


Legal entity ALegal entity B
Entity nameLegal identifierEntity name2Legal identifier2Type of interconnectednessDescription
Bank A 101 Bank B 102 Personnel Legal staff (40 elements)
Bank A 101 Bank C 103 Personnel Legal staff (40 elements)
Bank B 102 Bank C 103 Systems All systems and IT infrastructures used by Bank C are also used by Bank B
Bank A 101 Bank C 103 Funding arrangements The funding of Bank C is done through Bank A
Bank A 101 Entity D 104 Personnel Legal staff (40 elements)
Bank A 101 Bank B 102 Funding arrangements The funding of Bank B is done through Bank A
Bank C 103 Entity D 104 Facilities The headquarters of Bank C and Entity D are on the same building
Bank A 101 Bank B 102 Liquidity arrangements Bank A agrees to provide liquidity to Bank B when necessary
Entity D 104 Bank A 101 Personnel All IT personnel of Bank A is from Entity D