
Conformity based on unit verification is the conformity assessment procedure whereby the manufacturer fulfils the obligations laid down in points 2, 3.1 and 4, and ensures and declares on his sole responsibility that the subsystem or safety component concerned, which has been subject to the provisions of point 3, is in conformity with the requirements of this Regulation that apply to it.


The manufacturer shall take all measures necessary so that the manufacturing process and its monitoring ensure conformity of the manufactured subsystem or safety component with the applicable requirements of this Regulation.


3.1.The manufacturer shall lodge an application for unit verification of a subsystem or a safety component with F1the approved body of his choice.

The application shall include:

  1. (a)

    the name and address of the manufacturer and, if the application is lodged by the authorised representative, his name and address as well;

  2. (b)

    a written declaration that the same application has not been lodged with any F2other approved body;

  3. (c)

    the technical documentation for the subsystem or the safety component according to Annex VIII;

  4. (d)

    details of the premises where the subsystem or the safety component can be examined.

3.2.F3The approved body shall examine the technical documentation for the subsystem or the safety component and shall carry out the appropriate examinations and tests set out in the F4relevant designated standards, to check the conformity of the subsystem or the safety component with the applicable requirements of this Regulation, or have them carried out. In the absence of such F5a designated standardF6the approved body concerned shall decide on the appropriate tests to be carried out.

F3The approved body shall issue a certificate of conformity in respect of the examinations and tests carried out and shall affix its identification number to the approved subsystem or safety component, or have it affixed under its responsibility.

If F6the approved body refuses to issue a certificate of conformity, it shall state in detail the reasons for the refusal and indicate the necessary corrective measures to be taken.

When the manufacturer reapplies for unit verification of the subsystem or the safety component concerned, he shall apply to the F7same approved body.


The manufacturer shall keep the technical documentation and the certificate of conformity at the disposal of the F9Secretary of State for 30 years after the subsystem or the safety component has been placed on the market.

4.F14UK marking and declaration of conformity


The manufacturer shall affix the F10UK marking and, under the responsibility of the F11approved body referred to in point 3, the latter's identification number to each subsystem or safety component that satisfies the applicable requirements of this Regulation.

4.2.The manufacturer shall draw up a written F12declaration of conformity and keep it at the disposal of the F13Secretary of State for 30 years after the subsystem or the safety component has been placed on the market. The F12declaration of conformity shall identify the subsystem or the safety component for which it has been drawn up.


5.Authorised representative

The manufacturer's obligations set out in points 3.1 and 4 may be fulfilled by his authorised representative, on his behalf and under his responsibility, provided that they are specified in the mandate.