• Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)

  • Cats (Felis silvestris catus)

  • Ferrets (Mustela putorius furo)


  • Invertebrates (except bees, molluscs belonging to the phylum Mollusca and crustaceans belonging to the subphylum Crustacea)

  • Ornamental aquatic animals

  • Amphibians

  • Reptiles

  • Birds: specimens of avian species other than fowl, turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks, geese, quails, pigeons, pheasants, partridges and ratites (Ratitae).

  • Mammals: rodents and rabbits other than those intended for food production.


  • Rinderpest (cattle plague)

  • Sheep and goat plague

  • Swine vesicular disease

  • Bluetongue

  • Teschen disease

  • Sheep pox or goat pox

  • Rift Valley fever

  • Lumpy skin disease

  • Vesicular stomatitis

  • Venezuelan equine viral encephalomyelitis

  • Haemorrhagic disease of deer

  • Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia

  • Newcastle disease

  • Bovine tuberculosis

  • Bovine brucellosis (B. abortus)

  • Ovine and caprine brucellosis (B. melitensis)

  • Anthrax

  • Rabies

  • Echinococcosis

  • Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE)

  • Campylobacteriosis

  • Listeriosis

  • Salmonellosis (zoonotic salmonella)

  • Trichinellosis

  • Verotoxigenic E. coli

  • Viral haemorrhagic septicæmia (VHS)

  • Infectious haematopoietic necrosis (IHN)

  • Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis in fish (EHN)

  • Epizootic ulcerative syndrome in fish (EUS)

  • Infection with Bonamia exitiosa

  • Infection with Perkinsus marinus

  • Infection with Microcytos mackini

  • Taura syndrome in crustaceans

  • Yellowhead disease in crustaceans

  • Koi herpes virus disease (KHV)

  • Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA)

  • Infection with Marteilia refringens

  • Infection with Bonamia ostreae

  • White spot disease in crustaceans








Equus spp.


Tapirus spp.


Ceratotherium spp., Dicerorhinus spp., Diceros spp., Rhinoceros spp.



Antilocapra ssp.


Addax ssp., Aepyceros ssp., Alcelaphus ssp., Ammelaphus ssp., Ammodorcas ssp., Ammotragus ssp., Antidorcas ssp., Antilope ssp., Arbitragus ssp., Beatragus ssp., Bison ssp., Bos ssp.(including Bibos, Novibos, Poephagus), Boselaphus ssp., Bubalus ssp. (including Anoa), Budorcas ssp., Capra ssp., Cephalophus ssp., Connochaetes ssp., Damaliscus ssp.(including Beatragus), Dorcatragus ssp., Eudorcas ssp., Gazella ssp., Hemitragus ssp., Hippotragus ssp., Kobus ssp., Litocranius ssp., Madoqua ssp., Naemorhedus ssp. (including Nemorhaedus and Capricornis), Nanger ssp., Neotragus ssp., Nilgiritragus ssp., Oreamnos ssp., Oreotragus ssp., Oryx ssp., Ourebia ssp., Ovibos ssp., Ovis ssp., Pantholops ssp., Philantomba ssp., Pelea ssp., Procapra ssp., Pseudois ssp., Pseudoryx ssp., Raphicerus ssp., Redunca ssp., Rupicapra ssp., Saiga ssp., Sigmoceros–Alecelaphus ssp., Strepticeros ssp., Sylvicapra ssp., Syncerus ssp., Taurotragus ssp., Tetracerus ssp., Tragelaphus ssp. (including Boocerus).


Camelus ssp., Lama ssp., Vicugna ssp.


Alces ssp., Axis–Hyelaphus ssp., Blastocerus ssp., Capreolus ssp., Cervus ssp., Dama ssp., Elaphodus ssp., Elaphurus ssp., Hippocamelus ssp., Hydropotes ssp., Mazama ssp., Megamuntiacus ssp., Muntiacus ssp., Odocoileus ssp., Ozotoceros ssp., Przewalskium ssp., Pudu ssp., Rangifer ssp., Rucervus ssp., Rusa ssp.


Giraffa ssp., Okapia ssp.


Hexaprotodon–Choeropsis ssp., Hippopotamus ssp.


Moschus ssp.


Babyrousa ssp., Hylochoerus ssp., Phacochoerus ssp., Porcula ssp., Potamochoerus ssp., Sus ssp.


Catagonus ssp., Pecari–Tayassu ssp.


Hyemoschus ssp., Tragulus–Moschiola ssp.



Elephas ssp., Loxodonta ssp.


The scope of this Annex is to detail the criteria to be considered by the Commission when determining the disease prevention and control rules to be applied to the different categories of diseases listed in accordance with Article 5.

The process of categorisation shall take into account the profile of the disease in question, the level of the impact of that disease on animal and public health, animal welfare and the economy, and the availability, feasibility and effectiveness of the diagnostic tools and different sets of disease prevention and control measures provided for in this Regulation with respect to the disease.

Section 1Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (a) of Article 9(1)

The diseases for which the disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (a) of Article 9(1) apply shall be considered to have the most severe animal health, public health, economic, social or environmental impacts on the Union. Those diseases need to fulfil the following criteria:

  1. (a)

    the disease in question is:

    1. (i)

      not present in the territory of the Union;

    2. (ii)

      present only in exceptional cases (irregular introductions); or

    3. (iii)

      present in only in a very limited part of the territory of the Union;


  2. (b)

    the disease in question is highly transmissible; in addition to direct and indirect transmission, there may also be possibilities of airborne, waterborne or vector–borne spread. The disease may affect multiple species of kept and wild animals, or a single species of kept animals of economic importance, and may result in high morbidity and significant mortality rates.

In addition to the criteria set out in points (a) and (b), those diseases need to fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

  1. (c)

    the disease in question has a zoonotic potential with significant consequences for public health, including epidemic or pandemic potential or possible significant threats to food safety;

  2. (d)

    the disease in question has a significant impact on the economy of the Union, causing substantial costs, mainly related to its direct impact on the health and productivity of animals;

  3. (e)

    the disease in question has a significant impact on one or more of the following:

    1. (i)

      society, with in particular an impact on labour markets;

    2. (ii)

      animal welfare, by causing suffering to large numbers of animals;

    3. (iii)

      the environment, due to the direct impact of the disease or due to the measures taken to control it;

    4. (iv)

      in the long term, biodiversity or the protection of endangered species or breeds, including the possible disappearance of, or long-term damage to, those species or breeds.

Section 2Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (b) of Article 9(1)

The diseases for which the disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (b) of Article 9(1) apply shall be controlled in all Member States with the goal of eradicating them throughout the Union.

Those diseases need to fulfil the following criteria:

  1. (a)

    the disease in question is endemic in nature and is present in the whole or part of the Union territory. However, several Member States or zones of the Union are free of the disease; and

  2. (b)

    the disease is moderately to highly transmissible; in addition to direct and indirect transmission, there may also be possibilities of airborne, waterborne or vector–borne spread. It may affect single or multiple animal species and may result in high morbidity, with in general low mortality.

In addition to the criteria set out in points (a) and (b), those diseases need to fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

  1. (c)

    the disease in question has a zoonotic potential with significant consequences for public health, including epidemic potential or possible significant threats to food safety;

  2. (d)

    the disease in question has a significant impact on the economy of the Union causing substantial costs, mainly related to its direct impact on the health and productivity of animals;

  3. (e)

    the disease has a significant impact on one or more of the following:

    1. (i)

      society, with in particular an impact on labour markets;

    2. (ii)

      animal welfare, by causing suffering to large numbers of animals;

    3. (iii)

      the environment, due to the direct impact of the disease or due to the measures taken to control it;

    4. (iv)

      in the long term, biodiversity or the protection of endangered species or breeds, including the possible disappearance of, or long-term damage to, those species or breeds.

A disease to which the measures referred to in point (a) of Article 9(1) apply, which has not been successfully and promptly eradicated in a part of the Union, and has, in that part of the Union, obtained an endemic character, may be subject to disease prevention and control measures under point (b) of Article 9(1), in that part of the Union.

Section 3Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (c) of Article 9(1)

The diseases for which the disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (c) of Article 9(1) apply are of relevance to some Member States and measures are needed to prevent them from spreading to parts of the Union that are officially disease-free or that have eradication programmes for the listed disease in question.

Those diseases need to fulfil the following criteria:

  1. (a)

    in terrestrial animals, the disease in question is endemic in nature and is present in the whole or part of the Union territory; or in aquatic animals, several Member States or zones of the Union are free of the disease; and

  2. (b)
    1. (i)

      in terrestrial animals, the disease in question is moderately to highly transmissible, mainly through direct and indirect transmission. The disease mainly affects multiple or single animal species, usually does not result in high morbidity, and has a negligible or no mortality rate. Often the most observed effect is production loss;

    2. (ii)

      in aquatic animals, the disease is moderately to highly transmissible, mainly through direct and indirect transmission. The disease affects multiple or single animal species and may result in high morbidity and usually low mortality. Often the most observed effect is production loss.

In addition to the criteria set out in points (a) and (b), those diseases need to fulfil one or more of the following criteria:

  1. (c)

    the disease in question has a zoonotic potential with significant consequences for public health, or possible threats to food safety;

  2. (d)

    the disease in question has a significant impact on the economy of parts of the Union, mainly related to its direct impact on certain types of animal production systems.

  3. (e)

    the disease in question has a significant impact on one or more of the following:

    1. (i)

      society, with, in particular, an impact on labour markets;

    2. (ii)

      animal welfare, by causing suffering to large numbers of animals;

    3. (iii)

      the environment, due to the direct impact of the disease or of the measures taken to control it;

    4. (iv)

      in the long term, biodiversity or the protection of endangered species or breeds, including the possible disappearance of, or long-term damage to, those species or breeds.

Section 4Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (d) of Article 9(1)

The disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (d) of Article 9(1) shall apply to diseases that fulfil the criteria set out in Section 1, 2 or 3 and to other diseases fulfilling the criteria set out in Section 5 where the risk posed by the disease in question can be effectively and proportionately mitigated by measures concerning movements of animals and products in order to prevent or limit its occurrence and spread.

Section 5Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (e) of Article 9(1)

The disease prevention and control rules referred to in point (e) of Article 9(1) shall apply to diseases that fulfil the criteria set out in Sections 1, 2 or 3 and to other diseases where surveillance of the disease is necessary for reasons relating to animal health, animal welfare, human health, the economy, society or the environment.


1.Directive 64/432/EEC

Directive 64/432/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Articles 4 (partially), 21, 153(3) and 220(3)

Article 3(1)

Articles 124 and 126

Article 3(2)

Articles 124 (2), 126(1) and 149(3) and (4)

Article 4(1)

Article 126(1)(c)

Article 4(2) and (3)

Article 125(1) and (2)

Article 5(1)

Articles 143(1), 145 and 146

Article 5(2)

Article 149(3) and (4)

Article 5(2)(a)

Article 147(a)

Article 5(2)(b)

Article 144(1)(b)

Article 5(3)

Article 5(4)

Article 153(1) and (2)

Article 5(5)

Article 147(a)

Article 6

Articles 130, 131 and 132

Article 6a

Article 7

Articles 126(1)(c),132, 134(a) and 135

Article 8

Articles 18, 19, 20 and 23(a)

Article 9

Articles 31(1), (3)(a) and (5), 32, 33 and 36

Article 10

Articles 31(2) and (3)(b), 32, 33 and 36

Article 11(1)

Articles 94(1)(a), 97 and 98

Article 11(2)

Articles 102, 106 and 107

Article 11(3)

Articles 98 and 99

Article 11(4)

Article 100

Article 11(5) and (6)

Article 97(1)(d) and (2)(d)

Article 12(1)

Article 125

Article 12(2)

Articles 104 and 106

Article 12(3)

Article 125(1)(a) and (b)

Article 12(4)

Article 143

Article 12(5) and (6)

Article 13(1) and (2)

Articles 90, 92, 93(c), 94, 97, 98, 99, 102, 106 and 107

Article 13(3)

Article 100

Article 13(4)

Article 13(5) and (6)

Article 101

Article 14(1) and (2)

Article 14(3)A and B

Article 14(3)C

Article 109(1)(a) and (c)

Article 14(4) to (6)

Article 15(1)

Article 268

Article 15(2) to (4)

Article 16

Article 17

Article 17a

Article 18

Article 109(1)(a) and (c)

Article 19

Article 20

2.Directive 77/391/EEC

Directive 77/391/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2(1)

Article 31(1)

Article 2(2)

Articles 32, 33 and 36(1)

Article 2(3)

Article 34

Article 2(4)

Articles 36 and 41

Article 3(1)

Article 31(1)

Article 3(2)

Articles 32, 33 and 36(1)

Article 3(3)

Article 34

Article 3(4)

Articles 36 and 41

Article 4

Articles 31(1), 32, 33, 34, 36 and 41

Article 5

Article 6

Article 7

Article 8

Article 9

Article 10

Article 11

Article 12

Article 13

Article 14

Article 15

3.Directive 78/52/EEC

Directive 78/52/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3(1)

Articles 31(1) and 32

Article 3(2)

Article 3(3)

Article 3(4)

Articles 31(1) and 32

Article 4

Articles 32, 35, 102(2) and (4) and 112

Article 5

Articles 18, 46 and 47

Article 6(1)

Articles 72 to 76

Article 6(2)

Articles 77 and 78

Article 6(3)

Articles 79 and 80

Article 7

Articles 79 and 80

Article 8

Articles 79 and 80

Article 9

Articles 79 and 80

Article 10

Articles 79 and 80

Article 11

Articles 79 and 80

Article 12

Articles 79 and 80

Article 13

Articles 18, 46 and 47

Article 14(1)

Articles 72 to 76

Article 14(2)

Articles 77 and 78

Article 14(3)

Articles 79 and 80

Article 15

Articles 79 and 80

Article 16

Articles 79 and 80

Article 17

Articles 79 and 80

Article 18

Articles 79 and 80

Article 19

Articles 79 and 80

Article 20

Articles 79 and 80

Article 21

Article 22

Articles 18, 19, 20, 46 and 47

Article 23

Articles 79 and 80

Article 24

Articles 79 and 80

Article 25

Articles 79 and 80

Article 26

Articles 79 and 80

Article 27

Articles 124(1) and 126(1)(c)

Article 28

Article 29

Article 30

4.Directive 80/1095/EEC

Directive 80/1095/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Articles 31(1) and 36

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 31(1) and 35

Article 3a

Articles 31(1) and 35

Article 4

Articles 32, 33 and 35

Article 4a

Articles 32, 33 and 35

Article 5

Article 6

Articles 31(1)(b), 31(3) and 32

Article 7

Articles 36, 39 and 40

Article 8

Articles 41 and 42

Article 9

Article 11

Article 12

Article 12a

Article 13

5.Directive 82/894/EEC

Directive 82/894/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 19, 21, 22 and 23

Article 4

Articles 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23

Article 5

Article 23

Article 6

Article 7

Article 8

6.Directive 88/407/EEC

Directive 88/407/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 159 and 160

Article 4

Article 160

Article 5

Articles 94, 97, 100 and 101

Article 6(1)

Articles 161 and 162

Article 6(2), (3) and (4)

Article 258

Article 8

Articles 229(1)(a) and 230

Article 9

Articles 229(1)(b) and 233

Article 10

Articles 229(1)(c), 234 and 236

Article 11

Articles 229(1)(d), 237 and 238

Article 12

Articles 260 to 262

Article 15

Articles 257 to 259

Article 16

Article 17

Article 18

Article 20

Article 21

Article 22

7.Directive 89/556/EEC

Directive 89/556/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Article 159, 160, 161

Article 5(1)

Articles 94 and 97

Article 5(2)

Article 101

Article 5(2a) and (3)

Articles 97, 98 and 100

Article 6

Articles 161 and 162

Article 7

Articles 229(1)(a) and 230

Article 8

Articles 229(1)(b) and 233

Article 9

Articles 229(1)(c), 234 and 236

Article 10

Articles 229(1)(d), 237 and 238

Article 11

Articles 260 to 262

Article 14

Articles 257 to 259

Article 15

Article 16

Article 17

Article 18

Article 19

Article 20

Article 21

8.Directive 90/429/EEC

Directive 90/429/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 159 and 160

Article 4

Article 5(1)

Articles 94, 97, 98 and 100

Article 5(2)

Article 101

Article 6(1)

Articles 161 and 162

Article 6(2)

Article 258

Article 7

Articles 229(1)(a) and 230

Article 8

Articles 229(1)(b) and 233

Article 9

Articles 229(1)(c), 234 and 236

Article 10

Article 229(1)(d), 237 and 238

Article 11(1)

Article 229

Article 11(2) and (3)

Article 260

Article 12

Article 237

Article 13

Article 14

Article 15

Articles 257 to 262

Article 16

Article 17

Article 18

Article 19

Article 20

Article 21

Article 22

9.Directive 91/68/EEC

Directive 91/68/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Articles 4 (partially), 21, 153(3) and 220(3)

Article 3(1), (2), (3) and (5)

Articles 126(1)(b), 130 and 131

Article 3(4)

Article 139

Article 4(1)

Articles 124(2)(b), 126(1), 130, 131 and 149(3) and (4)(a) and (b)

Article 4(2)

Article 128

Article 4(3)

Article 131

Article 4a

Articles 130 and 131

Article 4b(1) and (2)

Articles 130 and 131

Article 4b(3)

Article 126(2)

Article 4b(4)

Article 133

Article 4b(5)

Article 132

Article 4b(6)

Articles 124(1), 125 and 126(1)(b)

Article 4c(1) and (2)

Articles 130 and 131

Article 4c(3)

Articles 133 and 135

Article 5

Article 131

Article 6

Articles 131 and 145(1)(e)

Article 7(1) to (3)

Articles 31, 32, 33 and 35

Article 7(4)

Article 8(1) to (3)

Articles 36, 39 and 40

Article 8(4)

Article 8a(1)

Articles 94(1)(a), 97, 98 and 134

Article 8a(2)

Article 102 and 106

Article 8a(3)

Articles 98, 99 and 101

Article 8a(4)

Article 100

Article 8a(5)

Article 97(1)(d) and (2)(d)

Article 8b(1)

Articles 84, 90, 92, 93(c), 94(1)(a), 97, 98, 102, 105 and 134

Article 8b(2)

Articles 94(1)(a), 97 and 98

Article 8b(3)

Article 100

Article 8b(4)

Article 8c(1)

Articles 87 and 125

Article 8c(2)

Article 104

Article 8c(3)

Articles 125(1)(a) and 126(1)(b)

Article 8c(4) and (5)

Article 9(1) to (4)

Articles 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149 and 153

Article 9(7)

Article 153

Article 10

Article 11

Article 12

Article 144(b)

Article 14

Article 15

Article 17

Article 18

10.Decision 91/666/EEC

Decision 91/666/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 48(1) and (3)

Article 2

Article 3

Article 48

Article 4

Articles 48, 49 and 50

Article 5

Articles 48(3) and 50

Article 6

Articles 16 and 48(2)(c) and (3)(b)

Article 7

Articles 48(3) and 50

Article 8

Article 9

Article 10

Article 11

Article 12

11.Directive 92/35/EEC

Directive 92/35/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Article 18

Article 4

Articles 53 to 57 and 59

Article 5

Articles 46 and 47

Article 6

Articles 60 to 68

Article 7(1)

Article 57

Article 7(2)

Article 43(2)(d)

Article 8

Article 64

Article 9

Articles 65, 66 and 67

Article 10

Articles 65, 66 and 67

Article 11

Articles 67 and 68

Article 12

Article 71(1)

Article 13

Article 65(2)

Article 14

Article 15

Article 16

Article 17

Articles 43 and 44

Article 18

Article 19

Article 20

Article 21

Article 22

12.Directive 92/65/EEC

Directive 92/65/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 170, 171 and 269

Article 4

Articles 124, 126, 18, 31, 84, 93(a) and 151

Article 5

Articles 95, 97,136, 137, 143, 144 and 149

Article 6(A)

Articles 124, 126, 130, 131, 137, 140 and 143 to 146

Article 6(B)

Article 7(A)

Articles 124, 126, 130, 131, 137, 140 and 143 to 146

Article 7(B)

Article 8

Articles 124, 126, 136 and 143 to 146

Article 9

Articles 124, 126, 136 and 143 to 146

Article 10(1) to (4)

Articles 124, 126, 136 and 143 to 146

Article 10(5) to (7)

Article 10a

Article 11(1)

Article 157

Article 11(2) and (3)

Articles 157, 159, 160 and 143 to 146

Article 11(4)

Articles 97 and 101

Article 11(5)

Article 164

Article 12(1)

Article 12(2)

Articles 257 to 259

Article 12(3)

Articles 84, 90, 92, 93(c), 102 and 106

Article 12(4)

Articles 143 to 149 and 152 to 154

Article 12(5)

Article 12(6)

Article 268

Article 13(1)

Articles 136, 143 to 149 and 151

Article 13(2)

Articles 95, 97 and 98 to 101

Article 14

Articles 31, 32 and 33

Article 15

Articles 36, 39, 40 and 41

Article 16

Articles 229(1) and 234(1)

Article 17(1)

Article 229(1)

Article 17(2)

Articles 229(1)(a), 230 and 233

Article 17(3)

Articles 230, 233 and 234

Article 17(4)

Article 230

Article 17(5) and (6)

Article 18(1), first line

Article 237

Article 18(1), 2nd to 4th line

Article 18(2)

Article 234(3)

Article 19

Articles 234 and 239

Article 20

Articles 229(2) and 260 to 262

Article 21

Articles 144, 146, 162(4) and (5), 209, 211 and 213

Article 22

Article 23

Articles 140 and 205

Article 24

Articles 229(1)(d), 237 and 239(2)

Article 25

Article 26

Article 27

Article 28

Article 29

Article 30

13.Directive 92/66/EEC

Directive 92/66/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Article 18

Article 4

Articles 53 to 56 and 59

Article 5

Articles 60 to 63

Article 6

Article 63

Article 7

Articles 57 and 43(2)(d)

Article 8

Articles 55 and 56

Article 9(1)

Article 64

Article 9(2) to (7)

Articles 65 to 68

Article 10

Articles 65, 66 and 67

Article 11

Articles 67(b) and 68(1)(b) and (2)(a)

Article 12

Articles 54, 61(1)(h) and 63(c)

Article 13

Article 65(2)

Article 14

Article 15

Article 16

Articles 46, 47 and 69

Article 17

Article 47

Article 18

Articles 65(1)(e), 67(a) and 69

Article 19(1) to (3)

Articles 53 to 56 and 59

Article 19(4)

Articles 57 and 60 to 63

Article 19(5)

Article 71(2)

Article 20

Article 21

Articles 43 and 44

Article 22

Article 23

Article 24

Article 25

Article 26

Article 27

14.Directive 92/118/EEC

Directive 92/118/EEC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 166, 222, 227(c)(iv) and 228

Article 4(1)

Articles 166, 222, 227(c)(iv) and 228

Article 4(2)

Article 5

Articles 166 and 222

Article 6

Article 16(1)(b) and (2)(b)

Article 7(1)

Article 7(2)

Articles 257 to 259

Article 7(3) and (4)

Article 7(5)

Article 268

Article 8

Article 9

Articles 229 and 234

Article 10(1) to (4) and (6)

Articles 229, 234, 237 and 239

Article 10(5)

Article 11

Article 239(2)(c)(ii)

Article 12

Article 13

Article 239(2)(c)(i)

Article 14

Article 15

Article 16

Article 239(2)(c)(v)

Article 17

Article 18

Article 19

Article 20

15.Directive 92/119/EC

Directive 92/119/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Article 18

Article 4

Articles 53 to 57 and 59

Article 5

Articles 60 to 63

Article 6

Articles 70 and 71(2)

Article 7

Article 63

Article 8

Articles 57 and 43(2)(d)

Article 9

Articles 55 and 57

Article 10

Articles 64 and 71(3)

Article 11

Articles 65 to 68 and 71(2)

Article 12

Articles 65 to 68 and 71(2)

Article 13

Article 67(a)

Article 14

Articles 65(2) and 71(1) and (3)

Article 15

Article 16

Articles 63(b), 67(b) and 68(1)(b) and (2)(a)

Article 17

Article 18

Article 19

Articles 46, 47 and 69

Article 20

Articles 43 and 44

Article 21

Article 22

Article 23

Article 24

Article 25

Article 26

Article 27

Article 28

16.Decision 95/410/EC

Decision 95/410/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Articles 130 to 132 and 273

Article 2

Article 131(1)(c)

Article 3

Articles 143, 145 and 146

Article 4

Article 5

Article 6

17.Directive 2000/75/EC

Directive 2000/75/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Article 18

Article 4(1) and (2)

Articles 54 and 55

Article 4(3)

Article 53

Article 4(4)

Article 56

Article 4(5)

Article 70

Article 4(6)

Article 59

Article 5

Articles 46 and 47

Article 6

Articles 60 to 64, 71(2) and 69

Article 7

Article 57

Article 8

Articles 64, 68 and 71(3)

Article 9

Articles 65, 67, 69 and 71(3)

Article 10(1)

Articles 65 and 67

Article 10(2)

Articles 46 and 47

Article 11

Article 12

Article 71(3)

Article 13

Article 71(1)

Article 14

Article 65(2)

Article 15

Article 16

Article 17

Article 18

Articles 43 and 44

Article 19

Article 20

Article 21

Article 22

Article 23

18.Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000

Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 108

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 108(3) and 111

Article 4

Articles 112(a), 118, 119 and 120

Article 4a

Article 118(1)(a) and (2)(a)

Article 4b

Article 118(2)(e)

Article 4c

Article 118(1)(a) and (2)(a)

Article 4d

Article 118(1)(a)

Article 5

Articles 109(1)(a) and 118(1)(b)

Article 6

Articles 110(1)(b), 112(b) and 118(1)(c)

Article 6a

Article 110(2)

Article 7(1)

Articles 102, 106, 107 and 112(d)

Article 7(2)

Article 118(2)(a)

Article 7(3) and (4)

Article 102(3)

Article 7(5)

Article 102(4)

Article 7(6)

Article 106

Article 9a

Articles 11 and 13(2)

Article 10(a) to (c)

Articles 118, 119 and 120

Article 10(d) and (e)

Article 10(f)

Article 270

Article 11

Article 12

Article 13

Article 14

Article 15

Article 15a

Article 22

Article 22a

Article 22b

Article 23

Article 23a

Article 23b

Article 24

Article 25

19.Directive 2001/89/EC

Directive 2001/89/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 18, 19, 20 and 23

Article 4

Articles 54 to 56 and 59

Article 5

Articles 60 to 63 and 71(2) and (3)

Article 6

Articles 63 and 71

Article 7

Articles 62, 63, 65(1)(b) and 67

Article 8

Article 57

Article 9

Article 64

Article 10

Articles 65 to 68

Article 11

Articles 65 to 68

Article 12

Articles 61(1)(f), 63(b), 65(1)(f), 67(b) and 68(1)(b) and (2)(a)

Article 13

Articles 61(3), 63(d) and 68(2)(a) and (c)

Article 14

Articles 62 and 63

Article 15

Article 70

Article 16

Article 70 and Articles 31 to 35

Article 17

Articles 16, 17(2), 54(2) and (3), 58(2), 61(1)(g) and (h), 63(c), 65(1)(b) and 67(c)

Article 18

Articles 16, 46 47, 48 and 52

Article 19

Articles 65(1)(e), 67 and 69

Article 20

Article 70

Article 21

Article 22

Articles 43 and 44

Article 23

Articles 43(2)(d) and 44

Article 24

Article 25

Article 26

Article 27

Article 28

Article 29

Article 30

Article 31

Article 32

20.Directive 2002/60/EC

Directive 2002/60/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 18, 19, 20 and 23

Article 4

Articles 54 to 56 and 59

Article 5

Articles 60 to 63 and 71(2) and (3)

Article 6

Articles 63 and 71

Article 7

Articles 62 and 63

Article 8

Article 57

Article 9

Article 64

Article 10

Articles 65 to 68

Article 11

Articles 65 to 68

Article 12

Article 61(1)(f), 63(b), 65(1)(f), 67(b) and 68(1)(b)

Article 13

Articles 61(3), 63(d) and 68(2)(a) and (c)

Article 14

Articles 62 and 63

Article 15

Article 70

Article 16

Article 70 and Articles 31 to 35

Article 17(1)

Articles 61(1)(f), 63, 65(1)(f) and (i), and 67(a) and (d)

Article 17(2) and (3)

Article 71(2) and (3)

Article 18

Articles 16, 17(2), 54(2) and (3), 58(2), 61(1)(g) and (h), 63(c), 65(1)(b) and 67(c)

Article 19

Articles 16, 46 and 47

Article 20

Article 21

Articles 43 and 44

Article 22

Articles 43(2)(d) and 44

Article 23

Article 24

Article 25

Article 26

Article 27

Article 28

Article 29

Article 30

21.Directive 2002/99/EC

Directive 2002/99/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 166, 222 and 227(c)(iv)

Article 4

Articles 65(1)(c),(d), (g),(h) and (i), 67, 166, 222, 227(c)(iv) and 228(1)

Article 5

Articles 167, 168, 223, 224 and 227(d)(iii)

Article 6

Article 7

Article 234(1) and (2)

Article 8

Articles 230, 231 and 232

Article 9

Articles 237 and 238

Article 10

Article 11

Article 12

Article 13

Article 14

Article 15

Article 16

22.Directive 2003/85/EC

Directive 2003/85/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 18, 19, 20 and 23

Article 4

Articles 54 to 56

Article 5

Article 55(1)(d),(e) and (2)

Article 6

Articles 55(1)(f)(i) and (2), and 56(b)

Article 7

Article 55(1)(f)(ii)

Article 8

Article 55(1)(f) and (2)

Article 9

Article 59

Article 10

Articles 60, 61 and 63

Article 11

Articles 61(1)(f), 63(b), 65(1)(f), 67(b) and 68(1)(b)

Article 12

Article 65(1)(d), (h) and (i) and Article 67

Article 13

Article 57

Article 14

Articles 61 to 63

Article 15

Articles 61 to 63, 70 and 71(2)

Article 16

Articles 61, 62 and 63

Article 17

Article 71

Article 18

Articles 61 and 63

Article 19

Articles 62 and 63

Article 20

Article 71

Article 21

Articles 43(2)(d), 64, 65(1)(d), (h) and (i) and (2) and 67

Article 22

Articles 65 to 67

Article 23

Articles 65 to 67

Article 24

Articles 67 and 71(1)

Article 25

Articles 65(1)(c), (d)(i), (g), (h) and (i) and 67

Article 26

Articles 65(1)(c), (d)(i), (g), (h) and (i), 67 and 166

Article 27

Articles 65(1)(c), (d)(i), (g), (h) and (i), 67 and 166

Article 28

Articles 65(1)(c) and (d)(iii) and Article 67

Article 29

Articles 65(1)(c) and (d)(ii) and 67

Article 30

Articles 65(1)(c) and (d)(ii) and (iii) and 67

Article 31

Articles 65(1)(c) and (d)(ii) and 67

Article 32

Articles 65(1)(c) and (d) and 67

Article 33

Article 65(1)(c)(d)(ii) and 67

Article 34

Articles 67, 143(2), 161(2) and 167(1)(b)

Article 35

Article 71(1) and (2)

Article 36

Article 68

Article 37

Articles 65 to 67

Article 38

Articles 65 to 67

Article 39

Articles 65(1)(c), (d)(i), (g), (h) and (i), 67 and 166

Article 40

Articles 65(1)(c), (d)(i), (g), (h) and (i), 67 and 166

Article 41

Articles 65(1)(c) and (d)(ii) and 67

Article 42

Articles 65(1)(c) and (d) and 67

Article 43

Article 71(1)

Article 44

Article 68

Article 45

Articles 64, 67 and 71

Article 46

Articles 65 and 67

Article 47

Articles 65(1)(h) and 67

Article 48

Article 66

Article 49

Articles 16, 46 and 47

Article 50

Articles 46, 47 and 69

Article 51

Articles 47 and 69

Article 52

Articles 46 and 47

Article 53

Articles 46 and 47

Article 54

Articles 47, 65, 67 and 69(2) and(3)

Article 55

Articles 47, 65, 67, and 69(2) and (3)

Article 56

Articles 47, 67(c), 68(1)(c) and 69(2) and (3)

Article 57

Articles 47, 67(c), 68(1)(c) and 69(2) and (3)

Article 58

Article 68

Article 59

Articles 36, 38, 39, 40 and 68

Article 60

Articles 36, 38, 39, 40 and 68

Article 61

Articles 36, 38, 39, 40 and 68

Article 62

Article 68

Article 63

Articles 143(2), 161(2) and 167(1)(b)

Article 64

Articles 65(1)(c), 67, 69(3) and 131

Article 65

Article 16

Article 66

Article 67

Article 68

Article 69

Article 70

Article 16

Article 71

Articles 54(2) and (3), 58(2), 61(1)(g) and (h), 63(c), 65(1)(b), 67(c) and 68(1)(c) and 2(b)

Article 72

Article 43

Article 73

Article 45

Article 74

Article 43(2)(d)

Article 75

Article 44

Article 76

Articles 43(2)(d) and 44

Article 77

Article 44

Article 78

Article 43(2)(d)

Article 79

Article 52

Article 80

Articles 48 and 51

Article 81

Articles 48(3) and 50

Article 82

Articles 48(3) and 50

Article 83

Article 49

Article 84

Articles 48(3) and 50

Article 85

Articles 70 and 71

Article 86

Article 268

Article 87

Article 88

Article 71(3)

Article 89

Article 90

Article 91

Article 92

Article 93

Article 94

Article 95

23.Regulation (EC) No 21/2004

Regulation (EC) No 21/2004

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 108

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3(1)

Article 108(3)

Article 3(2)

Article 111

Article 4(1) and (2)

Articles 113(a), 118, 119 and 120

Article 4(3)

Article 118(2)(a)

Article 4(4)

Article 118(2)(e)

Article 4(5) to (7)

Article 118(1)(a) and 2(a)

Article 4(8)

Article 111

Article 4(9)

Article 118(1)(a) and (2)(a)

Article 5

Articles 102, 106, 107 and 111

Article 6

Articles 111(b), 113(1)(b) and (2), 118(1)(b)(ii), 119 and 120(2)(d)

Article 7

Article 101

Article 8(1)

Articles 109(1)(b) and 118(1)(b)

Article 8(2)

Article 113(1)(c)

Article 8(3) to (5)

Articles 109 and 118(1)(b)

Article 9

Article 118(1)(a) and 2(a)

Article 10(1)

Article 10(2)

Article 120(2)(c)

Article 11

Articles 11 and 13(2)

Article 12(1)

Article 12(2)

Article 268

Article 12(4) to (7)

Article 13

Article 14

Article 15

Article 16

Article 17

24.Directive 2004/68/EC

Directive 2004/68/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3(1)

Articles 229(1)(a) and 231

Article 3(2)

Article 232(1)

Article 4

Article 230(1)

Article 5

Articles 230(1) and (3) and 231

Article 6

Articles 234 and 235

Article 7

Articles 229(2), 234(2)(a), 235 and 238(1)(e)

Article 8

Articles 234, 237(4)(a) and 239(2)(a)

Article 9

Articles 234(2), 235 and 237 (4)(a)

Article 10

Articles 234(2), 235 and 237(4)(a)

Article 11

Articles 229(1)(d), 237 and 238

Article 12

Article 13

Article 14

Article 16

Article 17

Article 18

Article 19

Article 20

Article 21

25.Directive 2005/94/EC

Directive 2005/94/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Article 10

Article 4

Articles 26, 28 and 29

Article 5

Articles 18, 19, 20 and 23

Article 6

Article 57

Article 7

Articles 54 to 56

Article 8

Article 55(2)

Article 9

Article 59

Article 10

Articles 55(1)(e) and (f) and 56

Article 11

Articles 61 and 63

Article 12

Articles 63 and 71

Article 13

Articles 61 and 63

Article 14

Article 63(a)

Article 15

Articles 62 and 63(e)

Article 16

Article 64

Article 17

Articles 65 to 67

Article 18

Articles 65(1)(a) and (b) and 67

Article 19

Articles 65 to 67

Article 20

Articles 65(1)(d)(ii) and 67

Article 21

Articles 65(1)(c) and (i) and 67

Article 22

Articles 65(1)(c) and (i) and 67

Article 23

Articles 65(1)(c) and 67

Article 24

Articles 65(1)(c) and 67

Article 25

Articles 65(1)(c) and 67

Article 26

Articles 65(1)(c) and 67

Article 27

Articles 65(1)(d)(ii) and 67

Article 28

Articles 65(1)(f) and 67(b)

Article 29

Article 68

Article 30

Articles 65 to 67

Article 31

Article 68

Article 32

Articles 65, 67 and 71(2) and (3)

Article 33

Articles 67 and 71(3)

Article 34

Article 71

Article 35

Articles 54 and 61

Article 36

Articles 61 to 63

Article 37

Articles 61 to 63

Article 38

Articles 61, 63, 65 and 67

Article 39

Articles 61, 63 and 71(2)

Article 40

Articles 61, 63 and 71

Article 41

Articles 61, 63 and 71(2) and (3)

Article 42

Articles 62 and 63(e)

Article 43

Article 64

Article 44

Articles 65 and 67

Article 45

Article 68

Article 46

Articles 64(4), 67 and 71(2) and (3)

Article 47

Articles 54, 55, 61, 63 and 71

Article 48

Article 68(1)(b) and (2)(a)

Article 49

Articles 61(3) and 68

Article 50

Articles 16, 54(2)(b) and (c) and (3), 58(2), 61(1)(g) and (h), 63(c), 65(1)(b), 67(c), 68(1)(c) and 2(b)

Article 51

Article 52

Articles 46 and 47

Article 53

Article 69

Article 54

Articles 47, 65(1)(e), 67, 69 and 71(3)

Article 55

Articles 47, 65(1)(e), 67, 69 and 71(3)

Article 56

Articles 46 and 47

Article 57

Article 47

Article 58

Articles 48 to 50

Article 59

Article 52

Article 60

Article 61

Article 268

Article 62

Articles 43 and 44

Article 63

Article 64

Article 65

Article 66

Article 67

Article 68

Article 69

26.Directive 2006/88/EC

Directive 2006/88/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Articles 2 and 3(2)

Article 3

Article 4 (partially)

Article 4(1)

Articles 172, 173, 176 and 177

Article 4(2)

Article 179

Article 4(3)

Article 185(2)

Article 4(4)

Articles 172, 173, 174 and 175

Article 4(5)

Article 5

Article 181

Article 6

Article 185

Article 7

Article 8

Articles 186, 187, 188 and 189

Article 9

Article 181(1)(a)(i), (2) and (3)

Article 10

Article 181(1)(a)(ii), (2) and (3)

Article 11

Articles 191 and 204

Article 12

Article 191

Article 13

Article 192

Article 14(1) and (2)

Articles 208 and 211

Article 14(3) and (4)

Articles 219 and 220

Article 15(1) and (2)

Articles 196 and 197

Article 15(3)

Article 193

Article 15(4)

Articles 196, 197 and 199

Article 16

Article 197

Article 17

Article 197

Article 18

Articles 201 and 202

Article 19

Articles 201 and 202

Article 20

Article 200

Article 21

Articles 200, 203, 205 and 226

Article 22

Article 229(1)(a)

Article 23

Articles 230 and 231

Article 24

Articles 229(1)(d) and 237

Article 25

Articles 234, 237 and 238

Article 26

Article 18

Article 27

Articles 19 and 20

Article 28

Articles 53 to 55 and 72 to 74

Article 29

Articles 57 and 77(1)(b)

Article 30

Articles 59 and 78

Article 31

Article 32

Articles 60, 61, 62 and 64

Article 33

Articles 65 to 67

Article 34

Articles 61(1)(b)and (c) and Article 63

Article 35

Articles 61(3) and 63

Article 36

Article 37

Article 68

Article 38

Articles 77, 79 and 80(3)

Article 39

Articles 79 and 80

Article 40

Article 81

Article 41

Article 257(1)(b) and (c)

Article 42

Article 71(3)

Article 43

Article 226

Article 44

Articles 27, 28, 31 and 32

Article 45

Article 33

Article 46

Article 31(2)

Article 47

Articles 43 and 44

Article 48

Article 46 and 47

Article 49

Article 36

Article 50

Article 36 and 37

Article 51

Article 38

Article 52

Article 41

Article 53

Article 42

Article 54

Article 55

Article 56

Article 57(a)

Article 57(b)

Articles 54(2)(c) and (3), 58, 61(1)(g) and (h), 63(c), 65(1)(b) and 67(c)

Article 57(c)

Article 58

Article 59

Articles 38 and 185 (partially)

Article 60

Article 268

Article 61

Article 62

Article 63

Article 64

Article 65

Article 66

Article 67

27.Directive 2008/71/EC

Directive 2008/71/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3(1)

Articles 101 and 111

Article 3(2)

Articles 118(2) and 119

Article 4(1)

Articles 102, 107 and 119

Article 4(2)

Article 102(3)

Article 5(1)

Articles 115(a), 118(1)(a) and (2)(a) and 120

Article 5(2)

Article 118(1)(a) and (2)(a)

Article 6(1)

Articles 115(a), 118(1)(a) and (2)(a) and 120

Article 6(2)

Article 7

Article 109(1)(c) and (2)

Article 8

Article 118(2)(e)

Article 9

Article 268

Article 10

Article 11

Article 12

Article 13

28.Directive 2009/156/EC

Directive 2009/156/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Articles 126 and 139

Article 4(1)

Articles 130 and 149(3)

Article 4(2)

Articles 130 and 131

Article 4(3)

Article 128

Article 4(4)

Articles 114, 118 and 120

Article 4(5)

Articles 126(1)(b), 130 and 131

Article 4(6)

Articles 31 to 35

Article 5

Articles 130 and 131

Article 6

Articles 130, 131 and 144(1)(b)

Article 7(1)

Articles 126(2) and 133

Article 7(2)

Articles 131 and 132

Article 7(3)

Article 130, 131 and 132

Article 8

Articles 114(1)(c), 118, 120 and 143 to 146

Article 9

Articles 257 to 259 (partially)

Article 10

Article 11

Article 12(1),(2) and (3)

Articles 229(1)(a), 230 and 231

Article 12(4)

Article 234

Article 12(5)

Article 13

Articles 234 and 235

Article 14

Article 234

Article 15

Article 234

Article 16

Articles 234, 235 and 237

Article 17

Article 234

Article 18

Article 19(a) to (c)

Articles 234 and 239

Article 19(d)

Article 20

Article 21

Article 22

Article 23

Article 24

29.Directive 2009/158/EC

Directive 2009/158/EC

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Article 4 (partially)

Article 3

Article 4

Article 5

Articles 126, 130, 131, 159 and 160

Article 6

Articles 124, 126 and 159

Article 7

Article 101

Article 8

Articles 159 and 160

Article 9

Articles 130 and 131

Article 10

Articles 130, 131 and 149(3) and (4)

Article 11

Articles 130, 131 and 149(3) and (4)

Article 12

Articles 130 and 131

Article 13

Articles 131 and 273

Article 14

Article 131

Article 15(1)(a)

Articles 159 and 160

Article 15(1)(b) to (d)

Articles 130 and 131

Article 15(2)

Articles 31 to 35 and 36(3)

Article 15(3)

Article 42

Article 16

Articles 31 to 35

Article 17

Articles 36, 39 and 40

Article 18

Articles 117, 118(2)(e), 122(2), 124, 125, 126(1)(a) and (2), 132 and 157(3)

Article 19

Articles 130 and 131

Article 20

Articles 143(1)(a), 144, 145, 149, 161 and 162

Article 21

Articles 139 and 144(1)(a) and (b)

Article 22

Article 23

Articles 229(1)(a), 230 and 231

Article 24

Article 234

Article 25

Article 234

Article 26

Article 237

Article 27

Article 28

Articles 234, 235 and 236

Article 29

Articles 234, 235 and 239

Article 30

Article 234

Article 31

Articles 257 to 259

Article 32

Article 33

Article 34

Article 35

Article 36

Article 37

Article 38

30.Regulation (EU) No 576/2013

Regulation (EU) No 576/2013

This Regulation

Article 1

Article 2

Articles 3(5) and (6) and 244

Article 3

Article 4 (partially)

Article 4

Article 245(1)

Article 5(1) and (2)

Article 246(1) and (2)

Article 5(3)

Article 5(4)

Articles 3(4) to (6)

Article 5(5)

Article 246(3)

Article 5(6)

Article 6

Articles 247 and 252(1)(a) and (b)

Article 7

Article 252(1)(b) and (4)(d)

Article 8(1) and (3)

Article 252(1)(b) and (d)

Article 8(2)

Article 253(1)(b)

Article 9

Articles 248 and 252(1)(a) and (b)

Article 10

Articles 249 and 252(1)(a) and (b)

Article 11

Article 252(1)(b) and (4)(d)

Article 12

Article 252(1)(b) and (4)(d)

Article 13

Articles 252(4)(d) and 253(1)(d)

Article 14

Article 250 and 252(1)(a) and (b)

Article 15

Articles 252(4) and 253(1)(d)

Article 16

Article 251

Article 17

Articles 247(a) and 252(1)(a)

Article 18

Articles 252(1)(a)(ii) and 14(1)(c)(iv) and (2)

Article 19

Article 252(1)(a), (2), (3) and(4)(a),(b) and(c)

Article 20

Article 253(1)(c)

Article 21

Articles 254(a) and 255(1) and (2)(b)

Article 22

Article 254(d)

Article 23

Article 254(b)

Article 24

Article 254(c)

Article 25

Articles 254(a) and 255(1)

Article 26

Article 254(d)

Article 27

Article 254(c)

Article 28

Articles 254(a) and 255(2)(a)

Article 29

Article 254(d)

Article 30

Articles 254(a) and 255(2)(a)

Article 31

Article 254(d)

Article 32

Article 252(4)(e)

Article 33

Article 34

Article 35

Article 36

Articles 257 to 262

Article 37

Article 256

Article 38

Article 39

Article 40

Article 41

Article 42

Article 268

Article 43

Article 44

Article 45