Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1075Show full title

Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1075 of 23 March 2016 supplementing Directive 2014/59/EU of the European Parltime and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards specifying the content of recovery plans, resolution plans and group resolution plans, the minimum criteria that the competent authority is to assess as regards recovery plans and group recovery plans, the conditions for group financial support, the requirements for independent valuers, the contractual recognition of write-down and conversion powers, the procedures and contents of notification requirements and of notice of suspension and the operational functioning of the resolution colleges (Text with EEA relevance)

Subsection 2 U.K. Process in the absence of a joint decision at consolidated level

Article 94U.K.Joint decisions taken at each subsidiary level in the absence of a joint decision at consolidated level

In the absence of a joint decision at consolidated or parent entity level in accordance with Article 45(9) of Directive 2014/59/EU, the group-level resolution authority and the resolution authorities of subsidiaries shall endeavour to reach a joint decision on the level of the minimum requirement of own funds and eligible liabilities to be applied to each respective subsidiary at individual level.

The joint decision shall take into account the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities set at consolidated and parent entity level by the group-level resolution authority, and shall follow all steps, other than the ones concerning setting up the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities at consolidated or parent entity level, of Articles 90 to 93, for drafting, reaching, communicating and monitoring the application of the joint decision on the level of the minimum requirement of own funds and eligible liabilities to be applied to each respective subsidiary at an individual level.

Article 95U.K.Elements of communication of individual decisions

1.In the absence of a joint decision, the decision on the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities at consolidated and parent entity level taken by the group-level resolution authority shall be communicated in writing to the resolution college members by means of a document that contains all of the following items:

(a)the name of the group-level resolution authority;

(b)the name of the Union parent undertaking and the names of other entities in that jurisdiction to which the joint decision applies;

(c)references to the applicable Union and national law relating to the preparation, finalisation and application of the decision and in particular references to any additional criteria provided by the Member State, in which the Union parent undertaking is authorised, on the basis of which the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities are determined;

(d)the date of the decision;

(e)the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities at consolidated level, and a time limit to reach that level, where applicable, along with appropriate reasoning for setting the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities at that level, having regard to the assessment criteria referred to in Article 45(6)(a) to (f) of Directive 2014/59/EU;

(f)the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities at the level of the Union parent undertaking, unless use of waivers in accordance to Article 45(11) is granted, and a time limit to reach that level, where applicable, along with appropriate reasoning for setting the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities at that level, having regard to the assessment criteria referred to in Article 45(6)(a) to (f) of Directive 2014/59/EU;

(g)the names of the resolution college members and observers involved, in accordance with the terms and conditions of observers' participation, in the joint decision process, along with a summary of the views expressed by those authorities and information on issues leading to disagreement;

(h)comments of the group-level resolution authority on the views expressed by the resolution college members and observers, in particular on issues leading to disagreement;

(i)where the decision that relates to the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities provides that such requirement is partially met at consolidated or individual level for the Union parent undertaking through contractual bail-in instruments, the decision shall also include details demonstrating the satisfaction of the group-level resolution authority that the instruments qualify as a contractual bail-in instruments in accordance to the criteria set in Article 45(14) of Directive 2014/59/EU.

2.In the absence of a joint decision, the resolution authorities of subsidiaries taking their own decisions on the minimum requirement of own funds and eligible liabilities at individual level shall transmit to the group-level resolution authority a document that contains all of the following items:

(a)the name of the resolution authority of the subsidiary taking the decision;

(b)the name of the group's subsidiaries under its jurisdiction to which the decision relates and applies;

(c)references to the applicable Union and national law relating to the preparation, finalisation and application of the decision and in particular, references to any additional criteria provided by the Member States, in which those group's subsidiaries are authorised, on the basis of which the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities are determined;

(d)the date of the decision;

(e)the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities to be applied to the subsidiary at individual level, and a time limit to reach that level, where applicable, along with appropriate reasoning for setting the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities at that level having regard to the assessment criteria referred to in Article 45(6)(a) to (f) of Directive 2014/59/EU;

(f)the name of the group-level resolution authority along with a summary of the views it expressed and information on issues leading to disagreement;

(g)comments of the resolution authority of the subsidiary on the views expressed by the group-level resolution authority, in particular on issues leading to disagreement;

(h)where the decision that relates to the minimum requirement on own funds and eligible liabilities provides that such requirement is partially met at the subsidiary level through contractual bail-in instruments, the decision shall also include details demonstrating the satisfaction of the respective resolution authority of the subsidiary that the instruments qualify as a contractual bail-in instruments in accordance to the criteria set in Article 45(14) of Directive 2014/59/EU.

3.Where the EBA has been consulted, the decisions taken in the absence of a joint decision shall include an explanation as to why the advice of the EBA was not followed.

Article 96U.K.Communication of individual decisions in the absence of joint decision

1.In the absence of a joint decision on minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities at consolidated, parent and each subsidiary level between the group-level resolution authority and the resolution authorities of subsidiaries within the time period referred to in Article 45(9) or (10) of Directive 2014/59/EU, all decisions taken shall be communicated in writing by the relevant resolution authorities of subsidiaries to the group-level resolution authority by the latest of the following dates:

(a)the date one month after the expiry of the time period referred to in Article 45(9) or (10) of Directive 2014/59/EU, as applicable;

(b)the date one month after the provision of any advice by the EBA following a request for consultation in accordance with the second subparagraph of Article 18(5) of Directive 2014/59/EU;

(c)the date one month after any decision taken by the EBA in accordance with the third subparagraph of Article 45(9) or the fifth subparagraph of Article 45(10) of Directive 2014/59/EU or any other date set by the EBA in such a decision.

2.The group-level resolution authority shall communicate without undue delay its own decision and the decisions referred to in paragraph 1 to the other resolution college members.