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CHAPTER III U.K. Fishing opportunities in waters of regional fisheries management organisations

Section 5 U.K. IATTC Convention Area

Article 28U.K.Prohibition of fishing for oceanic whitetip sharks

1.It shall be prohibited to fish for oceanic whitetip sharks (Carcharhinus longimanus) in the IATTC Convention Area, and to retain on board, to tranship, to store, to offer to sell, to sell or to land any part or whole carcass of oceanic whitetip sharks caught in that area.

2.When accidentally caught, the species referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be harmed. Specimens shall be promptly released by vessel operators.

3.Vessel operators shall:

(a)record the number of releases with indication of status (dead or alive);

(b)report the information specified in point (a) to the Member State of which they are nationals. Member States shall transmit the information collected during the previous year to the Commission by 31 January.