Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631Show full title

Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid connection of generators (Text with EEA relevance)

Article 40Responsibility of the power-generating facility owner

1.The power-generating facility owner shall ensure that each power-generating module complies with the requirements applicable under this Regulation throughout the lifetime of the facility. For type A power-generating modules, the power-generating facility owner may rely upon equipment certificates, issued as per Regulation (EC) No 765/2008.

2.The power-generating facility owner shall notify to the relevant system operator any planned modification of the technical capabilities of a power-generating module which may affect its compliance with the requirements applicable under this Regulation, before initiating that modification.

3.The power-generating facility owner shall notify the relevant system operator of any operational incidents or failures of a power-generating module that affect its compliance with the requirements of this Regulation, without undue delay, after the occurrence of those incidents.

4.The power-generating facility owner shall notify the relevant system operator of the planned test schedules and procedures to be followed for verifying the compliance of a power-generating module with the requirements of this Regulation, in due time and prior to their launch. The relevant system operator shall approve in advance the planned test schedules and procedures. Such approval by the relevant system operator shall be provided in a timely manner and shall not be unreasonably withheld.

5.The relevant system operator may participate in such tests and record the performance of the power-generating modules.