The following elements shall be indicated in the Commercial Invoice accompanying the Company's sales to the European Union of goods which are subject to the Undertaking:
The name of the Company issuing the Commercial Invoice.
The Commercial Invoice number.
The date of issue of the Commercial Invoice.
The TARIC additional code under which the goods on the invoice are to be customs-cleared at the European Union frontier.
The exact plain language description of the goods and:
the product code number (PCN),
technical specifications of the PCN,
the company product code number (CPC),
CN code,
quantity (to be given in units expressed in Watt).
The description of the terms of the sale, including:
price per unit (Watt),
the applicable payment terms,
the applicable delivery terms,
total discounts and rebates.
Name of the Company acting as an importer to which the invoice is issued directly by the Company.
The name of the official of the Company that has issued the Commercial Invoice and the following signed declaration:
‘I, the undersigned, certify that the sale for direct export to the European Union of the goods covered by this invoice is being made within the scope and under the terms of the Undertaking offered by [COMPANY], and accepted by the European Commission through Implementing Decision 2013/707/EU. I declare that the information provided on this invoice is complete and correct.’