Article 22General provisions

1.The approval authority receiving the application shall grant EU type-approval to all engine types or engine families complying with each of the following:

(a)the particulars in the information folder;

(b)the requirements of this Regulation, and in particular the conformity of production arrangements referred to in Article 26.

2.Where an engine fulfils the requirements laid down in this Regulation, approval authorities shall not impose any other EU type-approval requirements with regard to exhaust emissions for non-road mobile machinery in which such an engine is installed.

3.After the dates for the EU type-approval of engines set out in Annex III for each engine sub-category, approval authorities shall not grant an EU type-approval to an engine type or engine family that does not fulfil the requirements laid down in this Regulation.

4.EU type-approval certificates shall be numbered in accordance with a harmonised system to be laid down by the Commission.

5.By means of IMI, the approval authority shall:

(a)make available to the approval authorities of the other Member States a list of the EU type-approvals it has granted or, where applicable, extended, within one month of issuing the corresponding EU type-approval certificate;

(b)make available without delay to the approval authorities of the other Member States a list of the EU type-approvals it has refused to grant or has withdrawn, together with the reasons for its decision;

(c)within one month of receiving a request from the approval authority of another Member State, send that approval authority a copy of the engine type or engine family EU type-approval certificate, where this exists, together with the information package referred to in paragraph 6 for each engine type or engine family which it has approved, refused to approve or the EU type-approval of which it has withdrawn.

6.The approval authority shall put together an information package consisting of the information folder accompanied by the test report and all other documents added by the technical service or by the approval authority to the information folder in the course of carrying out their functions (‘the information package’).

The information package shall include an index listing its contents, suitably numbered or otherwise marked so as to clearly identify all the pages and the format of each document, in order to present a record of the successive steps in the management of the EU type-approval, in particular the dates of revisions and updating.

The approval authority shall ensure that the information contained in the information package is available for a period of at least 25 years following the end of the validity of the EU type-approval concerned.

7.The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down:

(a)the method for establishing the harmonised numbering system referred to in paragraph 4;

(b)the templates and data structure for the exchange of data referred to in paragraph 5.

Those implementing acts shall be adopted, by 31 December 2016, in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 56(2).

Article 23Specific provisions concerning the EU type-approval certificate

1.The EU type-approval certificate shall contain the following attachments:

(a)the information package;

(b)where applicable, the names and specimen signatures of the persons authorised to sign statements of conformity as referred to in Article 31 and an indication of their position in the company.

2.The Commission shall lay down a template for the EU type-approval certificate.

3.In respect of each engine type or engine family that has been approved, the approval authority shall:

(a)complete all the relevant sections of the EU type-approval certificate and attach the test report;

(b)compile the index to the information package;

(c)issue the completed certificate, together with its attachments, to the applicant without delay.

4.Where an EU type-approval has, in accordance with Article 35, been made subject to restrictions as to its validity or where the engine type or engine family has been exempted from certain requirements of this Regulation, the EU type-approval certificate shall specify those restrictions or exemptions.

5.The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down the template for the EU type-approval certificate referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted, by 31 December 2016, in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 56(2).

Article 24Tests required for EU type-approval

1.Compliance with the technical prescriptions laid down in this Regulation shall be demonstrated by means of appropriate tests performed by designated technical services. The measurement and test procedures and the specific equipment and tools for the conduct of those tests shall be those laid down in Article 25.

2.The manufacturer shall make available to the approval authority as many engines as are required under the relevant delegated acts for the performance of the required tests.

3.The required tests shall be conducted on engines that are representative of the engine type or, where applicable, of the parent engine of the engine family to be approved.

Notwithstanding the first subparagraph, the manufacturer may, in agreement with the approval authority, select an engine which, although not representative of the engine type or, where applicable, of the parent engine of the engine family to be approved, combines a number of the most unfavourable features with regard to the required level of performance. Virtual testing methods may be used to aid decision-making during the selection process.

4.For the purposes of conducting the EU type-approval tests, the applicable test cycles are those set out in Annex IV. The test cycles applicable to each engine type included in the EU type-approval shall be indicated in the information document.

5.An engine that is representative of the engine type or, where applicable, of the parent engine of the engine family, or an engine selected in accordance with the second subparagraph of paragraph 3, shall be tested on a dynamometer using the applicable non-road steady-state test cycle identified in Tables IV-1 to IV-10 of Annex IV. The manufacturer may choose whether to conduct that test using the discrete-mode or the ramped-modal test method. Except in the cases referred to in paragraphs 7 and 8, a variable-speed engine of a particular category used in a constant-speed operation of the same category need not be tested using the applicable constant-speed steady-state test cycle.

6.In the case of a constant-speed engine with a governor that can be set to an alternative speed, the requirements of paragraph 5 shall be fulfilled at each applicable constant speed and the information document shall indicate the speeds that apply for each engine type.

7.In the case of an engine of category IWP intended to be used for both variable-speed and constant-speed operation, the requirements of paragraph 5 shall be fulfilled for each applicable steady-state test cycle separately and the information document shall indicate each steady-state test cycle in respect of which those requirements were fulfilled.

8.In the case of an engine of category IWP that is intended for use in the place of an engine of category IWA in accordance with Article 4(2), the requirements of paragraph 5 of this Article shall be fulfilled for each applicable steady-state test cycle set out in Tables IV-5 and IV-6 of Annex IV, and the information document shall indicate each steady-state test cycle in respect of which those requirements were fulfilled.

9.Except for engines type-approved pursuant to Article 34(5) and (6), variable-speed engines of category NRE having a net power that is greater than or equal to 19 kW but not more than 560 kW shall, in addition to fulfilling the requirements of paragraph 5 of this Article, also be tested on a dynamometer using the transient test cycle identified in Table IV-11 of Annex IV.

10.Engines of sub-categories NRS-v-2b and NRS-v-3 having a maximum speed of less than or equal to 3 400 rpm shall, in addition to fulfilling the requirements of paragraph 5, also be tested on a dynamometer using the transient test cycle identified in Table IV-12 of Annex IV.

11.The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 55 supplementing this Regulation by laying down the detailed technical specifications and characteristics of the steady-state and transient test cycles referred to in this Article, including the corresponding method for the determination of the engine load and speed settings. Those delegated acts shall be adopted by 31 December 2016.

12.The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down the single format of the test report required for EU type-approval. Those implementing acts shall be adopted, by 31 December 2016, in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 56(2).

Article 25Conduct of measurements and tests for EU type-approval

1.The final exhaust emission test results for engines subject to this Regulation shall be calculated by applying all of the following to the laboratory test results:

(a)the emissions of crankcase gases, where required by paragraph 3 and where not already included in the laboratory measurement;

(b)any necessary adjustment factor, where required by paragraph 3 and where the engine includes a regenerating exhaust after-treatment system;

(c)in respect of all engines, deterioration factors appropriate to the emission durability periods specified in Annex V.

2.The testing of an engine type or engine family to determine whether it meets the emission limits set out in this Regulation shall be carried out by using the following reference fuels or fuel combinations, as appropriate:



(c)petrol/oil mixture, for two stroke SI engines;

(d)natural gas/bio methane;

(e)liquid petroleum gas (LPG);


The engine type or engine family shall, in addition, meet the exhaust emission limits set out in this Regulation in respect of any other specified fuels, fuel mixtures or fuel emulsions included by a manufacturer in an application for EU type-approval and described in the information folder.

3.As regards the conduct of measurements and tests, the technical requirements shall be met in respect of:

(a)apparatus and procedures for the conduct of tests;

(b)apparatus and procedures for emission measurement and sampling;

(c)methods for data evaluation and calculations;

(d)methods for establishing deterioration factors;

(e)in relation to engines in categories NRE, NRG, IWP, IWA, RLR, NRS, NRSh, SMB and ATS complying with Stage V emission limits set out in Annex II:


methods for taking account of emissions of crankcase gases;


methods for determining and taking account of continuous or infrequent regeneration of exhaust after-treatment systems;

(f)in relation to electronically controlled engines in categories NRE, NRG, IWP, IWA, RLL and RLR complying with Stage V emission limits set out in Annex II and using electronic control to determine both the quantity and timing of injecting fuel or using electronic control to activate, de-activate or modulate the emission control system used to reduce NOx:


emission control strategies, and shall include the documentation required to demonstrate those strategies;


NOx control measures, and shall include the method used to demonstrate those control measures;


the area associated with the relevant non-road steady-state test cycle, within which the amount by which the emissions are permitted to exceed the emission limits set out in Annex II is controlled;


the selection by the technical service of additional measurement points from within the control area during the emission bench test.

4.The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 55 supplementing this Regulation by setting out:

(a)the methodology for adapting the emission laboratory test results to include the deterioration factors referred to in point (c) of paragraph 1;

(b)the technical characteristics of the reference fuels referred to in paragraph 2 and, where applicable, the requirements for the description of any other specified fuels, fuel mixtures or fuel emulsions described in the information folder;

(c)the detailed technical requirements and characteristics for the conduct of measurements and tests referred to in paragraph 3;

(d)the method used to measure PN, taking account of the specifications given in the 06 series of UNECE Regulation No. 49;

(e)the detailed technical requirements applicable to the testing of dual-fuel engines or gaseous-fuelled single-fuel engines referred to in Annex II.

Those delegated acts shall be adopted by 31 December 2016.

Article 26Conformity of production arrangements

1.An approval authority which has granted an EU type-approval shall take the necessary measures in relation to that EU type-approval to verify, if necessary in cooperation with the approval authorities of the other Member States, that adequate arrangements have been made to ensure that the engines in production will be in conformity with the approved type with respect to the requirements of this Regulation.

2.An approval authority which has granted an EU type-approval shall take the necessary measures in relation to that EU type-approval to verify that statements of conformity issued by the manufacturer comply with Article 31.

3.An approval authority which has granted an EU type-approval shall take the necessary measures in relation to that EU type-approval to verify, if necessary in cooperation with the approval authorities of the other Member States, that the arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article continue to be adequate in that engines in production will continue to be in conformity with the approved type and that statements of conformity, where applicable, will continue to comply with Article 31.

4.In order to verify the conformity of an engine with the approved type, the approval authority which has granted the EU type-approval may carry out any of the checks or tests required for the EU type-approval on samples taken at the premises of the manufacturer, including at the manufacturer's production facilities.

5.Where an approval authority which has granted an EU type-approval establishes that the arrangements referred to in paragraph 1 are not being applied, deviate significantly from the arrangements agreed as referred to in paragraph 1, have ceased to be applied or are no longer considered to be adequate, even though production is continuing, it shall either take the necessary measures to ensure that the procedure for conformity of production is followed correctly, or shall withdraw the EU type-approval.

6.The Commission is empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 55 supplementing this Regulation by laying down the detailed measures to be taken and procedures to be followed by the approval authorities to ensure that the engines in production are in conformity with the approved type. Those delegated acts shall be adopted by 31 December 2016.