1. Introductory Text


    1. CHAPTER 1 Subject matter, aim, scope and definitions

      1. Article 1.Subject matter and aim

      2. Article 2.Scope

      3. Article 3.Scope of Parts IV, V and VI

      4. Article 4.Definitions

    2. CHAPTER 2 Listed diseases and emerging diseases and listed species

      1. Article 5.Listing of diseases

      2. Article 6.Emerging diseases

      3. Article 7.Assessment parameters for the listing of diseases

      4. Article 8.Listing of species

      5. Article 9.Disease prevention and control rules to be applied to different categories of listed diseases

    3. CHAPTER 3 Responsibilities for animal health

      1. Section 1 Operators, animal professionals and pet keepers

        1. Article 10.Responsibilities for animal health and biosecurity measures

        2. Article 11.Knowledge of animal health

      2. Section 2 Veterinarians and aquatic animal health professionals

        1. Article 12.Responsibilities of veterinarians and aquatic animal health professionals

      3. Section 3 Member States

        1. Article 13.Member States' responsibilities

        2. Article 14.Delegation by a competent authority of official activities

        3. Article 15.Public information

      4. Section 4 Laboratories, facilities and other natural and legal persons handling disease agents, vaccines and other biological products

        1. Article 16.Obligations of laboratories, facilities and others handling disease agents, vaccines and other biological products

        2. Article 17.Animal health laboratories


    1. CHAPTER 1 Disease notification and reporting

      1. Article 18.Notification within Member States

      2. Article 19.Union notification

      3. Article 20.Union reporting

      4. Article 21.Notification and reporting regions

      5. Article 22.Computerised information system for Union notification and Union reporting of diseases

      6. Article 23.Implementing powers concerning Union notification and Union reporting and the computerised information system

    2. CHAPTER 2 Surveillance

      1. Article 24.Operators' surveillance obligation

      2. Article 25.Animal health visits

      3. Article 26.The competent authority's surveillance obligation

      4. Article 27.Methodology, frequency and intensity of surveillance

      5. Article 28.Union surveillance programmes

      6. Article 29.Delegation of powers

      7. Article 30.Implementing powers

    3. CHAPTER 3 Eradication programmes

      1. Article 31.Compulsory and optional eradication programmes

      2. Article 32.Measures under compulsory and optional eradication programmes

      3. Article 33.Content of compulsory and optional eradication programmes submitted for approval to the Commission

      4. Article 34.Reporting

      5. Article 35.Implementing powers

    4. CHAPTER 4 Disease–free status

      1. Article 36.Disease–free Member States and zones

      2. Article 37.Compartments

      3. Article 38.Lists of disease–free Member States, zones or compartments

      4. Article 39.Delegation of powers concerning the disease–free status of Member States and zones

      5. Article 40.Implementing powers

      6. Article 41.Maintenance of disease–free status

      7. Article 42.Suspension, withdrawal and restoration of disease–free status



      1. CHAPTER 1 Contingency plans and simulation exercises

        1. Article 43.Contingency plans

        2. Article 44.Implementing powers for contingency plans

        3. Article 45.Simulation exercises

      2. CHAPTER 2 The use of veterinary medicinal products for disease prevention and control

        1. Article 46.The use of veterinary medicinal products for disease prevention and control

        2. Article 47.Delegation of powers for the use of veterinary medicinal products

      3. CHAPTER 3 Antigen, vaccine and diagnostic reagent banks

        1. Article 48.The establishment of Union antigen, vaccine and diagnostic reagent banks

        2. Article 49.Access to the Union antigen, vaccine and diagnostic reagent banks

        3. Article 50.Implementing powers concerning the Union antigen, vaccine and diagnostic reagent banks

        4. Article 51.Confidentiality of information concerning the Union antigen, vaccine and diagnostic reagent banks

        5. Article 52.National antigen, vaccine and diagnostic reagent banks


      1. CHAPTER 1 Disease control measures for listed diseases as referred to in point (a) of Article 9(1)

        1. Section 1 Disease control measures in the event of suspicion of a listed disease in kept animals

          1. Article 53.Obligations on operators and other relevant natural and legal persons concerned

          2. Article 54.Investigation by the competent authority in the event of suspicion of a listed disease

          3. Article 55.Preliminary disease control measures by competent authorities

          4. Article 56.Review and extension of the preliminary disease control measures

        2. Section 2 Epidemiological enquiry

          1. Article 57.Epidemiological enquiry

        3. Section 3 Disease confirmation in kept animals

          1. Article 58.Official confirmation by the competent authority of a listed disease as referred to in point (a) of Article 9(1)

          2. Article 59.Lifting of preliminary disease control measures where the presence of the listed disease has been ruled out

        4. Section 4 Disease control measures in the event of confirmation of disease in kept animals

          1. Article 60.Immediate disease control measures to be taken by the competent authority

          2. Article 61.Affected establishments and other locations

          3. Article 62.Epidemiologically linked establishments and locations

          4. Article 63.Delegation of powers in respect of disease control measures in affected and epidemiologically linked establishments and other locations

          5. Article 64.Establishment of restricted zones by the competent authority

          6. Article 65.Disease control measures in restricted zones

          7. Article 66.Operators' obligations regarding movements in restricted zones

          8. Article 67.Delegation of powers concerning disease control measures in restricted zones

          9. Article 68.Maintaining disease control measures in restricted zones and delegated acts

          10. Article 69.Emergency vaccination

        5. Section 5 Wild animals

          1. Article 70.Wild animals

        6. Section 6 Additional disease control measures by the Member States, coordination by the Commission and temporary special disease control rules

          1. Article 71.Additional disease control measures, coordination of measures and temporary special disease control rules concerning Sections 1 to 5 (Articles 53 to 70)

      2. CHAPTER 2 Disease control measures for listed diseases as referred to in points (b) and (c) of Article 9(1)

        1. Section 1 Disease control measures in the event of suspicion of disease in kept animals

          1. Article 72.Obligations on operators and other relevant natural and legal persons concerned in relation to listed diseases as referred to in point (b) of Article 9(1)

          2. Article 73.Investigation by the competent authority in the event of suspicion of a listed disease as referred to in point (b) of Article 9(1)

          3. Article 74.Preliminary disease control measures by the competent authority for listed diseases as referred to in point (b) of Article 9(1)

          4. Article 75.Review and extension of the preliminary disease control measures for listed diseases as referred to in point (b) of Article 9(1)

          5. Article 76.Obligations of operators and other relevant natural and legal persons and measures to be taken by the competent authority in the event of suspicion of listed diseases as referred to in point (c) of Article 9(1)

        2. Section 2 Disease confirmation in kept animals

          1. Article 77.Official confirmation of disease by the competent authority

          2. Article 78.Lifting preliminary disease control measures when the occurrence of a disease is ruled out

        3. Section 3 Disease control measures in the event of confirmation of disease in kept animals

          1. Article 79.Disease control measures by the competent authority for listed diseases as referred to in point (b) of Article 9(1)

          2. Article 80.Disease control measures to be taken by the competent authority for listed diseases referred to in Article 9(1)(c)

        4. Section 4 Wild animals

          1. Article 81.Disease control measures for listed diseases as referred to in point (b) of Article 9(1) in wild animals

          2. Article 82.Disease control measures for listed diseases as referred to in point (c) of Article 9(1) in wild animals

        5. Section 5 Coordination by the Commission and temporary special disease control rules

          1. Article 83.Coordination of measures by the Commission and temporary special rules concerning Sections 1 to 4



      1. CHAPTER 1 Registration, approval, record-keeping and registers

        1. Section 1 Registration of establishments and certain types of operators

          1. Article 84.Obligation of operators to register establishments

          2. Article 85.Derogations from the obligation of operators to register establishments

          3. Article 86.Implementing powers concerning the obligation of operators to register establishments

          4. Article 87.Registration obligations of transporters of kept ungulates and delegated acts

          5. Article 88.Derogations from the registration obligation of transporters of kept ungulates

          6. Article 89.Implementing powers concerning the registration obligation of transporters

          7. Article 90.Registration obligation of operators conducting assembly operations independently of an establishment

          8. Article 91.Derogations from the registration obligation of operators conducting assembly operations

          9. Article 92.Implementing powers concerning the registration obligation of operators conducting assembly operations

          10. Article 93.Obligation of the competent authority concerning registration

        2. Section 2 Approval of certain types of establishments

          1. Article 94.Approval of certain establishments and delegated acts

          2. Article 95.Approval of status of confined establishments

          3. Article 96.Obligation of operators to provide information with a view to obtaining approval and implementing acts

          4. Article 97.Granting of, and conditions for, approval of establishments and delegated acts

          5. Article 98.Scope of the approval of establishments

          6. Article 99.Procedures for the granting of approval by the competent authority

          7. Article 100.Review, suspension and withdrawal of approvals by the competent authority

        3. Section 3 Registers of the competent authority

          1. Article 101.Registers to be kept by the competent authority

        4. Section 4 Record-keeping

          1. Article 102.Record-keeping obligations of operators of establishments other than germinal products establishments

          2. Article 103.Record-keeping obligations of germinal product establishments

          3. Article 104.Record-keeping obligations of transporters

          4. Article 105.Record-keeping obligations of operators conducting assembly operations

          5. Article 106.Delegation of powers concerning record-keeping

          6. Article 107.Implementing powers concerning exemptions from the record-keeping requirements

      2. CHAPTER 2 Traceability requirements for kept terrestrial animals and germinal products

        1. Section 1 Kept terrestrial animals

          1. Article 108.Member States' responsibility for establishing a system for the identification and registration of kept terrestrial animals

          2. Article 109.Member States' obligation to establish and maintain a computer database of kept terrestrial animals

          3. Article 110.Obligation of the competent authority in respect of identification documents, movement documents and other documents for the identification and tracing of kept terrestrial animals

          4. Article 111.Public availability of information on means of identification

          5. Article 112.Operators' obligations in respect of the identification of kept animals of the bovine species

          6. Article 113.Operators' obligations in respect of the identification of kept animals of the ovine and caprine species

          7. Article 114.Operators' obligations in respect of the identification and registration of kept animals of the equine species

          8. Article 115.Operators' obligations in respect of the identification and registration of kept animals of the porcine species

          9. Article 116.Derogations concerning movements of kept animals of the porcine species

          10. Article 117.Operators' obligation in respect of the identification of kept terrestrial animals other than animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine species

          11. Article 118.Delegation of powers concerning identification and registration

          12. Article 119.Delegation of powers concerning derogations from the traceability requirements

          13. Article 120.Implementing powers concerning the traceability of kept terrestrial animals

        2. Section 2 Germinal products

          1. Article 121.Traceability requirements for germinal products of kept animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine species

          2. Article 122.Delegation of powers concerning traceability requirements for germinal products

          3. Article 123.Implementing powers concerning traceability requirements for germinal products

      3. CHAPTER 3 Movements within the Union of kept terrestrial animals

        1. Section 1 General requirements for movements

          1. Article 124.General requirements for movements of kept terrestrial animals

          2. Article 125.Disease prevention measures in relation to transport

        2. Section 2 Movements between Member States

          1. Article 126.General requirements for movements of kept terrestrial animals between Member States

          2. Article 127.Obligations of operators at the place of destination

          3. Article 128.Prohibition on movements of kept terrestrial animals for disease eradication purposes outside the territory of a Member State

          4. Article 129.General requirement applicable to operators in respect of movements of kept terrestrial animals passing through Member States but intended for export from the Union to third countries or territories

        3. Section 3 Specific requirements in respect of movements to other Member States of ungulates and poultry

          1. Article 130.Movements of kept ungulates and poultry to other Member States

          2. Article 131.Delegation of powers in respect of movements of kept ungulates and poultry to other Member States

          3. Article 132.Kept ungulates and poultry moved to another Member State and intended for slaughter

        4. Section 4 Assembly operations in respect of kept ungulates and poultry

          1. Article 133.Derogation in respect of assembly operations

          2. Article 134.Disease prevention requirements in respect of assembly operations

          3. Article 135.Delegation of powers concerning assembly operations

        5. Section 5 Movements to other Member States of kept terrestrial animals other than kept ungulates and poultry

          1. Article 136.Movements of kept terrestrial animals other than kept ungulates and poultry to other Member States and delegated acts

        6. Section 6 DErogating from, and supplementing, risk-mitigation measures for movements of kept terrestrial animals

          1. Article 137.Kept terrestrial animals intended for confined establishments and delegated acts

          2. Article 138.Movements of kept terrestrial animals for scientific purposes and delegated acts

          3. Article 139.Derogations concerning recreational use, sporting and cultural events, work near borders and grazing

          4. Article 140.Delegation of power concerning circuses, exhibitions, sporting events and recreational use, zoos, pet shops, animal shelters and wholesalers

          5. Article 141.Implementing power to adopt temporary rules for movements of specific species or categories of kept terrestrial animals

          6. Article 142.Matters to be taken into account in the adoption of delegated and implementing acts as provided for in this Section

        7. Section 7 Animal health certification

          1. Article 143.Obligation of operators to ensure that animals are accompanied by an animal health certificate

          2. Article 144.Delegation of powers concerning the obligation of operators to ensure that animals are accompanied by an animal health certificate

          3. Article 145.Contents of animal health certificates

          4. Article 146.Delegation of powers and implementing acts concerning the content of animal health certificates

          5. Article 147.Delegation of powers concerning specific types of movements of kept terrestrial animals

          6. Article 148.Operators' obligations to cooperate with the competent authority for the purposes of animal health certification

          7. Article 149.Responsibility of the competent authority for animal health certification

          8. Article 150.Electronic animal health certificates

          9. Article 151.Self–declaration by operators for movements to other Member States

        8. Section 8 Notification of movements of kept terrestrial animals to other Member States

          1. Article 152.Obligation of operators concerning the notification of movements of kept terrestrial animals to other Member States

          2. Article 153.Responsibility of the competent authority to notify movements to other Member States

          3. Article 154.Delegation of power and implementing acts for the notification of movements by operators and by the competent authority

      4. CHAPTER 4 Movements of wild terrestrial animals

        1. Article 155.Wild terrestrial animals

        2. Article 156.Empowerments concerning the movement of wild terrestrial animals

      5. CHAPTER 5 Movements within the Union of germinal products

        1. Section 1 General requirements

          1. Article 157.General requirements for movements of germinal products

          2. Article 158.Obligations for operators at the place of destination

        2. Section 2 Movements to other Member States of germinal products of kept animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine species and germinal products of poultry

          1. Article 159.Operators' obligations in respect of movements to other Member States of germinal products of kept animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine species and germinal products of poultry

          2. Article 160.Delegation of power in respect of movements to other Member States of germinal products of kept animals of the bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine species and germinal products of poultry

        3. Section 3 Animal health certification and notification of movements

          1. Article 161.Operators' obligations concerning animal health certification for movements of germinal products of kept animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine species and germinal products of poultry and delegated acts

          2. Article 162.Content of animal health certificates

          3. Article 163.Notification of movements of germinal products of kept animals of the bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine species and germinal products of poultry to other Member States

        4. Section 4 Movements to other Member States of germinal products of kept terrestrial animals of species other than bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine species and germinal products of poultry

          1. Article 164.Germinal products of kept terrestrial animals other than those of the bovine, ovine, caprine, porcine and equine species and germinal products of poultry

        5. Section 5 Derogations

          1. Article 165.Germinal products intended for scientific purposes and delegated acts

      6. CHAPTER 6 Production, processing and distribution within the Union of products of animal origin

        1. Article 166.General animal health obligations for operators and delegated acts

        2. Article 167.Operators' obligations with regard to animal health certificates and delegated acts

        3. Article 168.Content of animal health certificates and delegated and implementing acts

        4. Article 169.Notification of movements of products of animal origin to other Member States

      7. CHAPTER 7 Scope of national measures

        1. Article 170.National measures concerning disease control and movements of animals and germinal products

        2. Article 171.National measures designed to limit the impact of diseases other than listed diseases


      1. CHAPTER 1 Registration, approval, record-keeping and registers

        1. Section 1 Registration of aquaculture establishments

          1. Article 172.Obligation of operators to register aquaculture establishments

          2. Article 173.Obligations of the competent authority concerning the registration of aquaculture establishments

          3. Article 174.Derogations from the obligation of operators to register aquaculture establishments

          4. Article 175.Implementing powers concerning derogations from the obligation to register aquaculture establishments

        2. Section 2 Approval of certain types of aquaculture establishments

          1. Article 176.Approval of certain aquaculture establishments and delegated acts

          2. Article 177.Approval by the competent authority of groups of aquaculture establishments

          3. Article 178.Approval of status of confined aquaculture establishments

          4. Article 179.Approval of disease control aquatic food establishments

          5. Article 180.Obligation of operators to provide information with a view to obtaining approval

          6. Article 181.Granting of, and conditions for, approval and delegated acts

          7. Article 182.Scope of the approval of establishments

          8. Article 183.Procedures for the granting of approval by the competent authority

          9. Article 184.Review, suspension and withdrawal of approvals by the competent authority

        3. Section 3 Register of aquaculture establishments and disease control aquatic food establishments

          1. Article 185.Register of aquaculture establishments and disease control aquatic food establishments

        4. Section 4 Record-keeping and traceability

          1. Article 186.Record-keeping obligations of operators of aquaculture establishments

          2. Article 187.Record-keeping obligations of disease control aquatic food establishments

          3. Article 188.Record-keeping obligations of transporters

          4. Article 189.Delegation of powers concerning record-keeping

          5. Article 190.Implementing powers concerning exemptions from the record-keeping requirements

      2. CHAPTER 2 Movements within the Union of aquatic animals

        1. Section 1 General requirements for movements

          1. Article 191.General requirements for movements of aquatic animals

          2. Article 192.Disease prevention measures in relation to transport

          3. Article 193.Change of intended use

          4. Article 194.Obligations of operators at the place of destination

          5. Article 195.General requirements in respect of movements of aquaculture animals passing through Member States but intended for export from the Union to third countries or territories

        2. Section 2 Aquatic animals intended for aquaculture establishments or release into the wild

          1. Article 196.Abnormal mortalities or other serious disease symptoms

          2. Article 197.Movements of aquaculture animals intended for Member States, zones or compartments which have been declared disease-free or which are subject to an eradication programme, and delegated acts

          3. Article 198.Derogations by Member States concerning the obligation of operators for movement of aquaculture animals between Member States, zones or compartments which are subject to an eradication programme

          4. Article 199.Member States' measures concerning the release of aquatic animals into the wild

          5. Article 200.Movements of wild aquatic animals intended for Member States, or zones or compartments thereof, which have been declared disease–free or which are subject to an eradication programme, and delegated acts

        3. Section 3 Aquatic animals intended for human consumption

          1. Article 201.Movements of live aquaculture animals intended for human consumption in Member States, or in zones or compartments thereof, which have been declared disease–free or which are subject to an eradication programme, and delegated acts

          2. Article 202.Movements of live wild aquatic animals intended for Member States, or zones or compartments thereof, which have been declared disease–free or which are subject to an eradication programme, and delegated acts

        4. Section 4 Derogations from Sections 1 to 3 (Articles 191 to 202) and additional risk-mitigation measures

          1. Article 203.Aquatic animals intended for confined establishments for aquaculture and delegated acts

          2. Article 204.Movements of aquatic animals for scientific purposes and delegated acts

          3. Article 205.Other specific uses of aquatic animals, specific requirements and derogations and delegation of powers

          4. Article 206.Implementing power to adopt temporary rules for movements of specific species or categories of aquatic animals

          5. Article 207.Matters to be taken into account in the adoption of delegated and implementing acts as provided for in this Section

        5. Section 5 Animal health certification

          1. Article 208.Obligation of operators to ensure that aquaculture animals are accompanied by an animal health certificate

          2. Article 209. Obligation of operators to ensure that other aquatic animals are accompanied by an animal health certificate

          3. Article 210.Grant of derogations by Member States in respect of national animal health certification

          4. Article 211.Delegation of powers and implementing acts concerning animal health certification in respect of aquatic animals

          5. Article 212.Contents of animal health certificates

          6. Article 213.Delegation of powers and implementing acts concerning the content of animal health certificates

          7. Article 214.Delegation of powers concerning specific types of movements of aquatic animals to the place of destination

          8. Article 215.Operators' obligations to cooperate with the competent authorities for the purposes of animal health certification

          9. Article 216.Responsibility of the competent authority for animal health certification and delegated acts

          10. Article 217.Electronic animal health certificates

          11. Article 218.Self–declaration by operators for movements of aquaculture animals to other Member States and delegated acts

        6. Section 6 Notification of movements of aquatic animals to other Member States

          1. Article 219.Obligation of operators concerning the notification of movements of aquatic animals to other Member States

          2. Article 220.Responsibility of the competent authority to notify movements of aquatic animals to other Member States

          3. Article 221.Delegation of powers and implementing acts for the notification of movements of aquatic animals by operators and by the competent authority

      3. CHAPTER 3 Production, processing and distribution within the Union of products of animal origin from aquatic animals, other than live aquatic animals

        1. Article 222.General animal health obligations for operators and delegated acts

        2. Article 223.Animal health certificates and delegated acts

        3. Article 224.Content of animal health certificates and delegated and implementing acts

        4. Article 225.Notification of movements of products of animal origin to other Member States

      4. CHAPTER 4 National measures

        1. Article 226.National measures designed to limit the impact of diseases other than listed disease


      1. Article 227.Animal health requirements concerning other animals, and germinal products and products of animal origin of such other animals

      2. Article 228.Delegation of powers and implementing acts concerning animal health requirements for other animals, and germinal products and products of animal origin of other animals


    1. CHAPTER 1 Entry into the Union of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin from third countries and territories

      1. Section 1 Requirements for the entry into the Union

        1. Article 229.Requirements for entry into the Union of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin

      2. Section 2 Listing of third countries and territories

        1. Article 230.Lists of third countries and territories from which the entry into the Union of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin is permitted, and implementing and delegated acts

        2. Article 231.Information to be included in the lists of third countries and territories

        3. Article 232.Suspension and withdrawal from the lists of third countries and territories and implementing acts

      3. Section 3 Approval and listing of establishments in third countries and territories

        1. Article 233.Approval and listing of establishments

      4. Section 4 Entry into the Union of species and categories of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin

        1. Article 234.Animal health requirements for the entry into the Union of species and categories of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin

        2. Article 235.Matters to be taken into account in delegated acts provided for in Article 234 with regard to the entry into the Union of animals

        3. Article 236.Matters to be taken into account in delegated acts as provided for in Article 234 with regard to the entry into the Union of germinal products and products of animal origin

      5. Section 5 Animal health certificates, declarations and other documents

        1. Article 237.Animal health certificates, declarations and other documents for entry into the Union

        2. Article 238.Content of animal health certificates

      6. Section 6 Derogations and additional requirements in respect of certain categories of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin

        1. Article 239.Derogations and additional requirements in respect of certain categories of animals, germinal products and products of animal origin

    2. CHAPTER 2 Entry into the Union of certain goods other than animals, germinal products and products of animal origin from third countries and territories

      1. Article 240.Disease agents and delegated acts

      2. Article 241.Plant material and delegated and implementing acts

      3. Article 242.Means of transport, equipment, packaging materials, transport water and feed and fodder and delegated and implementing acts

    3. CHAPTER 3 Export

      1. Article 243.Export from the Union


    1. CHAPTER 1 General provisions

      1. Article 244.Scope of Part VI

      2. Article 245.General provisions

      3. Article 246.Maximum number of pet animals

    2. CHAPTER 2 Conditions applicable to non–commercial movements of pet animals into a Member State from another Member State

      1. Article 247.Conditions applicable to non–commercial movements of pet animals of the species listed in Part A of Annex I

      2. Article 248.Conditions applicable to non–commercial movements of pet animals of the species listed in Part B of Annex I

    3. CHAPTER 3 Conditions applicable to non–commercial movements of pet animals into a Member State from a third country or territory

      1. Article 249.Conditions applicable to non–commercial movements of pet animals of the species listed in Part A of Annex I

      2. Article 250.Conditions applicable to non–commercial movements of pet animals of the species listed in Part B of Annex I

      3. Article 251.Derogation from the conditions applicable to non–commercial movements of pet animals between certain countries and territories

    4. CHAPTER 4 Identification and prevention and risk-mitigation measures

      1. Article 252.Delegation of powers concerning the identification of pet animals and prevention and risk-mitigation measures

      2. Article 253.Implementing acts concerning prevention and risk-mitigation measures

    5. CHAPTER 5 Identification documents

      1. Article 254.Delegation of powers concerning identification documents

      2. Article 255.Implementing acts concerning identification documents

    6. CHAPTER 6 Information obligations

      1. Article 256.Information obligations


    1. Section 1 Emergency measures concerning movements of animals and products within the Union and means of transport and other material that may have come into contact with such animals and products

      1. Article 257.Emergency measures to be taken by the competent authority of the Member State in the territory of which an outbreak of a listed disease or emerging disease, or a hazard occurred

      2. Article 258.Emergency measures to be taken by a Member State other than the Member State where the outbreak or hazard occurred

      3. Article 259.Commission emergency measures

    2. Section 2 Emergency measures concerning consignments of animals and products originating from third countries and territories, and means of transport and other material, that may have come into contact with such consignments

      1. Article 260.Emergency measures to be taken by the competent authority

      2. Article 261.Commission emergency measures

      3. Article 262.Emergency measures to be taken by Member States when the Commission does not act



      1. Article 263.Amendments to Annex III

      2. Article 264.Exercise of the delegation

      3. Article 265.Urgency procedure

      4. Article 266.Committee procedure

      5. Article 267.Data protection


      1. Article 268.Penalties


      1. Article 269.Additional or more stringent measures by Member States


    1. Article 270.Repeals

    2. Article 271.Transitional measures related to the amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000 and the repeal of Regulation (EC) No 21/2004 and Directive 2008/71/EC

    3. Article 272.Transitional measures related to the repeals of Directives 92/66/EEC, 2000/75/EC, 2001/89/EC, 2002/60/EC, 2003/85/EC and 2005/94/EC

    4. Article 273.Amendment of Regulation (EC) No 2160/2003

    5. Article 274.Transitional measures related to the date of adoption of certain delegated and implementing acts

    6. Article 275.Prior review and amendments of Annex II

    7. Article 276.Review

    8. Article 277.Transitional measures related to the repeal of Regulation (EU) No 576/2013 on the non–commercial movement of pet animals

    9. Article 278.Amendments to Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000

    10. Article 279.Existing operators and establishments

    11. Article 280.Existing disease–free Member States, zones and compartments and existing Member State eradication and surveillance programmes

    12. Article 281. Relation with acts concerning official controls

    13. Article 282.Evaluation

    14. Article 283.Entry into force and application

  11. Signature

    1. ANNEX I


      1. PART A Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) Cats (Felis silvestris catus) Ferrets (Mustela...

      2. PART B Invertebrates (except bees, molluscs belonging to the phylum Mollusca and...

    2. ANNEX II


      1. Rinderpest (cattle plague) Sheep and goat plague Swine vesicular disease...

    3. ANNEX III


      1. Taxon Order Family Genera/Species Perissodactyla Equidae Equus spp. Tapiridae Tapirus...

    4. ANNEX IV


      1. The scope of this Annex is to detail the criteria...

      2. The process of categorisation shall take into account the profile...

      3. Section 1 Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control...

      4. Section 2 Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control...

      5. Section 3 Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control...

      6. Section 4 Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control...

      7. Section 5 Criteria for the application of the disease prevention and control...

    5. ANNEX V


      1. 1. Directive 64/432/EEC

      2. 2. Directive 77/391/EEC

      3. 3. Directive 78/52/EEC

      4. 4. Directive 80/1095/EEC

      5. 5. Directive 82/894/EEC

      6. 6. Directive 88/407/EEC

      7. 7. Directive 89/556/EEC

      8. 8. Directive 90/429/EEC

      9. 9. Directive 91/68/EEC

      10. 10. Decision 91/666/EEC

      11. 11. Directive 92/35/EEC

      12. 12. Directive 92/65/EEC

      13. 13. Directive 92/66/EEC

      14. 14. Directive 92/118/EEC

      15. 15. Directive 92/119/EC

      16. 16. Decision 95/410/EC

      17. 17. Directive 2000/75/EC

      18. 18. Regulation (EC) No 1760/2000

      19. 19. Directive 2001/89/EC

      20. 20. Directive 2002/60/EC

      21. 21. Directive 2002/99/EC

      22. 22. Directive 2003/85/EC

      23. 23. Regulation (EC) No 21/2004

      24. 24. Directive 2004/68/EC

      25. 25. Directive 2005/94/EC

      26. 26. Directive 2006/88/EC

      27. 27. Directive 2008/71/EC

      28. 28. Directive 2009/156/EC

      29. 29. Directive 2009/158/EC

      30. 30. Regulation (EU) No 576/2013