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CHAPTER 1 U.K. Requirements for DC-connected power park modules

Article 38U.K.Scope

The requirements applicable to offshore power park modules under Articles 13 to 22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 shall apply to DC-connected power park modules subject to specific requirements provided for in Articles 41 to 45 of this Regulation. These requirements shall apply at the HVDC interface points of the DC-connected power park module and the HVDC systems. The categorisation in Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 shall apply to DC-connected power park modules.

Article 39U.K.Frequency stability requirements

1.With regards to frequency response:

(a)a DC-connected power park module shall be capable of receiving a fast signal from a connection point in the synchronous area to which frequency response is being provided, and be able to process this signal within [F10.1] second from sending to completion of processing the signal for activation of the response. Frequency shall be measured at the connection point in the synchronous area to which frequency response is being provided;

(b)DC-connected power park modules connected via HVDC systems which connect with more than one control area shall be capable of delivering coordinated frequency control as specified by the relevant TSO.

2.With regard to frequency ranges and response:

(a)a DC-connected power park module shall be capable of staying connected to the remote-end HVDC converter station network and operating within the frequency ranges and time periods specified in Annex VI for the 50 Hz nominal system. Where a nominal frequency other than 50 Hz, or a frequency variable by design is used, subject to agreement with the relevant TSO, the applicable frequency ranges and time periods shall be specified by the relevant TSO taking into account specificities of the system and the requirements set out in Annex VI;

(b)wider frequency ranges or longer minimum times for operation can be agreed between the relevant TSO and the DC-connected power park module owner to ensure the best use of the technical capabilities of a DC-connected power park module if needed to preserve or to restore system security. If wider frequency ranges or longer minimum times for operation are economically and technically feasible, the DC-connected power park module owner shall not unreasonably withhold consent;

(c)while respecting the provisions of point (a) of paragraph 2, a DC-connected power park module shall be capable of automatic disconnection at specified frequencies, if specified by the relevant TSO. Terms and settings for automatic disconnection shall be agreed between the relevant TSO and the DC-connected power park module owner.

3.With regards to rate-of-change-of-frequency withstand capability, a DC-connected power park module shall be capable of staying connected to the remote-end HVDC converter station network and operable if the system frequency changes at a rate up to +/– 2 Hz/s (measured at any point in time as an average of the rate of change of frequency for the previous 1 second) at the HVDC interface point of the DC-connected power park module at the remote end HVDC converter station for the 50 Hz nominal system.

4.DC-connected power park modules shall have limited frequency sensitive mode — overfrequency (LFSM-O) capability in accordance with Article 13(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631, subject to fast signal response as specified in paragraph 1 for the 50 Hz nominal system.

5.A capability for DC-connected power park modules to maintain constant power shall be determined in accordance with Article 13(3) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for the 50 Hz nominal system.

6.A capability for active power controllability of DC-connected power park modules shall be determined in accordance with Article 15(2)(a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for the 50 Hz nominal system. Manual control shall be possible in the case that remote automatic control devices are out of service.

7.A capability for limited frequency sensitive mode — underfrequency (LFSM-U) for a DC-connected power park module shall be determined in accordance with Article 15(2)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631, subject to fast signal response as specified in paragraph 1 for the 50 Hz nominal system.

8.A capability for frequency sensitive mode for a DC-connected power park module shall be determined in accordance with Article 15(2)(d) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631, subject to a fast signal response as specified in paragraph 1 for the 50 Hz nominal system.

9.A capability for frequency restoration for a DC-connected power park module shall be determined in accordance with Article 15(2)(e) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for the 50 Hz nominal system.

10.Where a constant nominal frequency other than 50 Hz, a frequency variable by design or a DC system voltage is used, subject to the agreement of the relevant TSO, the capabilities listed in paragraphs 3 to 9 and the parameters associated with such capabilities shall be specified by the relevant TSO.

Article 40U.K.Reactive power and voltage requirements

1.With respect to voltage ranges:

(a)a DC-connected power park module shall be capable of staying connected to the remote-end HVDC converter station network and operating within the voltage ranges (per unit), for the time periods specified in Tables 9 and 10, Annex VII. The applicable voltage range and time periods specified are selected based on the reference 1 pu voltage;

(b)wider voltage ranges or longer minimum times for operation can be agreed between the relevant system operator, the relevant TSO and the DC-connected power park module owner to ensure the best use of the technical capabilities of a DC-connected power park module if needed to preserve or to restore system security. If wider voltage ranges or longer minimum times for operation are economically and technically feasible, the DC-connected power park module owner shall not unreasonably withhold consent;

(c)for DC-connected power park modules which have an HVDC interface point to the remote-end HVDC converter station network, the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO may specify voltages at the HVDC interface point at which a DC-connected power park module shall be capable of automatic disconnection. The terms and settings for automatic disconnection shall be agreed between the relevant system operator, the relevant TSO and the DC-connected power park module owner;

(d)for HVDC interface points at AC voltages that are not included in the scope of Annex VII, the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO shall specify applicable requirements at the connection point;

(e)where frequencies other than nominal 50 Hz are used, subject to relevant TSO agreement, the voltage ranges and time periods specified by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO, shall be proportional to those in Tables 9 and 10, Annex VII.

2.With respect to reactive power capability for DC-connected power park modules:

(a)if the DC-connected power park module owner can obtain a bilateral agreement with the owners of the HVDC systems connecting the DC-connected power park module to a single connection point on a AC network, it shall fulfil all of the following requirements:


it shall have the ability with additional plant or equipment and/or software, to meet the reactive power capabilities prescribed by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO, according to point (b), and it shall either:

  • have the reactive power capabilities for some or all of its equipment in accordance with point (b) already installed as part of the connection of the DC-connected power park module to the AC network at the time of initial connection and commissioning; or

  • demonstrate to, and then reach agreement with, the relevant system operator and the relevant TSO on how the reactive power capability will be provided when the DC-connected power park module is connected to more than a single connection point in the AC network, or the AC network at the remote-end HVDC converter station network has either another DC-connected power park module or HVDC system with a different owner connected to it. This agreement shall include a contract by the DC-connected power park module owner (or any subsequent owner), that it will finance and install reactive power capabilities required by this Article for its power park modules at a point in time specified by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO. The relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO shall inform the DC-connected power park module owner of the proposed completion date of any committed development which will require the DC-connected power park module owner to install the full reactive power capability.


the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO shall account for the development time schedule of retrofitting the reactive power capability to the DC-connected power park module in specifying the point in time by which this reactive power capability retrofitting is to take place. The development time schedule shall be provided by the DC-connected power park module owner at the time of connection to the AC network.

(b)DC-connected power park modules shall fulfil the following requirements relating to voltage stability either at the time of connection or subsequently, according to the agreement as referred to in point (a):


with regard to reactive power capability at maximum HVDC active power transmission capacity, DC-connected power park modules shall meet the reactive power provision capability requirements specified by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO, in the context of varying voltage. The relevant system operator shall specify a U-Q/Pmax-profile that may take any shape with ranges in accordance with Table 11, Annex VII, within which the DC-connected power park module shall be capable of providing reactive power at its maximum HVDC active power transmission capacity. The relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO, shall consider the long term development of the network when determining these ranges, as well as the potential costs for power park modules of delivering the capability of providing reactive power production at high voltages and reactive power consumption at low voltages.

If F2... a national plan developed and approved in accordance with [F3the requirements of the relevant TSO’s licence] specifies that a DC-connected power park module will become AC-connected to the synchronous area, the relevant TSO may specify that either:

  • the DC-connected power park module shall have the capabilities prescribed in Article 25(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for that synchronous area installed at the time of initial connection and commissioning of the DC-connected power park module to the AC-network; or

  • the DC-connected power park module owner shall demonstrate to, and then reach agreement with, the relevant system operator and the relevant TSO on how the reactive power capability prescribed in Article 25(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 for that synchronous area will be provided in the event that the DC-connected power park module becomes AC-connected to the synchronous area.


With regard to reactive power capability, the relevant system operator may specify supplementary reactive power to be provided if the connection point of a DC-connected power park module is neither located at the high-voltage terminals of the step-up transformer to the voltage level of the connection point nor at the alternator terminals, if no step-up transformer exists. This supplementary reactive power shall compensate the reactive power exchange of the high-voltage line or cable between the high-voltage terminals of the step-up transformer of the DC-connected power park module or its alternator terminals, if no step-up transformer exists, and the connection point and shall be provided by the responsible owner of that line or cable.

3.With regard to priority to active or reactive power contribution for DC-connected power park modules, the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO shall specify whether active power contribution or reactive power contribution has priority during faults for which fault-ride-through capability is required. If priority is given to active power contribution, its provision shall be established within a time from the fault inception as specified by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO.

Article 41U.K.Control requirements

1.During the synchronisation of a DC-connected power park module to the AC collection network, the DC-connected power park module shall have the capability to limit any voltage changes to a steady-state level specified by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO. The level specified shall not exceed 5 per cent of the pre-synchronisation voltage. The relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO, shall specify the maximum magnitude, duration and measurement window of the voltage transients.

2.The DC-connected power park module owner shall provide output signals as specified by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO.

Article 42U.K.Network characteristics

With regard to the network characteristics, the following shall apply for the DC-connected power park modules:


each relevant system operator shall specify and make publicly available the method and the pre-fault and post-fault conditions for the calculation of minimum and maximum short circuit power at the HVDC interface point;


the DC-connected power park module shall be capable of stable operation within the minimum to maximum range of short circuit power and network characteristics of the HVDC interface point specified by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO;


each relevant system operator and HVDC system owner shall provide the DC-connected power park module owner with network equivalents representing the system, enabling the DC-connected power park module owners to design their system with regard to harmonics;

Article 43U.K.Protection requirements

1.Electrical protection schemes and settings of DC-connected power park modules shall be determined in accordance with Article 14(5)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631, where the network refers to the synchronous area network. The protection schemes have to be designed taking into account the system performance, grid specificities as well as technical specificities of the power park module technology and agreed with the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO.

2.Priority ranking of protection and control of DC-connected power park modules shall be determined in accordance with Article 14(5)(c) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631, where the network refers to the synchronous area network, and agreed with the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO.

Article 44U.K.Power quality

DC-connected power park modules owners shall ensure that their connection to the network does not result in a level of distortion or fluctuation of the supply voltage on the network, at the connection point, exceeding the level specified by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO. The necessary contribution from grid users to associated studies, including, but not limited to, existing DC-connected power park modules and existing HVDC systems, shall not be unreasonably withheld. The process for necessary studies to be conducted and relevant data to be provided by all grid users involved, as well as mitigating actions identified and implemented, shall be in accordance with the process in Article 29.

Article 45U.K.General system management requirements applicable to DC-connected power park modules

With regard to general system management requirements, Articles 14(5), 15(6) and 16(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/631 shall apply to any DC-connected power park module.

CHAPTER 2 U.K. Requirements for remote-end HVDC converter stations

Article 46U.K.Scope

The requirements of Articles 11 to 39 apply to remote-end HVDC converter stations, subject to specific requirements provided for in Articles 47 to 50.

Article 47U.K.Frequency stability requirements

1.Where a nominal frequency other than 50 Hz, or a frequency variable by design is used in the network connecting the DC-connected power park modules, subject to relevant TSO agreement, Article 11 shall apply to the remote-end HVDC converter station with the applicable frequency ranges and time periods specified by the relevant TSO, taking into account specificities of the system and the requirements laid down in Annex I.

2.With regards to frequency response, the remote-end HVDC converter station owner and the DC-connected power park module owner shall agree on the technical modalities of the fast signal communication in accordance with Article 39(1). Where the relevant TSO requires, the HVDC system shall be capable of providing the network frequency at the connection point as a signal. For an HVDC system connecting a power park module the adjustment of active power frequency response shall be limited by the capability of the DC-connected power park modules.

Article 48U.K.Reactive power and voltage requirements

1.With respect to voltage ranges:

(a)a remote-end HVDC converter station shall be capable of staying connected to the remote-end HVDC converter station network and operating within the voltage ranges (per unit) and time periods specified in Tables 12 and 13, Annex VIII. The applicable voltage range and time periods specified are selected based on the reference 1 pu voltage;

(b)wider voltage ranges or longer minimum times for operation may be agreed between the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO, and the DC-connected power park module owner in accordance with Article 40;

(c)for HVDC interface points at AC voltages that are not included in the scope of Table 12 and Table 13, Annex VIII, the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO shall specify applicable requirements at the connection points;

(d)where frequencies other than nominal 50 Hz are used, subject to agreement by the relevant TSO, the voltage ranges and time periods specified by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO, shall be proportional to those in Annex VIII.

2.A remote-end HVDC converter station shall fulfil the following requirements referring to voltage stability, at the connection points with regard to reactive power capability:

(a)the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO shall specify the reactive power provision capability requirements for various voltage levels. In doing so, the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO shall specify a U-Q/Pmax-profile of any shape and within the boundaries of which the remote-end HVDC converter station shall be capable of providing reactive power at its maximum HVDC active power transmission capacity;

(b)the U-Q/Pmax-profile shall be specified by each relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO. The U-Q/Pmax-profile shall be within the range of Q/Pmax and steady-state voltage specified in Table 14, Annex VIII, and the position of the U-Q/Pmax-profile envelope shall lie within the limits of the fixed outer envelope specified in Annex IV. The relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO, shall consider the long term development of the network when determining these ranges.

Article 49U.K.Network characteristics

With regard to the network characteristics, the remote-end HVDC converter station owner shall provide relevant data to any DC-connected power park module owner in accordance with Article 42.

Article 50U.K.Power quality

Remote-end HVDC converter station owners shall ensure that their connection to the network does not result in a level of distortion or fluctuation of the supply voltage on the network, at the connection point, exceeding the level allocated to them by the relevant system operator, in coordination with the relevant TSO. The necessary contribution from grid users to the associated studies shall not be unreasonably withheld, including from, but not limited to, existing DC-connected power park modules and existing HVDC systems. The process for necessary studies to be conducted and relevant data to be provided by all grid users involved, as well as mitigating actions identified and implemented shall be in accordance with the process provided for in Article 29.