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ANNEX VIU.K. Template for preventive action plan

1. Description of the system U.K.

1.1.Provide a brief consolidated description of the regional gas system for each risk group(1) the Member States participates in, covering:U.K.


the main gas consumption figures(2): annual final gas consumption (bcm) and breakdown per type of customers(3), peak demand (total and breakdown per category of consumer in mcm/d);


a description of the functioning of the gas system in the risk groups: main flows (entry/exit/transit), entry/exit point's infrastructure capacity to and out of the risk group's region(s) and per Member State, including utilisation rate, LNG facilities (maximal daily capacity, utilisation rate and access regime), etc.;


a breakdown, to the extent possible, of gas import sources per country of origin(4);


a description of the role of storage facilities relevant for the region, including cross-border access:


the storage capacity (total and working gas) compared to heating season demand;


the maximal daily withdrawal capacity at different filling levels (ideally with full storages and end-of-season levels);


a description of the role of domestic production in the region:


the volume of production with regard to the annual final gas consumption;


the maximal daily production capacity;


a description of the role of gas in the electricity production (e.g. importance, role as a back-up for renewables), including gas-fired generating capacity (total (MWe) and as percentage of the total generating capacity) and cogeneration (total (MWe) and as percentage of the total generating capacity);


a description of the role of energy efficiency measures and their effect on annual final gas consumption.

1.2.Provide a brief description of the gas system per Member State, covering:U.K.


the main gas consumption figures: annual final gas consumption (bcm) and breakdown by type of customers, peak demand (mcm/d);


a description of the functioning of the gas system at national level, including infrastructure (to the extent not covered by point 1.1(b));


the identification of the key infrastructure relevant for the security of supply;


a breakdown, to the extent possible, at national level of gas import sources per country of origin;


a description of the role of storage in the Member State and include:


the storage capacity (total and working) compared to heating season demand;


the maximal daily withdrawal capacity at different filling levels (ideally with full storages and end-of-season levels);


a description of the role of domestic production and include:


the volume of production with regard to the annual final gas consumption;


the maximal daily production capacity;


a description of the role of gas in the electricity production (e.g. importance, role as a back-up for renewables), including gas-fired generating capacity (total (MWe) and as percentage of the total generating capacity) and cogeneration (total (MWe) and as percentage of the total generating capacity);


a description of the role of energy efficiency measures and their effect on annual final gas consumption.


For the sake of simplicity, present the information at the highest level of the risk groups if possible and merge details as necessary


For the first plan, include data from the last two years. For updates, include data from the last four years.


Including industrial customers, electricity generation, district heating, residential and services and other (please specify the type of customers included here).


Describe the methodology applied.