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SECTION 2 U.K. Implementation of the multiannual Union programme by the Member States

Article 6U.K.National work plans

1.Without prejudice to their current data collection obligations under Union law, Member States shall collect data within the framework of an operational programme, as referred to in Article 18 of Regulation (EU) No 508/2014, and a work plan drawn up in accordance with the multiannual Union programme and pursuant to Article 21 of Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 (‘national work plan’).

2.When approving the national work plans in accordance with Article 21(2) of Regulation (EU) No 508/2014, the Commission shall take into account the evaluation conducted by STECF in accordance with Article 10 of this Regulation. If such evaluation indicates that a national work plan does not comply with this Article or does not ensure the scientific relevance of the data or sufficient quality of the proposed methods and procedures, the Commission shall immediately inform the Member State concerned and indicate amendments to that work plan that the Commission considers necessary. Subsequently, the Member State concerned shall submit a revised national work plan to the Commission.

3.National work plans shall contain a detailed description of the following:

(a)data to be collected in accordance with the multiannual Union programme;

(b)the temporal and spatial distribution and the frequency by which the data will be collected;

(c)the source of the data, the procedures and methods to collect and process the data into the data sets that will be provided to end-users of scientific data;

(d)the quality assurance and quality control framework to ensure adequate quality of the data in accordance with Article 14;

(e)in what format and when data are to be made available to end-users of scientific data, taking into account the needs defined by the end-users of scientific data, where known;

(f)the international and regional cooperation and coordination arrangements, including bilateral and multilateral agreements concluded to achieve the objectives of this Regulation; and

(g)how the international obligations of the Union and its Member States have been taken into account.

4.In preparing its national work plan, each Member State shall, in the framework of the regional coordination groups referred to in Article 9, cooperate and coordinate its efforts with other Member States, in particular those in the same marine region, to ensure sufficient and efficient coverage and avoid duplication of data collection activities. In that process, Member States shall also aim to involve relevant stakeholders at the appropriate level. Where appropriate, such cooperation and coordination may also take place outside the framework of the regional coordination groups.

Article 7U.K.National correspondents

1.Each Member State shall designate a national correspondent and shall inform the Commission thereof. The national correspondent shall serve as the focal point for exchange of information between the Commission and the Member State regarding the preparation and implementation of the national work plans.

2.Furthermore, the national correspondent shall, in particular, carry out the following tasks:

(a)coordinate the preparation of the annual report referred to in Article 11;

(b)ensure the transmission of information within the Member State; and

(c)coordinate attendance of relevant experts in expert group meetings organised by the Commission and participation in the relevant regional coordination groups referred to in Article 9.

3.If several bodies in a Member State are participating in the implementation of the national work plan, the national correspondent shall be responsible for the coordination of that work.

4.Each Member State shall ensure that its national correspondent has a sufficient mandate to represent its Member State in the regional coordination groups referred to in Article 9.

Article 8U.K.Cooperation within the Union

Member States shall cooperate and coordinate their actions to further improve the quality, timeliness and coverage of data enabling the reliability of data collection methods to be further improved, with a view to improving their data collection activities.

Article 9U.K.Regional coordination and cooperation

1.As provided for in Article 25 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, Member States shall coordinate their data collection activities with other Member States in the same marine region and shall make every effort to coordinate their actions with third countries having sovereignty or jurisdiction over waters in the same marine region.

2.In order to facilitate regional coordination, regional coordination groups shall be established by the relevant Member States for each marine region.

3.Regional coordination groups shall aim at developing and implementing procedures, methods, quality assurance and quality control for collecting and processing data with a view to enabling the reliability of scientific advice to be further improved. For that purpose, regional coordination groups shall aim to develop and implement regional databases.

4.Regional coordination groups shall consist of experts appointed by Member States, including national correspondents, and the Commission.

5.Regional coordination groups shall draw up and agree on rules of procedures for their activities.

6.Regional coordination groups shall coordinate with each other and with the Commission, where issues affect several marine regions.

7.Representatives of relevant end-users of scientific data, including the appropriate scientific bodies as referred to in Article 26 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013, regional fisheries management organisations, Advisory Councils and third countries shall be invited to attend the meetings of the regional coordination groups as observers, where necessary.

8.Regional coordination groups may prepare draft regional work plans, which shall be compatible with this Regulation and with the multiannual Union programme. Those draft regional work plans may include procedures, methods, quality assurance and quality control for collecting and processing data as referred to in points (a) and (b) of paragraph 2 and in paragraph 5 of Article 5, regionally coordinated sampling strategies and conditions for delivery of data in regional databases. They may also contain cost-sharing arrangements for participation in research surveys at sea.

9.Where a draft regional work plan is prepared, the Member States concerned shall submit it to the Commission by 31 October of the year preceding the year from which the regional work plan is to apply, unless an existing plan still applies, in which case the Member States concerned shall notify the Commission thereof. The Commission may approve a draft regional work plan by means of an implementing act. Such implementing act shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 25(2). For that purpose, the Commission shall take into account, where relevant, the evaluation of STECF as referred to in Article 10. If such evaluation indicates that a draft regional work plan does not comply with this Article or does not ensure the scientific relevance of the data or sufficient quality of the proposed methods and procedures, the Commission shall immediately inform the Member States concerned and indicate amendments to that draft work plan that the Commission considers necessary. Subsequently, the Member States concerned shall submit a revised draft regional work plan to the Commission.

10.A regional work plan shall be considered to replace or supplement the relevant parts of the national work plans of each of the Member States concerned.

11.The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down rules on procedures, cost-sharing arrangements for participation in research surveys at sea, the area of marine region for the purpose of data collection, and format and timetables for the submission and approval of regional work plans, as referred to in paragraph 8 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 25(2).

Article 10U.K.Evaluation of work plans by STECF

STECF shall evaluate the national and draft regional work plans referred to in Articles 6 and 9. When doing so it shall take into account:


the conformity of the work plans and any amendments thereto with Articles 6 and 9; and


the scientific relevance of the data covered by the work plans for the purposes laid down in Article 1(1) and the quality of the proposed methods and procedures.

Article 11U.K.Evaluation and approval of the outcomes of the national work plans

1.Member States shall on an annual basis submit to the Commission a report on the implementation of their national work plans. The Commission may adopt implementing acts laying down rules on procedures, format and timetables for the submission and approval of annual reports. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 25(2).

2.In accordance with Article 10, STECF shall evaluate:

(a)the execution of the national work plans; and

(b)the quality of the data collected by the Member States.

3.The Commission shall assess the implementation of the national work plans on the basis of:

(a)the evaluation by STECF; and

(b)the consultation of appropriate regional fisheries management organisations to which the Union is contracting party or observer and relevant international scientific bodies.