SECTION 1 Establishment and functioning of colleges

Article 5Conclusion and amendment of the written coordination and cooperation arrangements

1.The consolidating supervisor shall prepare its proposal for the conclusion of written coordination and cooperation arrangements in accordance with Article 115 of Directive 2013/36/EU and Article 5 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/98.

2.The consolidating supervisor shall communicate its proposal to the members of the college inviting them to provide their views and indicating the appropriate deadline for the submission of these views.

3.For the purposes of finalising the written coordination and cooperation arrangements, the consolidating supervisor shall take into account any views and reservations expressed by the members of the college and explain, if necessary, the reason for not incorporating them.

4.Upon finalisation, the consolidating supervisor shall communicate the written coordination and cooperation arrangements to the members of the college.

5.If deemed necessary by the consolidating supervisor and members of the college, the implementation of the written coordination and cooperation arrangements shall be tested by means of simulation exercises or in any other way, as appropriate.

6.The consolidating supervisor and the members of the college shall consider the need to amend the written coordination and cooperation arrangements in case of changes in any of its elements pursuant to Article 5 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/98.

The written coordination and cooperation arrangements shall be amended to reflect any changes in the membership of the college.

Elements of the written coordination and cooperation arrangements referring to the college framework in preparation for and during emergency situations shall be reviewed by the consolidating supervisor and the members of the college on a periodical basis to be determined in these arrangements.

7.The consolidating supervisor and the members of the college shall amend the written coordination and cooperation arrangements by following the process described in paragraphs 1 to 4.

8.The consolidating supervisor shall use the template in Annex II to conclude and amend the written coordination and cooperation arrangements.