Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the CouncilShow full title

Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on transmissible animal diseases and amending and repealing certain acts in the area of animal health (‘Animal Health Law’) (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 65Disease control measures in restricted zones

1.The competent authority shall ensure that, subject to national requirements for gaining access to private residences, one or more of the following disease control measures are taken in the restricted zone concerned, in order to prevent the further spread of a listed disease as referred to in point (a) of Article 9(1):

(a)the identification of establishments, food or feed businesses, animal by–products establishments or other locations with kept animals of listed species for that listed disease;

(b)visits to establishments, food or feed businesses, animal by–products establishments or other locations with kept animals of listed species for that listed disease, and, where necessary, examinations, sampling and laboratory examination of the samples taken;

(c)the imposition of conditions for the movement of persons, animals, products, feed, vehicles and any other material or substance that may be contaminated or contribute to the spread of that listed disease within and from the restricted zone and transport through the restricted zone;

(d)biosecurity requirements for:


the production, processing and distribution of products of animal origin;


the collection and disposal of animal by–products;


the collection, storage and handling of germinal products;

(e)the vaccination and treatment with other veterinary medicinal products of kept animals in accordance with Article 46(1) and any delegated acts adopted pursuant to Article 47;

(f)cleaning, disinfection, control of insects and rodents, or other necessary biosecurity measures;

(g)the designation or where relevant, approval of a food business establishment for the purposes of the slaughtering of animals or the treatment of products of animal origin originating from the restricted zone;

(h)the identification and traceability requirements for the movement of animals, germinal products or products of animal origin;

(i)other necessary biosecurity and risk-mitigating measures to minimise the risk of the spread of that listed disease.

2.The competent authority shall:

(a)take all necessary measures to fully inform persons in the restricted zone of the restrictions in force and the nature of the disease control measures;

(b)impose the necessary obligations on operators in order to prevent the further spread of the listed disease in question.

3.When determining which of the disease control measures provided for in paragraph 1 are to be taken, the competent authority shall take the following into account:

(a)the disease profile;

(b)the types of production;

(c)the feasibility, availability and effectiveness of those disease control measures.