CHAPTER IIU.K.Official controls

Section IIU.K.Additional requirements for official controls and other official activities in certain areas

Article 18U.K.Specific rules on official controls and for action taken by the competent authorities in relation to the production of products of animal origin intended for human consumption

1.Official controls performed to verify compliance with the rules referred to in Article 1(2) of this Regulation in relation to products of animal origin intended for human consumption shall include the verification of compliance with the requirements laid down in Regulations (EC) No 852/2004, (EC) No 853/2004, (EC) No 1069/2009 and (EC) No 1099/2009 as applicable.

2.The official controls referred to in paragraph 1 performed in relation to the production of meat shall include:

(a)the ante-mortem inspection performed in the slaughterhouse by an official veterinarian who may, as regards pre-selection of animals, be assisted by official auxiliaries trained for that purpose;

(b)by way of derogation from point (a), as regards poultry and lagomorphs, the ante-mortem inspection performed by an official veterinarian, under the supervision of the official veterinarian or, where sufficient guarantees are in place, under the responsibility of the official veterinarian;

(c)the post-mortem inspection performed by an official veterinarian, under the supervision of the official veterinarian or, where sufficient guarantees are in place, under the responsibility of the official veterinarian;

(d)the other official controls performed in slaughterhouses, cutting plants and game-handling establishments, by an official veterinarian, under the supervision of the official veterinarian or, where sufficient guarantees are in place, under the responsibility of the official veterinarian, to verify compliance with the requirements applicable to:

3.The competent authority may, on the basis of a risk analysis, allow slaughterhouse staff to assist in the performance of tasks relating to the official controls referred to in paragraph 2 in establishments slaughtering poultry or lagomorphs, or, in establishments slaughtering animals of other species, to carry out specific sampling and testing tasks relating to such controls, on condition that staff:

(a)act independently from the production staff of the slaughterhouse;

(b)have undergone appropriate training to carry out these tasks; and

(c)carry out these tasks in the presence and following the instructions of the official veterinarian or of the official auxiliary.

4.Where the official controls referred to in points (a) and (c) of paragraph 2 have not identified any shortcoming that would make the meat unfit for human consumption, the health mark shall be applied to domestic ungulates, farmed game mammals other than lagomorphs, and large wild game, by the official veterinarian, under the supervision of the official veterinarian, under the responsibility of the official veterinarian, or, in compliance with the conditions laid down in paragraph 3, by the slaughterhouse staff.

5.The official veterinarian shall remain responsible for the decisions taken following official controls provided for in paragraphs 2 and 4, even if the performance of an action is assigned by him or her to the official auxiliary.

6.For the purpose of the official controls referred to in paragraph 1 performed in relation to live bivalve molluscs, the competent authorities shall classify production and relaying areas.

7.The [F2appropriate authority may make regulations] to supplement this Regulation concerning specific rules for the performance of the official controls referred to in paragraphs 2 to 6 of this Article on:

(a)criteria and conditions to determine, by way of derogation from point (a) of paragraph 2, when the ante-mortem inspection in certain slaughterhouses may be performed under the supervision or under the responsibility of an official veterinarian, provided that the derogations do not affect the achievement of the objectives of this Regulation;

(b)criteria and conditions to determine, as regards poultry and lagomorphs, when sufficient guarantees are met for the official controls to be performed under the responsibility of an official veterinarian in regard to the ante-mortem inspections referred to in point (b) of paragraph 2;

(c)criteria and conditions to determine, by way of derogation from point (a) of paragraph 2, when the ante-mortem inspection may be performed outside the slaughterhouse in case of emergency slaughter;

(d)criteria and conditions to determine, by way of derogation from points (a) and (b) of paragraph 2, when the ante-mortem inspection may be performed at the holding of provenance;

(e)criteria and conditions to determine when sufficient guarantees are met for the official controls to be performed under the responsibility of an official veterinarian with regard to the post-mortem inspection and auditing activities referred to in points (c) and (d) of paragraph 2;

(f)criteria and conditions to determine, by way of derogation from point (c) of paragraph 2, when, in case of emergency slaughter, the post-mortem inspection is to be performed by the official veterinarian;

(g)criteria and conditions to determine, in relation to Pectinidae, marine gastropods and Holothuroidea, by way of derogation from paragraph 6, when production and relaying areas are not to be classified;

(h)specific derogations in respect to Rangifer tarandus tarandus, Lagopus lagopus and Lagopus mutus, in order to allow the continuation of longstanding local and traditional customs and practices, provided that the derogations do not affect the achievement of the objectives of this Regulation;

(i)criteria and conditions to determine, by way of derogation from point (d) of paragraph 2, when the official controls in cutting plants may be performed by staff designated by the competent authorities for that purpose and appropriately trained;

(j)specific minimum requirements for the staff of the competent authorities and for official veterinarian and official auxiliary in order to ensure an adequate performance of their tasks provided for in this Article, including specific minimum training requirements;

(k)appropriate minimum training requirements for the slaughterhouse staff assisting in the performance of tasks relating to official controls and other official activities in accordance with paragraph 3.

8.The [F3appropriate authority may make regulations laying] down rules on uniform practical arrangements for the performance of the official controls referred to in this Article regarding:

(a)specific requirements for the performance of official controls and the uniform minimum frequency of those official controls, having regard to the specific hazards and risks which exist in relation to each product of animal origin and the different processes it undergoes, where a minimum level of official controls is necessary to respond to recognised uniform hazards and risks which might be posed by products of animal origin;

(b)the conditions for the classification and monitoring of classified production and relaying areas for live bivalve molluscs;

(c)the cases where the competent authorities in relation to specific non-compliances are to take one or more of the measures referred to in Articles 137(2) and 138(2);

(d)the practical arrangements of the ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of paragraph 2, including the uniform requirements necessary to ensure that sufficient guarantees are met when the official controls are performed under the responsibility of the official veterinarian;

(e)the technical requirements of the health mark and the practical arrangements for its application;

(f)specific requirements for the performance of official controls and the uniform minimum frequency for those official controls on raw milk, milk products and fishery products, where a minimum level of official controls is necessary to respond to recognised uniform hazards and risks they might pose.


9.While complying with the objectives of this Regulation and in particular as regards food safety requirements, the [F5appropriate authority] may adopt national measures implementing pilot projects limited in time and extent, to evaluate alternative practical arrangements for the performance of official controls on the production of meat. F6...

10.For the purpose of Article 30, the delegation of certain official control tasks, referred to in this Article, to one or more natural persons shall be allowed.


Commission Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 of 15 November 2005 on microbiological criteria for foodstuffs (OJ L 338, 22.12.2005, p. 1).