Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008 is amended as follows:
‘Note: According to Article 17(1)(f) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 animals and animal products produced during the conversion period shall not be marketed in the Union with the indications referred to in Articles 23 and 24 of that Regulation used in the labelling and advertising of products. Such products are therefore also excluded from the recognitions as regards product categories B and D for all third countries listed in this Annex.’;
in the entries relating to Argentina, Australia, Costa-Rica, India, Israel, Japan, Switzerland, Tunisia and New Zealand, the footnote ‘(1) Seaweed not included’ is deleted;
the entry relating to Argentina is amended as follows:
in point 1, the limitations on product categories B and D are deleted;
in the entry relating to Australia, point 2 is replaced by the following:
‘2. Origin: products of categories A and F that have been grown in Australia and products of category D processed in Australia with organically grown ingredients that have been grown in Australia.’;
the entry relating to Costa-Rica is amended as follows:
the limitation ‘Processed crop products only’ is replaced by ‘Processed plant products only’;
in the entry relating to Israel, point 2 is replaced by the following:
‘2. Origin: products of category A and F that have been grown in Israel and products of category D processed in Israel with organically grown ingredients that have been grown in Israel or that have been imported into Israel:
either from the Union,
or from a third country in the framework of a regime which is recognised as equivalent in accordance with Article 33(2) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007.’;
in the entry relating to Japan, point 2 is replaced by the following:
‘2. Origin: products of categories A and F that have been grown in Japan and products of category D processed in Japan with organically grown ingredients that have been grown in Japan or that have been imported into Japan:
either from the Union,
or from a third country for which Japan has recognised that the products have been produced and controlled in that third country in accordance with rules equivalent to those laid down in the Japanese legislation.’;
the entry relating to Switzerland is amended as follows:
in point 1, the limitation on product category B is deleted;
point 2 is replaced by the following:
‘2. Origin: products of categories A and F that have been grown in Switzerland and products of category D and E processed in Switzerland with organically grown ingredients that have been grown in Switzerland or that have been imported into Switzerland:
either from the Union,
or from a third country for which Switzerland has recognised that the products have been produced and controlled in that third country in accordance with rules equivalent to those laid down in the Swiss legislation.’;
in the entry relating to Tunisia, point 2 is replaced by the following:
‘2. Origin: products of categories A and F that have been grown in Tunisia and products of category D processed in Tunisia with organically grown ingredients that have been grown in Tunisia.’;
in the entry relating to the United States, in point 1, the limitations on product categories A and D are deleted;
the entry relating to New Zealand is amended as follows:
in point 1, the limitations on product categories B and D are deleted;
point 2 is replaced by the following:
‘2. Origin: products of category A, B and F that have been grown in New Zealand and products of category D processed in New Zealand with organically grown ingredients that have been grown in New Zealand or that have been imported into New Zealand:
either from the Union,
or from a third country in the framework of a regime which is recognised as equivalent in accordance with Article 33(2) of Regulation (EC) No 834/2007,
or from a third country whose rules of production and inspection have been recognised as equivalent to the MAF Official Organic Assurance Programme on the basis of assurances and information provided by this country's competent authority in accordance with the provisions established by MAF and provided that only organically produced ingredients intended to be incorporated, up to a maximum of 5 % of products of agricultural origin, in products of category D prepared in New Zealand are imported.’;
in the entry relating to the Republic of Korea, point 2 is replaced by the following:
‘2. Origin: products of category D processed in the Republic of Korea with organically grown ingredients that have been grown in the Republic of Korea or that have been imported into the Republic of Korea:
either from the Union,
or from a third country for which the Republic of Korea has recognised that the products have been produced and controlled in that third country in accordance with the rules equivalent to those laid down in the legislation of the Republic of Korea.’.