CHAPTER IIIRemoval of products and payment of aid for private storage

Section IRemoval of products from storage

Article 53Removal from storage


Removal from storage may start on the day following the last day of the contractual storage period or, as the case may be, from the date specified in the Implementing Regulation opening the tendering procedure or fixing the amount of aid for private storage in advance.


Removal from storage shall be in whole storage lots unless the paying agency authorises removal in smaller quantities.

However, in the case of sealed products as referred to in Article 60, only a sealed quantity may be removed from store.


Where in the Implementing Regulation opening the tendering procedure or fixing the amount of aid for private storage in advance, the contractual storage period is specified as being between a period of days, the operator shall notify the paying agency of the intention to begin removing products from storage, indicating the storage lots/batches/vats/silos involved, at least five working days before the start of removal operations.

The paying agency may decide to accept a shorter period than five working days.