F1Appendix 6


1.Symbols, Parameters and Units

Index (k) refers to the category (t = total, u = urban, 1-2 = first two phases of the WLTP cycle)


is the distance share of usage of the internal combustion engine for an OVC-HEV over the RDE trip


is the distance driven [km], with the internal combustion engine on for an OVC-HEV over the RDE trip


is the distance driven [km], with the internal combustion engine off for an OVC-HEV over the RDE trip


is the final RDE distance-specific mass of gaseous pollutants [mg/km] or particle number [#/km]


is the distance-specific mass of gaseous pollutant [mg/km] or particle number [#/km] emissions, emitted over the complete RDE trip and prior to any correction in accordance with this Appendix


is the distance-specific mass of CO2 [g/km], emitted over the RDE trip


is the distance-specific mass of CO2 [g/km], emitted over the WLTC cycle


is the distance-specific mass of CO2 [g/km], emitted over the WLTC cycle for an OVC-HEV vehicle tested on its charge sustaining mode


ratio between the CO2 emissions measured during the RDE test and the WLTP test


is the result evaluation factor calculated for the RDE trip


is the first parameter of the function used to calculate the result evaluation factor


is the second parameter of the function used to calculate the result evaluation factor

2.Calculation of the Final RDE emissions results


The trip validity shall be verified in accordance with point 9.2. of Annex IIIA. For the valid trips, the final RDE results are calculated as follows for vehicles with ICE, NOVC-HEV and OVC-HEV.

For the complete RDE trip and for the urban part of the RDE trip (k = t = total, k = u = urban):

MRDE,k = mRDE,k · RFk

The values of the parameter RFL1 and RFL2 of the function used to calculate the result evaluation factor are as follows:

  • Upon the request of the manufacturer and only for type approvals granted before 1 January 2020,

    RFL1 = 1,20 and RFL2 = 1,25;

    in all other cases:

    RFL1 = 1,30 and RFL2 = 1,50;

    The RDE result evaluation factors RFk (k = t = total, k = u = urban) shall be obtained using the functions laid down in point 2.2. for vehicles with ICE and NOVC-HEV, and in point 2.3. for OVC-HEV. These evaluation factors shall be subject to review by the Commission and shall be revised as a result of technical progress. A graphical illustration of the method is provided in Figure App 6.1 below, while the mathetical formulas are found in Table App 6.1:

    Figure App 6.1Function to calculate the result evaluation factor


    Table App 6.1

    Result evaluation factors calculation


    Then the Result evaluation factor RFk is:



    RFk = 1

    RFL1 < rkRFL2

    RFk = a1rk + b1


    b1 = 1 – a1RFL1

    rk > RFL2


2.2.RDE result evaluation factor for vehicles with ICE and NOVC-HEV

The value of the RDE result evaluation factor depends on the ratio rk between the distance specific CO2 emissions measured during the RDE test and the distance-specific CO2 emitted by the vehicle over the WLTP test conducted in accordance with Sub-Annex 6 to Annex XXI of this Regulation, obtained from point 12 of the Transparency list 1 of Appendix 5 of Annex II with interpolation between vehicle H and vehicle L (if relevant) as defined in Sub-Annex 7 of Annex XXI, using Test mass and Road load coefficients (F0, F1 & F2) obtained from the Certificate of Conformity for the individual vehicle as defined in Annex IX. For the urban emissions, the relevant phases of the WLTP driving cycle shall be:

  1. a)

    for ICE vehicles the first two WLTP phases, i.e. the Low and the Medium speed phases,

  2. b)

    for NOVC-HEVs the whole WLTP driving cycle.


2.3.RDE result evaluation factor for OVC-HEV

The value of the RDE result evaluation factor depends on the ratio rk between the distance-specific CO2 emissions measured during the RDE test and the distance-specific CO2 emitted by the vehicle over the WLTP test conducted using the Charge Sustaining mode in accordance with Sub-Annex 6 to Annex XXI of this Regulation, obtained from point 12 of the Transparency list 1 of Appendix 5 of Annex II with interpolation between vehicle H and vehicle L (if relevant) as defined in Sub-Annex 7 of Annex XXI, using Test mass and Road load coefficients (F0, F1 & F2) obtained from the Certificate of Conformity for the individual vehicle as defined in Annex IX. The ratio rk is corrected by a ratio reflecting the respective usage of the internal combustion engine during the RDE trip and on the WLTP test, to be conducted using the charge sustaining mode. The formula below shall be subject to review by the Commission and shall be revised as a result of technical progress.

For either the urban or the total driving:


where ICk is the ratio of the distance driven either in urban or total trip with the combustion engine on divided by the total urban or total trip distance:


With determination of combustion engine operation in accordance with Appendix 4 Paragraph 5.