Article 29Designation of competent authorities


Compliance with the obligations set out in Article 5 of this Regulation shall be supervised by the following competent authorities in accordance with the powers granted by the relevant legal acts:


for insurance and reinsurance undertakings, the competent authority designated in accordance with point (10) of Article 13 of Directive 2009/138/EC;


for alternative investment fund managers, the competent authority responsible designated in accordance with Article 44 of Directive 2011/61/EU;


for UCITS and UCITS management companies, the competent authority designated in accordance with Article 97 of Directive 2009/65/EC;


for institutions for occupational retirement provision, the competent authority designated in accordance with point (g) of Article 6 of Directive 2003/41/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council33;


for credit institutions or investments firms, the competent authority designated in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2013/36/EU, including the ECB with regard to specific tasks conferred on it by Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013.


Competent authorities responsible for the supervision of sponsors in accordance with Article 4 of Directive 2013/36/EU, including the ECB with regard to specific tasks conferred on it by Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013, shall supervise compliance by sponsors with the obligations set out in Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 of this Regulation.


Where originators, original lenders and SSPEs are supervised entities in accordance with Directives 2003/41/EC, 2009/138/EC, 2009/65/EC, 2011/61/EU and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013, the relevant competent authorities designated according to those acts, including the ECB with regard to specific tasks conferred on it by Regulation (EU) No 1024/2013, shall supervise compliance with the obligations set out in Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 of this Regulation.


For originators, original lenders and SSPEs established in the Union and not covered by the Union legislative acts referred to in paragraph 3, Member States shall designate one or more competent authorities to supervise compliance with the obligations set out in Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9. Member States shall inform the Commission and ESMA of the designation of competent authorities pursuant to this paragraph by 1 January 2019. That obligation shall not apply with regard to those entities that are merely selling exposures under an ABCP programme or another securitisation transaction or scheme and are not actively originating exposures for the primary purpose of securitising them on a regular basis.


Member States shall designate one or more competent authorities to supervise the compliance of originators, sponsors and SSPEs with Articles 18 to 27, and the compliance of third parties with Article 28. Member States shall inform the Commission and ESMA of the designation of competent authorities pursuant to this paragraph by 18 January 2019.


Paragraph 5 of this Article shall not apply with regard to those entities that are merely selling exposures under an ABCP programme or other securitisation transaction or scheme and are not actively originating exposures for the primary purpose of securitising them on a regular basis. In such a case, the originator or sponsor shall verify that those entities fulfil the relevant obligations set out in Articles 18 to 27.


ESMA shall ensure the consistent application and enforcement of the obligations set out in Articles 18 to 27 of this Regulation in accordance with the tasks and powers set out in Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010. ESMA shall monitor the Union securitisation market in accordance with Article 39 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council34 and apply, where appropriate, its temporary intervention powers in accordance with Article 40 of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014.


ESMA shall publish and keep up-to-date on its website a list of the competent authorities referred to in this Article.

Article 30Powers of the competent authorities


Each Member State shall ensure that the competent authority designated in accordance with Article 29(1) to (5) has the supervisory, investigatory and sanctioning powers necessary to fulfil its duties under this Regulation.


The competent authority shall regularly review the arrangements, processes and mechanisms that originators, sponsors, SSPEs and original lenders have implemented in order to comply with this Regulation.

The review referred to in the first subparagraph shall include:


the processes and mechanisms to correctly measure and retain the material net economic interest on an ongoing basis, the gathering and timely disclosure of all information to be made available in accordance with Article 7 and the credit-granting criteria in accordance with Article 9;


for STS securitisations which are not securitisations within an ABCP programme, the processes and mechanisms to ensure compliance with Article 20(7) to (12), Article 21(7), and Article 22; and


for STS securitisations which are securitisations within an ABCP programme, the processes and mechanisms to ensure, with regard to ABCP transactions, compliance with Article 24 and, with regard to ABCP programmes, compliance with Article 26(7) and (8).


Competent authorities shall require that risks arising from securitisation transactions, including reputational risks, are evaluated and addressed through appropriate policies and procedures of originators, sponsors, SSPEs and original lenders.


The competent authority shall monitor, as applicable, the specific effects that the participation in the securitisation market has on the stability of the financial institution that operates as original lender, originator, sponsor or investor as part of its prudential supervision in the field of securitisation, taking into account, without prejudice to stricter sectoral regulation:


the size of capital buffers;


the size of the liquidity buffers; and


the liquidity risk for investors due to a maturity mismatch between their funding and investments.

In cases where the competent authority identifies a material risk to financial stability of a financial institution or the financial system as a whole, irrespective of its obligations under Article 36, it shall take action to mitigate those risks, report its findings to the designated authority competent for macroprudential instruments under Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 and the ESRB.


The competent authority shall monitor any possible circumvention of the obligations set out in Article 6(2) and ensure that sanctions are applied in accordance with Articles 32 and 33.

Article 31Macroprudential oversight of the securitisation market


Within the limits of its mandate, the ESRB shall be responsible for the macroprudential oversight of the Union’s securitisation market.


In order to contribute to the prevention or mitigation of systemic risks to financial stability in the Union that arise from developments within the financial system and taking into account macroeconomic developments, so as to avoid periods of widespread financial distress, the ESRB shall continuously monitor developments in the securitisation markets. Where the ESRB considers it necessary, or at least every 3 years, in order to highlight financial stability risks, the ESRB shall, in collaboration with the EBA, publish a report on the financial stability implications of the securitisation market. If material risks are observed, the ESRB shall provide warnings and, where appropriate, issue recommendations for remedial action in response to those risks pursuant to Article 16 of Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010, including on the appropriateness of modifying the risk-retention levels, or the taking of other macroprudential measures, to the Commission, the ESAs and to the Member States. The Commission, the ESAs and the Member States shall, in accordance with Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 1092/2010, communicate to the ESRB, the European Parliament and the Council the actions undertaken in response to the recommendation and shall provide adequate justification for any inaction within three months of the date of transmission of the recommendation to the addressees.

Article 32Administrative sanctions and remedial measures


Without prejudice to the right for Member States to provide for and impose criminal sanctions pursuant to Article 34, Member States shall lay down rules establishing appropriate administrative sanctions, in the case of negligence or intentional infringement, and remedial measures, applicable at least to situations where:


an originator, sponsor or original lender has failed to meet the requirements provided for in Article 6;


an originator, sponsor or SSPE has failed to meet the requirements provided for in Article 7;


an originator, sponsor or original lender has failed to meet the criteria provided for in Article 9;


an originator, sponsor or SSPE has failed to meet the requirements provided for in Article 18;


a securitisation is designated as STS and an originator, sponsor or SSPE of that securitisation has failed to meet the requirements provided for in Articles 19 to 22 or Articles 23 to 26;


an originator or sponsor makes a misleading notification pursuant to Article 27(1);


an originator or sponsor has failed to meet the requirements provided for in Article 27(4); or


a third party authorised pursuant to Article 28 has failed to notify material changes to the information provided in accordance with Article 28(1), or any other changes that could reasonably be considered to affect the assessment of its competent authority.

Member States shall also ensure that administrative sanctions and/or remedial measures are effectively implemented.

Those sanctions and measures shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.


Member States shall confer on competent authorities the power to apply at least the following sanctions and measures in the event of the infringements referred to in paragraph 1:


a public statement which indicates the identity of the natural or legal person and the nature of the infringement in accordance with Article 37;


an order requiring the natural or legal person to cease the conduct and to desist from a repetition of that conduct;


a temporary ban preventing any member of the originator’s, sponsor’s or SSPE’s management body or any other natural person held responsible for the infringement from exercising management functions in such undertakings;


in the case of an infringement as referred to in point (e) or (f) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 of this Article a temporary ban preventing the originator and sponsor from notifying under Article 27(1) that a securitisation meets the requirements set out in Articles 19 to 22 or Articles 23 to 26;


in the case of a natural person, maximum administrative pecuniary sanctions of at least EUR 5 000 000 or, in the Member States whose currency is not the euro, the corresponding value in the national currency on 17 January 2018;


in the case of a legal person, maximum administrative pecuniary sanctions of at least EUR 5 000 000, or in the Member States whose currency is not the euro, the corresponding value in the national currency on 17 January 2018 or of up to 10 % of the total annual net turnover of the legal person according to the last available accounts approved by the management body; where the legal person is a parent undertaking or a subsidiary of the parent undertaking which has to prepare consolidated financial accounts in accordance with Directive 2013/34/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council35, the relevant total annual net turnover shall be the total net annual turnover or the corresponding type of income in accordance with the relevant accounting legislative acts according to the last available consolidated accounts approved by the management body of the ultimate parent undertaking;


maximum administrative pecuniary sanctions of at least twice the amount of the benefit derived from the infringement where that benefit can be determined, even if that exceeds the maximum amounts in points (e) and (f);


in the case of an infringement as referred to in point (h) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 1 of this Article, a temporary withdrawal of the authorisation referred to in Article 28 for the third party authorised to check the compliance of a securitisation with Articles 19 to 22 or Articles 23 to 26.


Where the provisions referred to in the first paragraph apply to legal persons, Member States shall confer on competent authorities the power to apply the administrative sanctions and remedial measures set out in paragraph 2, subject to the conditions provided for in national law, to members of the management body, and to other individuals who under national law are responsible for the infringement.


Member States shall ensure that any decision imposing administrative sanctions or remedial measures set out in paragraph 2 is properly reasoned and is subject to a right of appeal.

Article 33Exercise of the power to impose administrative sanctions and remedial measures


Competent authorities shall exercise the powers to impose administrative sanctions and remedial measures referred to in Article 32 in accordance with their national legal frameworks, as appropriate:




in collaboration with other authorities;


under their responsibility by delegation to other authorities;


by application to the competent judicial authorities.


Competent authorities, when determining the type and level of an administrative sanction or remedial measure imposed under Article 32, shall take into account the extent to which the infringement is intentional or results from negligence and all other relevant circumstances, including, where appropriate:


the materiality, gravity and the duration of the infringement;


the degree of responsibility of the natural or legal person responsible for the infringement;


the financial strength of the responsible natural or legal person;


the importance of profits gained or losses avoided by the responsible natural or legal person, insofar as they can be determined;


the losses for third parties caused by the infringement, insofar as they can be determined;


the level of cooperation of the responsible natural or legal person with the competent authority, without prejudice to the need to ensure disgorgement of profits gained or losses avoided by that person;


previous infringements by the responsible natural or legal person.

Article 34Criminal sanctions


Member States may decide not to lay down rules for administrative sanctions or remedial measures for infringements which are subject to criminal sanctions under their national law.


Where Member States have chosen, in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article, to lay down criminal sanctions for the infringement referred to in Article 32(1), they shall ensure that appropriate measures are in place so that competent authorities have all the necessary powers to liaise with judicial, prosecuting, or criminal justice authorities within their jurisdiction to receive specific information related to criminal investigations or proceedings commenced for the infringements referred to in Article 32(1), and to provide the same information to other competent authorities as well as ESMA, the EBA and EIOPA to fulfil their obligation to cooperate for the purposes of this Regulation.

Article 35Notification duties

Member States shall notify the laws, regulations and administrative provisions implementing this Chapter, including any relevant criminal law provisions, to the Commission, ESMA, the EBA and EIOPA by 18 January 2019. Member States shall notify the Commission, ESMA, the EBA and EIOPA without undue delay of any subsequent amendments thereto.

Article 36Cooperation between competent authorities and the ESAs


The competent authorities referred to in Article 29 and ESMA, the EBA and EIOPA shall cooperate closely with each other and exchange information to carry out their duties pursuant to Article 30 to 34.


Competent authorities shall closely coordinate their supervision in order to identify and remedy infringements of this Regulation, develop and promote best practices, facilitate collaboration, foster consistency of interpretation and provide cross-jurisdictional assessments in the event of any disagreements.


A specific securitisation committee shall be established within the framework of the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities, within which competent authorities shall closely cooperate, in order to carry out their duties pursuant to Articles 30 to 34.


Where a competent authority finds that one or more of the requirements under Articles 6 to 27 have been infringed or has reason to believe so, it shall inform the competent authority of the entity or entities suspected of such infringement of its findings in a sufficiently detailed manner. The competent authorities concerned shall closely coordinate their supervision in order to ensure consistent decisions.


Where the infringement referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article concerns, in particular, an incorrect or misleading notification pursuant to Article 27(1), the competent authority finding that infringement shall notify without delay, the competent authority of the entity designated as the first contact point under Article 27(1) of its findings. The competent authority of the entity designated as the first contact point under Article 27(1) shall in turn inform ESMA, the EBA and EIOPA and shall follow the procedure provided for in paragraph 6 of this Article.


Upon receipt of the information referred to in paragraph 4, the competent authority of the entity suspected of the infringement shall take within 15 working days any necessary action to address the infringement identified and notify the other competent authorities involved, in particular those of the originator, sponsor and SSPE and the competent authorities of the holder of a securitisation position, when known. When a competent authority disagrees with another competent authority regarding the procedure or content of its action or inaction, it shall notify all other competent authorities involved about its disagreement without undue delay. If that disagreement is not resolved within three months of the date on which all competent authorities involved are notified, the matter shall be referred to ESMA in accordance with Article 19 and, where applicable, Article 20 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010. The conciliation period referred to in Article 19(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 shall be one month.

Where the competent authorities concerned fail to reach an agreement within the conciliation phase referred to in the first subparagraph, ESMA shall take the decision referred to in Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 within one month. During the procedure set out in this Article, a securitisation appearing on the list maintained by ESMA pursuant to Article 27 of this Regulation shall continue to be considered as STS pursuant to Chapter 4 of this Regulation and shall be kept on such list.

Where the competent authorities concerned agree that the infringement is related to non-compliance with Article 18 in good faith, they may decide to grant the originator, sponsor and SSPE a period of up to three months to remedy the identified infringement, starting from the day the originator, sponsor and SSPE were informed of the infringement by the competent authority. During this period, a securitisation appearing on the list maintained by ESMA pursuant to Article 27 shall continue to be considered as STS pursuant to Chapter 4 and shall be kept on such list.

Where one or more of the competent authorities involved is of the opinion that the infringement is not appropriately remedied within the period set out in third subparagraph, first subparagraph shall apply.


Three years from the date of application of this Regulation, ESMA shall conduct a peer review in accordance with Article 30 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010 on the implementation of the criteria provided for in Articles 19 to 26 of this Regulation.


ESMA shall, in close cooperation with the EBA and EIOPA, develop draft regulatory technical standards to specify the general cooperation obligation and the information to be exchanged under paragraph 1 and the notification obligations pursuant to paragraphs 4 and 5.

ESMA shall, in close cooperation with the EBA and EIOPA, submit those draft regulatory technical standards to the Commission by 18 January 2019.

The Commission is empowered to supplement this Regulation by adopting the regulatory technical standards referred to in this paragraph in accordance with Articles 10 to 14 of Regulation (EU) No 1095/2010.

Article 37Publication of administrative sanctions


Member States shall ensure that competent authorities publish on their official websites, without undue delay and as a minimum, any decision imposing an administrative sanction against which there is no appeal and which is imposed for infringement of Article 6, 7, 9 or 27(1) after the addressee of the sanction has been notified of that decision.


The publication referred to in paragraph 1 shall include information on the type and nature of the infringement and the identity of the persons responsible and the sanctions imposed.


Where the publication of the identity, in the case of legal persons, or of the identity and personal data, in the case of natural persons is considered by the competent authority to be disproportionate following a case-by-case assessment, or where the competent authority considers that the publication jeopardises the stability of financial markets or an on-going criminal investigation, or where the publication would cause, insofar as it can be determined, disproportionate damages to the person involved, Member States shall ensure that competent authorities either:


defer the publication of the decision imposing the administrative sanction until the moment where the reasons for non-publication cease to exist;


publish the decision imposing the administrative sanction on an anonymous basis, in accordance with national law; or


not publish at all the decision to impose the administrative sanction in the event that the options set out in points (a) and (b) are considered to be insufficient to ensure:

  1. (i)

    that the stability of financial markets would not be put in jeopardy; or

  2. (ii)

    the proportionality of the publication of such decisions with regard to measures which are deemed to be of a minor nature.


In the case of a decision to publish a sanction on an anonymous basis, the publication of the relevant data may be postponed. Where a competent authority publishes a decision imposing an administrative sanction against which there is an appeal before the relevant judicial authorities, competent authorities shall also immediately add on their official website that information and any subsequent information on the outcome of such appeal. Any judicial decision annulling a decision imposing an administrative sanction shall also be published.


Competent authorities shall ensure that any publication referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall remain on their official website for at least five years after its publication. Personal data contained in the publication shall only be kept on the official website of the competent authority for the period which is necessary in accordance with the applicable data protection rules.


Competent authorities shall inform ESMA of all administrative sanctions imposed, including, where appropriate, any appeal in relation thereto and the outcome thereof.


ESMA shall maintain a central database of administrative sanctions communicated to it. That database shall be only accessible to ESMA, the EBA, EIOPA and the competent authorities and shall be updated on the basis of the information provided by the competent authorities in accordance with paragraph 6.