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ANNEX VIU.K. Template for preventive action plan

General information U.K.

1. Description of the system U.K.

1.1.Provide a brief consolidated description of the regional gas system for each risk group(2) the Member States participates in, covering:U.K.


the main gas consumption figures(3): annual final gas consumption (bcm) and breakdown per type of customers(4), peak demand (total and breakdown per category of consumer in mcm/d);


a description of the functioning of the gas system in the risk groups: main flows (entry/exit/transit), entry/exit point's infrastructure capacity to and out of the risk group's region(s) and per Member State, including utilisation rate, LNG facilities (maximal daily capacity, utilisation rate and access regime), etc.;


a breakdown, to the extent possible, of gas import sources per country of origin(5);


a description of the role of storage facilities relevant for the region, including cross-border access:


the storage capacity (total and working gas) compared to heating season demand;


the maximal daily withdrawal capacity at different filling levels (ideally with full storages and end-of-season levels);


a description of the role of domestic production in the region:


the volume of production with regard to the annual final gas consumption;


the maximal daily production capacity;


a description of the role of gas in the electricity production (e.g. importance, role as a back-up for renewables), including gas-fired generating capacity (total (MWe) and as percentage of the total generating capacity) and cogeneration (total (MWe) and as percentage of the total generating capacity);


a description of the role of energy efficiency measures and their effect on annual final gas consumption.

1.2.Provide a brief description of the gas system per Member State, covering:U.K.


the main gas consumption figures: annual final gas consumption (bcm) and breakdown by type of customers, peak demand (mcm/d);


a description of the functioning of the gas system at national level, including infrastructure (to the extent not covered by point 1.1(b));


the identification of the key infrastructure relevant for the security of supply;


a breakdown, to the extent possible, at national level of gas import sources per country of origin;


a description of the role of storage in the Member State and include:


the storage capacity (total and working) compared to heating season demand;


the maximal daily withdrawal capacity at different filling levels (ideally with full storages and end-of-season levels);


a description of the role of domestic production and include:


the volume of production with regard to the annual final gas consumption;


the maximal daily production capacity;


a description of the role of gas in the electricity production (e.g. importance, role as a back-up for renewables), including gas-fired generating capacity (total (MWe) and as percentage of the total generating capacity) and cogeneration (total (MWe) and as percentage of the total generating capacity);


a description of the role of energy efficiency measures and their effect on annual final gas consumption.

2. Summary of the risk assessment U.K.

Describe briefly the results of the relevant common and national risk assessment carried out in accordance with Article 7, including:


a list of the scenarios assessed and a brief description of the assumptions applied for each one as well as the risks/shortcomings identified;


the main conclusions of the risk assessment.

3. Infrastructure standard (Article 5) U.K.

Describe how the infrastructure standard is complied with, including the main values used for the N – 1 formula and alternative options for its compliance (with neighbouring Member States, demand-side measures) and the existing bidirectional capacities, as follows:

3.1.N – 1 formulaU.K.


the identification of the single largest gas infrastructure of common interest for the region;


the calculation of the N – 1 formula at regional level;


a description of the values used for all elements in the N – 1 formula, including intermediate figures used for the calculation (e.g. for EPm indicate the capacity of all entry points considered under this parameter);


an indication of the methodologies and assumptions used, if any, for the calculation of parameters in the N – 1 formula (e.g. Dmax) (use annexes for detailed explanations).

3.2.National levelU.K.


N – 1 formula


the identification of the single largest gas infrastructure;


the calculation of the N – 1 formula at national level;


a description of the values used for all elements in the N – 1 formula, including intermediate values used for the calculation (e.g. for EPm indicate the capacity of all entry points considered under this parameter);


an indication of the methodologies used, if any, for the calculation of parameters in the N – 1 formula (e.g. Dmax) (use annexes for detailed explanations);


if so decided by the Member State, calculation of the N – 1 formula using demand-side measures:

  • the calculation of the N – 1 formula in accordance with point 2 of Annex II,

  • a description of the values used for all elements in the N – 1 formula, including intermediate figures used for the calculation (if different to the figures described under point 3(a)(iii) of this Annex),

  • an indication of the methodologies used, if any, for the calculation of parameters in the N – 1 formula (e.g. Dmax) (use annexes for detailed explanations),

  • an explanation of the market-based demand-side measures adopted/to be adopted to compensate a disruption of gas supply and its expected impact (Deff);


if so agreed with the competent authorities of the relevant risk group(s) or with the directly connected Member States, joint calculation(s) of the N – 1 formula:

  • the calculation of the N – 1 formula in accordance with point 5 of Annex II,

  • a description of the values used for all elements in the N – 1 formula, including intermediate values used for the calculation (if different to the figures described under point 3(a)(iii) of this Annex),

  • an indication of the methodologies and assumptions used, if any, for the calculation of parameters in the N – 1 formula (e.g. Dmax) (use annexes for detailed explanations),

  • an explanation of the agreed arrangements to ensure compliance with the N – 1 formula;


bi-directional capacity


indicate the interconnection points equipped with bidirectional capacity and the maximal capacity of bi-directional flows;


indicate the arrangements governing the use of the reverse flow capacity (e.g. interruptible capacity);


indicate interconnection points where an exemption has been granted in accordance with Article 5(4), the duration of the exemption and the grounds on which it was granted.

4. Compliance with the supply standard (Article 6) U.K.

Describe the measures adopted in order to comply with the supply standard as well as with any increased supply standard or additional obligation imposed for reasons of security of gas supply:


definition of protected customers applied, including categories of customers covered and their annual gas consumption (per category, net value and percentage of the national annual final gas consumption);


gas volumes needed to comply with the supply standard in accordance with the scenarios described in the first subparagraph of Article 6(1);


capacity needed to comply with the supply standard in accordance with the scenarios described in the first subparagraph of Article 6(1);


measure(s) in place to comply with the supply standard:


a description of the measure(s);




where it exists, describe any ex ante monitoring system for the compliance with the supply standard;


sanctions regime, if applicable;


describe, per measure:

  • the economic impact, effectiveness and efficiency of the measure,

  • the impact of the measure on the environment,

  • impact of the measures on consumer,


where non-market-based measures are applied (per measure):

  • justify why the measure is necessary (i.e. why security of supply cannot be achieved via market-based measures alone),

  • justify why the measure is proportionate (i.e. why the non-market-based measure is the least restrictive means to achieve the intended effect),

  • provide an analysis of the impact of such measure:


    on other Member State's security of supply;


    on the national market;


    on the internal market;


where measures introduced on or after 1 November 2017, please provide a short summary of the impact assessment or a link to the public impact assessment of the measure(s) carried out in accordance with Article 9(4);


if applicable, describe any increased supply standard or additional obligation imposed for reasons of security of gas supply:


a description of the measure(s);


the mechanism to reduce it to usual values in a spirit of solidarity and in accordance with Article 13;


if applicable, describe any new increased supply standard or additional obligation imposed for reasons of security of gas supply adopted on or after 1 November 2017;




affected gas volumes and capacities;


indicate how that measure complies with the conditions laid down in Article 6(2).

5. Preventive measures U.K.

Describe the preventive measures in place or to be adopted:


describe each of the preventive measures adopted per identified risk in accordance with the risk assessment, including a description of:


their national or regional dimension;


their economic impact, effectiveness and efficiency;


their impact on customers.

Where appropriate, include:

  • measures to enhance interconnections between neighbouring Member States,

  • measures to diversify gas routes and sources of supply,

  • measures to protect key infrastructure relevant for the security of supply in relation to control by third-country entities (including, where relevant, general or sector-specific investment screening laws, special rights for certain shareholders, etc.);


describe other measures adopted for reasons other than the risk assessment but with a positive impact for the security of supply of the relevant risk group(s) Member State.


where non-market-based measures are applied (per measure):


justify why the measure is necessary (i.e. why the security of supply cannot be achieved via market-based measures alone);


justify why the measure is proportionate (i.e. why the non-market-based measure is the least restrictive means to achieve the intended effect);


provide an analysis of the impact of such measure:

  • justify why the measure is necessary (i.e. why the security of supply cannot be achieved via market-based measures alone),

  • justify why the measure is proportionate (i.e. why the non-market-based measure is the least restrictive means to achieve the intended effect),

  • provide an analysis of the impact of such measure:


    on other Member State's security of supply;


    on the national market;


    on the internal market;


    explain the extent to which efficiency measures, including on the demand side, have been considered to increase the security of supply;


    explain the extent to which renewable energy sources have been considered to increase the security of supply.

6. Other measures and obligations (e.g. safety operation of the system) U.K.

Describe other measures and obligations that have been imposed on natural gas undertakings and other relevant bodies likely to have an impact on the security of gas supply, such as obligations for the safe operation of the system, including who would be affected by that obligation as well as the gas volumes covered. Explain precisely when and how those measures would apply.

7. Infrastructure projects U.K.


describe future infrastructure projects, including Projects of Common Interests in the relevant risk groups, including an estimated timing for their deployment, capacities and estimated impact on the security of gas supply in the risk group;


indicate how the infrastructure projects take into account the Union-wide TYNDP elaborated by ENTSOG pursuant to Article 8(10) of Regulation (EC) No 715/2009.

8. Public service obligations related to the security of supply U.K.

Indicate the existing public service obligations related to the security of supply and briefly describe them (use annexes for more detailed information). Explain clearly who has to comply with such obligations and how. If applicable, describe how and when those public service obligations would be triggered.

9. Stakeholder consultations U.K.

In accordance with Article 8(2) of this Regulation, describe the mechanism used for and the results of the consultations carried out, for the development of the plan as well as the emergency plan, with:


gas undertakings;


relevant organisations representing the interests of households;


relevant organisations representing the interests of industrial gas customers, including electricity producers;


national regulatory authority.

10. Regional dimension U.K.

Indicate any national circumstances and measures relevant for the security of supply and not covered in the previous sections of the plan.

Indicate how the possible comments received following the consultation described in Article 8(2) have been considered.

11.1.Calculation of the N – 1 at the level of the risk group if so agreed by the competent authorities of the risk groupU.K.

N – 1 formulaU.K.

the identification of the single largest gas infrastructure of common interest for the risk group;


the calculation of the N – 1 formula at the level of the risk group;


a description of the values used for all elements in the N – 1 formula, including intermediate figures used for the calculation (e.g. for EPm indicate the capacity of all entry points considered under this parameter);


an indication of the methodologies and assumptions used, if any, for the calculation of parameters in the N – 1 formula (e.g. Dmax) (use annexes for detailed explanations).

11.2.Mechanisms developed for cooperationU.K.

Describe the mechanisms used for the cooperation among the Member States in the relevant risk groups, including for developing cross-border measures in the preventive action plan and the emergency plan.

Describe the mechanisms used for the cooperation with other Member States in the design and adoption of the provisions necessary for the application of Article 13.

11.3.Preventive measuresU.K.

Describe the preventive measures in place or to be adopted in the risk group or as a result of regional agreements:


describe each of the preventive measures adopted per identified risk in accordance with the risk assessment, including a description of:


their impact in the Member States of the risk group;


their economic impact, effectiveness and efficiency;


their impact on the environment;


their impact on customers.

Where appropriate, include:

  • measures to enhance interconnections between neighbouring Member States,

  • measures to diversify gas routes and sources of supply,

  • measures to protect key infrastructure relevant for the security of supply in relation to control by third-country entities (including, where relevant, general or sector-specific investment screening laws, special rights for certain shareholders, etc.);


describe other measures adopted for reasons other than the risk assessment but with a positive impact for the security of supply of the risk group.


where non-market-based measures are applied (per measure):


justify why the measure is necessary (i.e. why the security of supply cannot be achieved via market-based measures alone);


justify why the measure is proportionate (i.e. why the non-market-based measure is the least restrictive means to achieve the intended effect);


provide an analysis of the impact of such a measure:

  • justify why the measure is necessary (i.e. why the security of supply cannot be achieved via market-based measures alone),

  • justify why the measure is proportionate (i.e. why the non-market-based measure is the least restrictive means to achieve the intended effect),

  • provide an analysis of the impact of such a measure:


    on other Member State's security of supply;


    on the national market;


    on the internal market;


explain the extent to which efficiency measures, including on the demand side, have been considered to increase the security of supply;


explain the extent to which renewable energy sources have been considered to increase the security of supply.


Where this task has been delegated by any competent authority, indicate the name of the body/(ies) responsible for the preparation of this plan on its behalf.


For the sake of simplicity, present the information at the highest level of the risk groups if possible and merge details as necessary


For the first plan, include data from the last two years. For updates, include data from the last four years.


Including industrial customers, electricity generation, district heating, residential and services and other (please specify the type of customers included here).


Describe the methodology applied.