Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/8Show full title

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/8 of 5 January 2016 specifying the technical characteristics of the 2017 ad hoc module on self-employment (Text with EEA relevance)


This Annex sets out the technical characteristics, filters and codes to be used in the ad hoc module on self-employment scheduled to be carried out in 2017. It also sets the dates for submission of data to the Commission.

Deadline for transmission of the results to the Commission: 31 March 2018.

Filters and codes to be used for sending data: as set out in Annex III to Commission Regulation (EC) No 377/2008(1).

Columns reserved for optional weighting factors, to be used in cases of subsampling or non-response: columns 222-225 containing whole numbers and columns 226-227 containing decimal places.

(1) Sub-module ‘Economically dependent self-employment’

MAINCLNT Economic dependencySTAPRO = 1,2
211 Number and importance of clients in the last 12 months
1No client in the last 12 months
2Only one client in the last 12 months
32-9 clients in the last 12 months, but one was dominant
42-9 clients in the last 12 months, and none was dominant
5More than 9 clients in the last 12 months, but one was dominant
6More than 9 clients in the last 12 months, and none was dominant
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know
WORKORG Organisational dependencySTAPRO = 1,2 AND MAINCLNT ≠ 1
212 Influence over deciding working hours
1The respondent decides
2The client/s of the respondent decide(s)
3Any other party decides
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know

(2) Sub-module ‘Working conditions for self-employed people’

REASSE Main reason for becoming self-employedSTAPRO = 1,2
213 Main reason for becoming self-employed when starting to work as self-employed in the current job
1Could not find a job as an employee
2The respondent's former employer requested the respondent to become self-employed
3It is the usual practice in the respondent's field
4A suitable opportunity presented itself
5Continued the family business
6Did not want to or plan to become self-employed, but started working as self-employed for another reason than listed previously
7Wanted to be self-employed because of flexible working hours
8Wanted to be self-employed for other reason
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know
SEDIFFIC Main difficulty as self-employedSTAPRO = 1,2
214 Self-perceived main difficulty in working as self-employed during the last 12 months
0Lack of influence on setting the price of own work
1Lack of access to financing for the business
2Delayed payments or non-payments
3Inappropriate levels of administrative burden
4Lack of income in case of sickness
5Periods of financial hardship
6Periods of having no customer, no assignments or project to work on
7Other difficulty
8Had no difficulties
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know
REASNOEM Main reason for not having employeesSTAPRO = 2
215 Self-perceived main reason for not having any employees
0Respondent primarily wants to employ him/herself
1There is not enough work
2Difficult to find suitable staff
3Legal framework is too complicated
4High social contributions
5Not possible in the respondent's occupation
6Respondent prefers to work with sub-contractors or associates
7The respondent's client/s want(s) the respondent to do the work
8Other reason
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know
BPARTNER Working with business partnersSTAPRO = 1,2
216 Working with a co-owner and/or in a network of other self-employed
1Works together with a co-owner
2Works together with other self-employed in a network
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know
PLANEMPL Planned hiring of employees or subcontractorsSTAPRO = 1,2
217 Plans to employ or sub-contract in the next 12 months
1Plans to employ only permanent employees
2Plans to employ only temporary employees
3Plans to employ both permanent and temporary employees
4Plans to only hire subcontractors
5Plans to hire subcontractors and employ employees
6Does not plan to hire employees or subcontractors
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know

(3) Sub-module ‘The self-employed and employees’

JBSATISF Job satisfactionWSTATOR = 1,2
218 The level of job satisfaction in the main job
1Satisfied to a large extent
2Satisfied to some extent
3Satisfied to a small extent
4Not satisfied at all
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know
AUTONOMY Job autonomyWSTATOR = 1,2
219 The level of influence over content and order of tasks in the main job
1Able to influence both contents and order of tasks
2Able to influence contents but not order of tasks
3Able to influence order but not contents of tasks
4Not able to influence contents, nor order of tasks
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know
PREFSTAP Preferred professional status for the main jobWSTATOR = 1,2
220 Preference to work as an employee if currently self-employed, or preference to work as self-employed if currently working as an employee
1Does not want to change professional status
2Is self-employed but wishes to work as an employee
3Is working as an employee or family worker but wishes to be self-employed
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know
OBSTACSE Main reason for not becoming self-employed in the main jobPREFSTAP = 3
221 The main reason why current employees or family workers who wish they were self-employed have not switched to their preferred professional status
1Financial insecurity
2Difficulties with getting financing for the business
3Too much stress, responsibilities, or risk
4Less coverage from social protection
5Other reason
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know

Commission Regulation (EC) No 377/2008 of 25 April 2008 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No 577/98 on the organisation of a labour force sample survey in the Community as regards the codification to be used for data transmission from 2009 onwards, the use of a subsample for the collection of data on structural variables and the definition of the reference quarters (OJ L 114, 26.4.2008, p. 57).