CHAPTER I Notifications

Section I General provisions on notifications

Article 63Method of notification

The notifications referred to in this Regulation, as well as in Implementing Regulations referred to in Article 1, shall be made in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 792/2009(1).

Article 64Notifications concerning paying agencies

1.Member States shall notify the Commission of the approved paying agencies responsible for intervention buying-in and sales and for aid for private storage.

2.The Commission shall make available to the Member States and to the public the list of approved paying agencies, including by way of publication on the internet.

Section II Notifications as regards public intervention

Article 65Notifications of information on intervention stocks

1.Member States whose paying agencies hold intervention stocks shall notify the Commission, not later than the 15th of each month, of the following items:

(a)for cereals and rice:


the quantities stored from the beginning of the marketing year;


the cumulative quantities taken over since the beginning of the marketing year;


the cumulative quantities which have left the storage places since the beginning of the marketing year, identified where appropriate by type of use or destination, and the cumulative quantities lost;


the cumulative quantities committed, identified where appropriate by type of use or destination;


the quantities under offer at the end of the monthly reporting period;

(b)for butter and skimmed-milk powder:


the quantities for each product in storage at the end of the previous month and the quantities entering and leaving the storage places during that month;


a breakdown of the quantities of each product leaving the storage places during the previous month, according to the Regulation opening the tendering procedure for the sale of the products concerned;


a breakdown by age of the quantities in storage at the end of the previous month;

(c)for beef:


the quantities for each product in storage at the end of the previous month and the quantities entering and leaving the storage places during that month;


a breakdown of the quantities of each product leaving the storage places during the previous month, according to the Regulation opening the tendering procedure for the sale of the products concerned;


the quantities of each cut covered by contracts of sale concluded in the previous month;


the quantities of each cut covered by removal orders issued in the previous month;


the quantities of each cut bought in during the previous month;


the uncommitted stocks and the physical stocks of each cut at the end of the previous month, with details of the length of time the uncommitted stocks have been in storage;

(d)for all products:


the opening of a tendering procedure, the quantities awarded and the minimum sale prices fixed in the case of application of Article 36;


information relating to disposals for the scheme for the most deprived.

2The Commission may request that notifications provided for in paragraph 1 be made with an increased frequency where that is necessary for the purposes of the efficient management of the intervention system.

3.For the purposes of point (b) of paragraph 1:

(a)‘quantities entering’ means quantities physically placed in storage, whether or not taken over by the paying agency;

(b)‘quantities leaving’ means quantities which have been removed or, if taken over by the purchaser before removal, quantities taken over.

4.For the purposes of point (c) of paragraph 1:

(a)‘uncommitted stocks’ means stocks not yet covered by a contract of sale;

(b)‘physical stocks’ means uncommitted stocks plus stocks covered by a contract of sale but not yet taken over.

Section III Notifications as regards aid for private storage

Article 66Notification of information on private storage

Member States in which the aid for private storage scheme is used shall notify the Commission:


at least once a week of the products and quantities for which contracts have been concluded during the preceding week, broken down by storage period;


not later than the 15th of each month for the previous month:


of the quantities of products placed into and leaving private storage during the month concerned, where applicable broken down by categories;


of the quantities of products in private storage at the end of the month concerned, where applicable broken down by categories;


of the quantities of products in respect of which the contractual storage period has ended;


if the storage period has been curtailed or extended, as referred to in Article 20(m) of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, of the products and quantities in respect of which the storage period has been revised, and of the initial and revised dates for removal from storage;


by 31 March each year for the preceding calendar year, of the results of the on-the-spot checks carried out pursuant to Title IV.