Article 8General obligations of manufacturers


Manufacturers shall ensure that when their engines are placed on the market they are manufactured and approved in accordance with this Regulation.


Where manufacturers modify an engine which is subject to EU type-approval in such a manner that it subsequently qualifies to belong to a different category or sub-category, they shall be responsible for ensuring that the engine complies with the requirements applicable to that category or sub-category.

Where a legal person modifies an engine in such a way that it no longer complies with the emission limits applicable to it according to its category or sub-category, that person shall be considered to be responsible for re-establishing compliance with those emission limits.


Manufacturers shall be responsible to the approval authority for all aspects of the EU type-approval process and for ensuring conformity of production, regardless of whether they are directly involved in all stages of the construction of an engine.


Manufacturers shall ensure that procedures are in place for series production to remain in conformity with the approved type and for monitoring emissions of in-service engines in accordance with Article 19.

Changes in the design or characteristics of an engine type and changes in the requirements with which an engine type is declared to be in conformity shall be taken into account in accordance with Chapter VI.


In addition to the statutory marking referred to in Article 32, manufacturers shall indicate, on the engines they have manufactured and place on the market or, where that is not possible, in a document accompanying the engine, their name, registered trade name or registered trade mark and the address in the Union at which they can be contacted.


Upon reasoned request, manufacturers shall provide the OEM with a duplicate of the statutory marking referred to in Article 15(4).


Manufacturers shall ensure that, while they are responsible for an engine, storage or transport conditions do not jeopardise its compliance with this Chapter and Chapter III.


Manufacturers shall keep the EU type-approval certificate with its attachments as referred to in Article 23(1) and, where applicable, a copy of the statement of conformity referred to in Article 31 at the disposal of the approval authorities for a period of 10 years after the placing on the market of an engine.


Manufacturers shall provide national authorities, upon reasoned request and via the approval authority, with a copy of the EU type-approval certificate for an engine. That copy shall be in a language which can be easily understood by the requesting national authority.


For the purpose of EU type-approval of engines, manufacturers established outside the Union shall appoint a single representative established within the Union to represent them in their dealings with the approval authority.


For the purpose of market surveillance, manufacturers established outside the Union shall appoint a single representative established within the Union, which may be the representative referred to in paragraph 10.