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Annexes II, III, IV and V to Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 are amended as follows:


in Annex II (Part-ARO), Appendix II is replaced by the following:


Annex III (Part-ORO) is amended as follows:


in point ORO.GEN.110, points (j) and (k) are replaced by the following:


The operator shall establish and maintain dangerous goods training programmes for personnel as required by the technical instructions. Such training programmes shall be commensurate with the responsibilities of personnel. Training programmes of operators performing CAT, whether they transport dangerous goods or not, and of operators conducting operations other than CAT referred to in points (b), (c) and (d) of point ORO.GEN.005 that transport dangerous goods shall be subject to review and approval by the competent authority.


Notwithstanding point (j), operators conducting commercial operations with the following aircraft shall ensure that the flight crew has received an appropriate dangerous goods training or briefing, to enable them to recognise undeclared dangerous goods brought on-board by passengers or as cargo:


a sailplane;


a balloon;


a single-engined propeller-driven aeroplane having a maximum certified take-off mass of 5 700 kg or less and a MOPSC of 5 or less operated in a flight taking off and landing at the same aerodrome or operating site, under VFR by day; or


an other-than complex motor-powered helicopter, single-engined, with a MOPSC of 5 or less operated in a flight taking off and landing at the same aerodrome or operating site, under VFR by day.;

Annex IV (Part-CAT) is amended as follows:

point CAT.OP.MPA.136 is replaced by the following:

in point CAT.OP.MPA.180, point (a) is replaced by the following:

in Annex V (Part-SPA), the following Subpart L is added:


SPA.SET-IMC.100 SET-IMC operations

In commercial air transport (CAT) operations, single-engined turbine aeroplanes shall only be operated at night or in IMC if the operator has been granted a SET-IMC approval by the competent authority.

SPA.SET-IMC.105 SET-IMC operations approval

To obtain a SET-IMC approval by the competent authority, the operator shall provide evidence that all the following conditions have been complied with:


an acceptable level of turbine engine reliability is achieved in service by the world fleet for the particular airframe-engine combination;


specific maintenance instructions and procedures to ensure the intended levels of continued airworthiness and reliability of the aeroplane and its propulsion system have been established and included in the operator's aircraft maintenance programme in accordance with Annex I to Regulation (EU) No 1321/2014 (Part-M), including all the following:


an engine trend monitoring programme, except for aeroplanes first issued with an individual certificate of airworthiness after 31 December 2004 that shall have an automatic trend monitoring system;


a propulsion and associated systems' reliability programme;


flight crew composition and a training/checking programme for the flight crew members involved in these operations have been established;


operating procedures have been established specifying all the following:


the equipment to be carried, including its operating limitations and appropriate entries in the MEL;


the flight planning;


the normal procedures;


the contingency procedures, including procedures following a propulsion system failure, as well as forced landing procedures in all weather conditions;


the monitoring and incident reporting.


a safety risk assessment has been performed, including the determination of an acceptable risk period if an operator intends to make use of it.

SPA.SET-IMC.110 Equipment requirements for SET-IMC operations

Aeroplanes used for SET-IMC operations shall be equipped with all the following equipment:


two separate electrical generating systems, each one capable of supplying adequate power to all essential flight instruments, navigation systems and aeroplane systems required for continued flight to the destination or alternate aerodrome;


two attitude indicators, powered from independent sources;


for passenger operations, a shoulder harness or a safety belt with a diagonal shoulder strap for each passenger seat;


airborne weather-detecting equipment;


in a pressurised aeroplane, sufficient supplemental oxygen for all occupants to allow descent, following engine failure at the maximum certificated cruising altitude, at the best range gliding speed and in the best gliding configuration, assuming the maximum cabin leak rate, until sustained cabin altitudes below 13 000 ft are reached;


an area navigation system capable of being programmed with the positions of landing sites and providing lateral guidance to the flight crew to reach those sites;


a radio altimeter;


a landing light, capable of illuminating the touchdown point on the power-off glide path from 200 ft away;


an emergency electrical supply system of sufficient capacity and endurance capable of providing power, following the failure of all generated power, to additional loads necessary for all of the following:


the essential flight and area navigation instruments during descent from maximum operating altitude after engine failure;


the means to provide for one attempt to restart the engine;


if appropriate, the extension of landing gear and flaps;


the use of the radio altimeter throughout the landing approach;


the landing light;


one pitot heater;


if installed, the electrical means to give sufficient protection against impairment of the pilot's vision for landing;


an ignition system that activates automatically, or is capable of being operated manually, for take-off, landing, and during flight, in visible moisture;


a means of continuously monitoring the power train lubrication system to detect the presence of debris associated with the imminent failure of a drivetrain component, including a flight crew compartment caution indication;


an emergency engine power control device that permits continuing operation of the engine at a sufficient power range to safely complete the flight in the event of any reasonably probable failure of the fuel control unit..