Council Regulation (EU) 2017/127Show full title

Council Regulation (EU) 2017/127 of 20 January 2017 fixing for 2017 the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Union waters and, for Union fishing vessels, in certain non-Union waters



General information

Member: …

Fishing season: …

Name of vessel: …

Expected level of catch (tonne): …

Vessel's daily processing capacity (tonnes in green weight): …

Intended fishing subareas and divisions

This conservation measure applies to notifications of intentions to fish for krill in Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4 and Divisions 58.4.1 and 58.4.2. Intentions to fish for krill in other subareas and divisions must be notified under Conservation Measure 21-02.

Subarea/DivisionTick the appropriate boxes
Fishing technique:Tick the appropriate boxes
Conventional trawl
Continuous fishing system
Pumping to clear codend
Other method: Please specify
Product types and methods for direct estimation of green weight of krill caught

If the method is not listed in Annex 21-03/B, then please describe in detail

Product typeMethod for direct estimation of green weight of krill caught, where relevant (refer to Annex 21-03/B)a
Whole frozen
Other product, please specify
Net configuration

Expected in operational conditions.


Size of outer mesh, and inner mesh where a liner is used.


Inside measurement of stretched mesh based on the procedure in Conservation Measure 22-01.

Net measurementsNet 1Net 2Other net(s)
Net opening (mouth)
Maximum vertical opening (m)
Maximum horizontal opening (m)
Net circumference at moutha (m)
Mouth area (m2)
Panel average mesh sizec (mm)OuterbInnerbOuterbInnerbOuterbInnerb
1st panel
2nd panel
3rd panel
Final panel (Codend)

Net diagram(s): …

For each net used, or any change in net configuration, refer to the relevant net diagram in the CCAMLR fishing gear library if available (, or submit a detailed diagram and description to the forthcoming meeting of WG-EMM. Net diagrams must include:


Length and width of each trawl panel (in sufficient detail to allow calculation of the angle of each panel with respect to water flow.)


Mesh size (inside measurement of stretched mesh based on the procedure in Conservation Measure 22-01), shape (e.g. diamond shape) and material (e.g. polypropylene).


Mesh construction (e.g. knotted, fused).


Details of streamers used inside the trawl (design, location on panels, indicate ‘nil’ if streamers are not in use); streamers prevent krill fouling the mesh or escaping.

Marine mammal exclusion device

Device diagram(s): …

For each type of device used, or any change in device configuration, refer to the relevant diagram in the CCAMLR fishing gear library if available (, or submit a detailed diagram and description to the forthcoming meeting of WG-EMM.

Collection of acoustic data

Provide information on the echosounders and sonars used by the vessel.

Type (e.g. echosounder, sonar)
Transducer frequencies (kHz)

Collection of acoustic data (detailed description): …

Outline steps which will be taken to collect acoustic data to provide information on the distribution and abundance of Euphausia superba and other pelagic species such as myctophiids and salps (SC-CAMLR-XXX, paragraph 2.10)



Individual haul when using a conventional trawl, or integrated over a six-hour period when using the continuous fishing system.


Individual haul when using a conventional trawl, or a two-hour period when using the continuous fishing system.

MethodEquation (kg)Parameter
DescriptionTypeEstimation methodUnit
Holding tank volumeW * L * H * ρ * 1 000W = tank widthConstantMeasure at the start of fishingm
L = tank lengthConstantMeasure at the start of fishingm
ρ = volume-to-mass conversion factorVariableVolume-to-mass conversionkg/litre
H = depth of krill in tankHaul-specificDirect observationm
Flow meteraV * Fkrill * ρV = volume of krill and water combinedHaula-specificDirect observationlitre
Fkrill = fraction of krill in the sampleHaula-specificFlow meter volume correction
ρ = volume-to-mass conversion factorVariableVolume-to-mass conversionkg/litre
Flow meterb(V * ρ) – MV = volume of krill pasteHaula-specificDirect observationlitre
M = amount of water added to the process, converted to massHaula-specificDirect observationkg
ρ = density of krill pasteVariableDirect observationkg/litre
Flow scaleM * (1 – F)M = mass of krill and water combinedHaulb-specificDirect observationkg
F = fraction of water in the sampleVariableFlow scale mass correction
Plate tray(M – Mtray) * NMtray = mass of empty trayConstantDirect observation prior to fishingkg
M = mean mass of krill and tray combinedVariableDirect observation, prior to freezing with water drainedkg
N = number of traysHaul-specificDirect observation
Meal conversionMmeal * MCFMmeal = mass of meal producedHaul-specificDirect observationkg
MCF = meal conversion factorVariableMeal to whole krill conversion
Codend volumeW * H * L * ρ * π/4 * 1 000W = codend widthConstantMeasure at the start of fishingm
H = codend heightConstantMeasure at the start of fishingm
ρ = volume-to-mass conversion factorVariableVolume-to-mass conversionkg/litre
L = codend lengthHaul-specificDirect observationm
OtherPlease specify
Observation steps and frequency

A new period will commence when the vessel moves to a new subarea or division.


Individual haul when using a conventional trawl, or integrated over a six-hour period when using the continuous fishing system.

Holding tank volume
At the start of fishingMeasure the width and length of the holding tank (if the tank is not rectangular in shape, then additional measurements may be required; precision ± 0,05 m)
Every monthaEstimate the volume-to-mass conversion derived from the drained mass of krill in a known volume (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the holding tank
Every haulMeasure the depth of krill in the tank (if krill are held in the tank between hauls, then measure the difference in depth; precision ± 0,1 m)
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Flow metera
Prior to fishingEnsure that the flow meter is measuring whole krill (i.e. prior to processing)
More than once per monthaEstimate the volume-to-mass conversion (ρ) derived from the drained mass of krill in a known volume (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the flow meter
Every haulbObtain a sample from the flow meter and:
measure the volume (e.g. 10 litres) of krill and water combined
estimate the flow meter volume correction derived from the drained volume of krill
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Flow meterb
Prior to fishingEnsure that both flow meters (one for the krill product and one for the water added) are calibrated (i.e. show the same, correct reading)
Every weekaEstimate the density (ρ) of the krill product (ground krill paste) by measuring the mass of a known volume of krill product (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the corresponding flow meter
Every haulbRead both flow meters, and calculate the total volumes of the krill product (ground krill paste) and that of the water added; density of the water is assumed to be 1 kg/litre
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Flow scale
Prior to fishingEnsure that the flow scale is measuring whole krill (i.e. prior to processing)
Every haulbObtain a sample from the flow scale and:
measure the mass of krill and water combined
estimate the flow scale mass correction derived from the drained mass of krill
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Plate tray
Prior to fishingMeasure the mass of the tray (if trays vary in design, then measure the mass of each type; precision ± 0,1 kg)
Every haulMeasure the mass of krill and tray combined (precision ± 0,1 kg)
Count the number of trays used (if trays vary in design, then count the number of trays of each type)
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Meal conversion
Every monthaEstimate the meal to whole krill conversion by processing 1 000 to 5 000 kg (drained mass) of whole krill
Every haulMeasure the mass of meal produced
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)
Codend volume
At the start of fishingMeasure the width and height of the codend (precision ± 0,1 m)
Every monthaEstimate the volume-to-mass conversion derived from the drained mass of krill in a known volume (e.g. 10 litres) taken from the codend
Every haulMeasure the length of codend containing krill (precision ± 0,1 m)
Estimate the green weight of krill caught (using equation)