

ANNEX III List of Member States' competent authorities and their tasks as referred to in Articles 2 and 19


Federale Overheidsdienst Economie, KMO, Middenstand en Energie, Dienst Vergunningen/Service Public Fédéral Economie,

PME, Classes moyennes et Energie, Service Licence,

Italiëlei 124, bus 71

B-2000 Antwerpen

Tel. (32-3) 206 94 70

Fax (32-3) 206 94 90

E-mail: kpcs-belgiumdiamonds@economie.fgov.be

In Belgium the controls of imports and exports of rough diamonds required by Regulation (EC) No 2368/2002 and the customs treatment will only be done at:

The Diamond Office,

Hovenierstraat 22

B-2018 Antwerpen.


In the Czech Republic the controls of imports and exports of rough diamonds required by Regulation (EC) No 2368/2002 and the customs treatment will only be done at:

Generální ředitelství cel

Budějovická 7

140 96 Praha 4

Česká republika

Tel. (420-2) 61 33 38 41, (420-2) 61 33 38 59, cell (420-737) 213 793

Fax (420-2) 61 33 38 70

E-mail: diamond@cs.mfcr.cz

Permanent service at designated custom office — Praha Ruzyně

Tel. (420-2) 220 113 788

or Tel. (420-2) 220 119 678


In Germany the controls of imports and exports of rough diamonds required by Regulation (EC) No 2368/2002, including the issuing of Community certificates, will only be done at the following authority:

Hauptzollamt Koblenz

Zollamt Idar-Oberstein

Zertifizierungsstelle für Rohdiamanten

Hauptstraße 197

D-55743 Idar-Oberstein

Tel. (49-6781) 56 27-0

Fax (49-6781) 56 27-19

E-mail: poststelle@zabir.bfinv.de

For the purpose of Articles 5(3), 6, 9, 10, 14(3), 15 and 17 of this Regulation, concerning in particular reporting obligations to the Commission, the following authority shall act as competent German authority:

Bundesfinanzdirektion Südost

Krelingstraβe 50

D-90408 Nürnberg

Tel. (49-911) 376 3754

Fax (49-911) 376 2273

E-mail: diamond.cert@bfdso.bfinv.de


Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira

Direção de Serviços de Regulação Aduaneira

R. da Alfândega, 5

1149-006 Lisboa

Tel. +351 218813888/9

Fax +351 218813941

E-mail: dsra@at.gov.pt

In Portugal the controls of imports and exports of rough diamonds required by Regulation (EC) No 2368/2002 and the customs treatment will only be done at:

Alfândega do Aeroporto de Lisboa

Aeroporto de Lisboa,

Terminal de Carga, Edifício 134

1750-364 Lisboa

Tel. +351 210030080

Fax +351 210037777

E-mail address: aalisboa-kimberley@at.gov.pt


Autoritatea Națională pentru Protecția Consumatorilor

(National Authority for Consumer Protection)

1 Bd. Aviatorilor Nr. 72, sectorul 1 București, România

(72 Aviatorilor Bvd., sector 1, Bucharest, Romania)

Cod postal (Postal code) 011865

Tel. (40-21) 318 46 35/312 98 90/312 12 75

Fax (40-21) 318 46 35/314 34 62



Government Diamond Office

Conflict Department

Room WH1.214

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

King Charles Street



Tel. (44-207) 008 6903/5797

Fax (44-207) 008 3905