Scientific name | Common name | Most vulnerable (x) |
Centrophorus spp. | Gulper sharks | |
Centroscyllium fabricii | Black dogfish | x |
Centroscymnus coelolepis | Portuguese dogfish | x |
Centroscymnus crepidater | Longnose velvet dogfish | x |
Dalatias licha | Kitefin shark | x |
Etmopterus princeps | Greater lanternshark | x |
Apristuris spp. | Iceland catshark | |
Chlamydoselachus anguineus | Frilled shark | |
Deania calcea | Birdbeak dogfish | |
Galeus melastomus | Blackmouth dogfish | |
Galeus murinus | Mouse catshark | |
Hexanchus griseus | Bluntnose six-gilled shark | x |
Etmopterus spinax | Velvet belly | |
Oxynotus paradoxus | Sailfin roughshark (Sharpback shark) | |
Scymnodon ringens | Knifetooth dogfish | |
Somniosus microcephalus | Greenland shark | |
Alepocephalidae | Smoothheads (Slickheads) | |
Alepocephalus Bairdii | Baird's smoothhead | |
Alepocephalus rostratus | Risso's smoothhead | |
Aphanopus carbo | Black scabbardfish | |
Argentina silus | Greater silver smelt | |
Beryx spp. | Alfonsinos | |
Chaceon (Geryon) affinis | Deep-water red crab | |
Chimaera monstrosa | Rabbitfish (rattail) | |
Hydrolagus mirabilis | Large-eyed rabbitfish (Ratfish) | |
Rhinochimaera atlantica | Straightnose rabbitfish | |
Coryphaenoides rupestris | Roundnose grenadier | |
Epigonus telescopus | Black cardinalfish | x |
Helicolenus dactilopterus | Bluemouth (Bluemouth redfish) | |
Hoplostethus atlanticus | Orange roughy | x |
Macrourus berglax | Roughhead grenadier (Rough rattail) | |
Molva dypterigia | Blue ling | |
Mora moro | Common mora | |
Antimora rostrata | Blue antimora (Blue hake) | |
Pagellus bogaraveo | Red (blackspot) seabream | |
Polyprion americanus | Wreckfish | |
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides | Greenland halibut | |
Cataetyx laticeps | ||
Hoplosthetus mediterraneus | Silver roughy (Pink) | |
Macrouridae other than Coryphaenoides rupestris and Macrourus berglax | Grenadiers (rattails) other than roundnose grenadier and roughhead grenadier | |
Nesiarchus nasutus | Black gemfish | |
Notocanthus chemnitzii | Snubnosed spiny eel | |
Raja fyllae | Round skate | |
Raja hyperborea | Arctic skate | |
Raja nidarosiensus | Norwegian skate | |
Trachyscorpia cristulata | Spiny (deep-sea) scorpionfish | |
Lepidopus caudatus | Silver scabbardfish (Cutlass fish) | |
Lycodes esmarkii | Greater eelpout | |
Sebastes viviparus | Small redfish (Norway haddock) |
geographical location of the fishing activities on a haul-by-haul basis, from VMS data transmitted by the vessel to the fisheries monitoring centre;
the fishing depths at which the gears are deployed in the event that the vessel is subject to reporting by electronic logbook. The master of the vessel shall notify fishing depth following the standardised reporting format.
The following is a list of VME habitat types, with the taxa most likely to be found in those habitats which shall be considered as VME indicators.
An encounter with a possible VME is defined as:
for a trawl tow, and other fishing gear than longlines: the presence of more than 30 kg of live coral and/or 400 kg of live sponge of VME indicators; and
for a longline set: the presence of VME indicators on 10 hooks per 1 000 hook segment or per 1 200 m section of longline, whichever is the shorter.