Article 19Monitoring of emissions of in-service engines


The gaseous pollutant emissions from engines belonging to engine types or engine families of emission Stage V that have been type-approved in accordance with this Regulation shall be monitored by testing in-service engines installed in non-road mobile machinery and operated over their normal operating duty cycles. Such testing shall be conducted, under the responsibility of the manufacturer and in compliance with the requirements of the approval authority, on engines that have been correctly maintained, in compliance with the provisions on the selection of engines, test procedures and reporting of results for the different engine categories.

The Commission shall conduct pilot programmes with a view to developing appropriate test procedures for those engine categories and sub-categories in respect of which such test procedures are not in place.

The Commission shall conduct monitoring programmes for each engine category to determine to what extent the emissions measured from the test cycle correspond to the emissions measured in actual operation. Those programmes and their results shall, on a yearly basis, be the subject of a presentation to the Member States and, subsequently, of a communication to the public.


The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 55 for the purpose of supplementing this Regulation with detailed arrangements with regard to the selection of engines, test procedures and reporting of results referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article. Those delegated acts shall be adopted by 31 December 2016.