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ANNEX VU.K. Liabilities structure

010Legal entity name Bank A
020Legal idenfier 111
030Governing law of the liabilities EEA
040Date 12/31/2013
CounterpartiesDebt with a legal subordination qualifying as additional tier 1Debt with a legal subordination qualifying as tier 2Debt with a legal subordinationSenior unsecured debtDepositsSecured debtOther liabilities excluded by Article 44(2) of BRRDDerivativesTOTAL
< 1 month< 1 year> 1 year< 1 month< 1 year> 1 year< 1 month< 1 year> 1 yearTotal of which eligible deposits of which covered depositsExposure after prudential nettingExposure after deducting margin and collateral
050Natural persons
055 of which eligible liabilities
060Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises
065 of which eligible liabilities
070Large non-financial enterprises
075 of which eligible liabilities
085 of which eligible liabilities
090Insurance firms and pension funds
095 of which eligible liabilities
100Other financial undertakings
105 of which eligible liabilities
115 of which eligible liabilities
120Government, central banks and supranationals
125 of which eligible liabilities
140 of which eligible liabilities
160 Total eligible liabilities