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(1) Sub-module ‘Economically dependent self-employment’ U.K.

MAINCLNT Economic dependencySTAPRO = 1,2
211 Number and importance of clients in the last 12 months
1No client in the last 12 months
2Only one client in the last 12 months
32-9 clients in the last 12 months, but one was dominant
42-9 clients in the last 12 months, and none was dominant
5More than 9 clients in the last 12 months, but one was dominant
6More than 9 clients in the last 12 months, and none was dominant
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know
WORKORG Organisational dependencySTAPRO = 1,2 AND MAINCLNT ≠ 1
212 Influence over deciding working hours
1The respondent decides
2The client/s of the respondent decide(s)
3Any other party decides
9Not applicable (not included in the filter)
BlankNo answer/Don't know