraph 2, ESMA shall issue an opinion on whether the assessment of the competent authority complies with the requirements of paragraph 3 and shall transmit such opinion to the Commission, together with the competent authority's assessment.

5.The Commission, after receiving the opinion referred to in paragraph 4, shall adopt implementing acts in accordance with paragraph 1.

6.The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 49 in order to:

(a)specify how the nominal amount of financial instruments other than derivatives, the notional amount of derivatives and the net asset value of investment funds are to be assessed, including in the event of an indirect reference to a benchmark within a combination of benchmarks, in order to be compared with the thresholds referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and in point (a) of Article 24(1);

(b)review the calculation method used to determine the thresholds referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in the light of market, price and regulatory developments as well as the appropriateness of the classification of benchmarks with a total value of financial instruments, financial contracts, or investment funds referencing them that is close to the thresholds; such review shall take place at least every two years as from 1 January 2018;

(c)specify how the criteria referred to in point (c)(iii) of paragraph 1 of this Article are to be applied, taking into consideration any data which helps assess on objective grounds the potential impact of the discontinuity or unreliability of the benchmark on market integrity, financial stability, consumers, the real economy, or the financing of households and businesses in one or more Member States.

Where applicable, the Commission shall take into account relevant market or technological developments.

Article 21Mandatory administration of a critical benchmark

1.If an administrator of a critical benchmark intends to cease providing such benchmark, the administrator shall:

(a)immediately notify its competent authority; and

(b)within four weeks of such notification submit an assessment of how the benchmark:


is to be transitioned to a new administrator; or


is to be ceased to be provided, taking into account the procedure established in Article 28(1).

During the period referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph, the administrator shall not cease provision of the benchmark.

2.Upon receipt of the assessment of the administrator referred to in paragraph 1, the competent authority shall:

(a)inform ESMA and, where applicable, the college established under Article 46; and

(b)within four weeks, make its own assessment of how the benchmark is to be transitioned to a new administrator or be ceased to be provided, taking into account the procedure established in accordance with Article 28(1).

During the period of time referred to in point (b) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph, the administrator shall not cease the provision of the benchmark without the written consent of the competent authority.

3.Following completion of the assessment referred to in point (b) of paragraph 2, the competent authority shall have the power to compel the administrator to continue publishing the benchmark until such time as:

(a)the provision of the benchmark has been transitioned to a new administrator;

(b)the benchmark can be ceased to be provided in an orderly fashion; or

(c)the benchmark is no longer critical.

For the purposes of the first subparagraph, the period for which the competent authority may compel the administrator to continue to publish the benchmark shall not exceed 12 months.

By the end of that period, the competent authority shall review its decision to compel the administrator to continue to publish the benchmark and may, where necessary, extend the time period by an appropriate period not exceeding a further 12 months. The maximum period of mandatory administration shall not exceed 24 months in total.

4.Without prejudice to paragraph 1, in the event that the administrator of a critical benchmark is to be wound down due to insolvency proceedings, the competent authority shall make an assessment of whether and how the critical benchmark can be transitioned to a new administrator or can cease to be provided in an orderly fashion, taking into account the procedure established in accordance with Article 28(1).

Article 22Mitigation of market power of critical benchmark administrators

Without prejudice to the application of Union competition law, when providing a critical benchmark, the administrator shall take adequate steps to ensure that licences of, and information relating to, the benchmark are provided to all users on a fair, reasonable, transparent and non-discriminatory basis.

Article 23Mandatory contribution to a critical benchmark

1.This Article shall apply to critical benchmarks based on submissions by contributors the majority of which are supervised entities.

2.Administrators of one or more critical benchmarks shall, every two years, submit to their competent authority an assessment of the capability of each critical benchmark they provide to measure the underlying market or economic reality.

3.If a supervised contributor to a critical benchmark intends to cease contributing input data, it shall promptly notify in writing the benchmark administrator, which shall inform without delay its competent authority. Where the supervised contributor is located in another Member State, the competent authority of the administrator shall inform, without delay, the competent authority of that contributor. The benchmark administrator shall submit to its competent authority an assessment of the implications on the capability of the benchmark to measure the underlying market or economic reality as soon as possible but no later than 14 days after the notification made by the supervised contributor.

4.Upon receipt of an assessment of the benchmark administrator referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article and on the basis of such assessment, the competent authority of the administrator shall promptly inform ESMA and, where applicable, the college established under Article 46, and make its own assessment on the capability of the benchmark to measure the underlying market and economic reality, taking into account the administrator's procedure for cessation of the benchmark established in accordance with Article 28(1).

5.From the date on which the competent authority of the administrator is notified of the intention of a contributor to cease contributing input data and until such time as the assessment referred to in paragraph 4 is complete, it shall have the power to require the contributors which made the notification in accordance with paragraph 3 to continue contributing input data, in any event for a period of no more than four weeks, without imposing an obligation on supervised entities to either trade or commit to trade.

6.In the event that the competent authority, after the period specified in paragraph 5 and on the basis of its own assessment referred to in paragraph 4, considers that the representativeness of a critical benchmark is put at risk, it shall have the power to:

(a)require supervised entities selected in accordance with paragraph 7 of this Article, including entities that are not yet contributors to the relevant critical benchmark, to contribute input data to the administrator in accordance with the administrator's methodology, the code of conduct referred to in Article 15 and other rules. Such requirement shall be in place for an appropriate period of time not exceeding 12 months from the date on which the initial decision requiring mandatory contribution was taken pursuant to paragraph 5 or, for those entities that are not yet contributors, from the date on which the decision requiring mandatory contribution is taken under this point;

(b)extend the period of mandatory contribution by an appropriate period of time not exceeding 12 months, following a review under paragraph 9 of any measures adopted pursuant to point (a) of this paragraph;

(c)determine the form in which, and the time by which, any input data is to be contributed without imposing an obligation on supervised entities to either trade or commit to trade;

(d)require the administrator to change the methodology, the code of conduct referred to in Article 15 or other rules of the critical benchmark.

The maximum period of mandatory contribution under points (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph shall not exceed 24 months in total.

7.For the purposes of paragraph 6, supervised entities that are to be required to contribute input data shall be selected by the competent authority of the administrator, with the close cooperation of the competent authorities of the supervised entities, on the basis of the size of the supervised entity's actual and potential participation in the market that the benchmark intends to measure.

8.The competent authority of a supervised contributor that has been required to contribute to a benchmark through measures taken in accordance with point (a), (b) or (c) of paragraph 6 shall cooperate with the competent authority of the administrator in the enforcement of such measures.

9.By the end of the period referred to in point (a) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 6, the competent authority of the administrator shall review the measures adopted under paragraph 6. It shall revoke any of them if it considers that:

(a)the contributors are likely to continue contributing input data for at least one year if the measure were revoked, which shall be evidenced by at least:


a written commitment by the contributors to the administrator and the competent authority to continue contributing input data to the critical benchmark for at least one year if the measure were revoked;


a written report by the administrator to the competent authority providing evidence for its assessment that the critical benchmark's continued viability can be assured once mandatory contribution has been revoked;

(b)the provision of the benchmark is able to continue once the contributors mandated to contribute input data have ceased contributing;

(c)an acceptable substitute benchmark is available and users of the critical benchmark can switch to this substitute at minimal costs which shall be evidenced by at least a written report by the administrator detailing the means of transition to a substitute benchmark and the ability and costs to users of transitioning to this benchmark; or

(d)no appropriate alternative contributors can be identified and the cessation of contributions from the relevant supervised entities would weaken the benchmark to such an extent to require the cessation of the benchmark.

10.In the event that a critical benchmark is to be ceased to be provided, each supervised contributor to that benchmark shall continue to contribute input data for a period of time determined by the competent authority, but not exceeding the maximum 24-month period laid down in the second subparagraph of paragraph 6.

11.The administrator shall notify the relevant competent authority in the event that any contributors breach the requirements set out in paragraph 6 as soon as reasonably possible.

12.In the event that a benchmark is recognised as critical in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 20(2), (3), (4) and (5), the competent authority of the administrator shall have the power to require input data in accordance with paragraph 5, and points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 6, of this Article only from supervised contributors located in its Member State.