ANNEX II Full-scale impact test assessment


1.1.Performance requirements

1.1.1.The full-scale impact assessment of vehicles with eCall in-vehicle systems installed, carried out in accordance with point 2, shall be considered satisfactory if the following requirements are demonstrated post-impact.
1.1.2.Automatic triggering: The eCall system shall automatically initiate an eCall after an impact in accordance with UN Regulation No 94 (Annex 3) as well as UN Regulation No 95 (Annex 4), as applicable.
1.1.3.Call status indication: The eCall system shall inform the occupants about the current status of the eCall (status indicator) using a visual and/or audible signal.
1.1.4.MSD emission and encoding: The eCall system shall be able to successfully transmit an MSD to a PSAP test point via the mobile network.
1.1.5.Vehicle-specific data determination: The eCall system shall be able to populate accurately the mandatory vehicle-specific data fields of the MSD.
1.1.6.Position determination: The eCall system shall be able to determine accurately the up-to-date vehicle location.

2.Test procedure

2.1.Purpose of the full-scale impact test procedure

The purpose of this test is to verify the automatic triggering function and the sustained functionality of the 112-based eCall in-vehicle system in vehicles that are subjected to a frontal impact or a side impact.

2.2.The following tests shall be performed on a vehicle with an eCall in-vehicle system installed.

2.3.Impact test procedure

2.3.1.Impact tests shall be carried out in accordance with the tests defined in UN Regulation No 94, Annex 3 for frontal impact as well as UN Regulation No 95, Annex 4 for side impact, as applicable.
2.3.2.The test conditions defined in UN Regulation No 94 or UN Regulation No 95 shall apply.
2.3.3.Before performing the impact tests, ensure that:

the in-vehicle power source, if installed for the test, is charged according to the specifications of the manufacturer at the beginning of the test to allow performing the subsequent verification tests;


the automatic eCall is enabled and armed and that the vehicle ignition or master control switch is activated;


one of the connection procedures defined in point 2.7, as agreed between the technical service and the manufacturer, will be applied for any test call;


the dedicated PSAP test point is available to receive an eCall emitted by the 112-based system;


a false eCall to a genuine PSAP cannot be made over the live network; and


if applicable, the TPS system is deactivated or will automatically switch to the 112-based system.

2.4.Verification procedure

2.4.1.The performance requirements shall be verified by performing a test call from the vehicle after the impact using the 112-based eCall in-vehicle system: An automatically triggered eCall following the impact test.
2.4.2.Perform a test call (push mode) by applying an automatic trigger.
2.4.3.Verify each of the following items in at least one of the test calls:

Verify that an eCall was triggered automatically by the full-scale impact event. This shall be verified by a record of the PSAP test point showing that it received an eCall initiation signal following the impact event and that the MSD control indicator was set to ‘automatically initiated eCall’.


Verify that the eCall status indicator indicated an eCall sequence following the automatic or manual trigger. This shall be verified by a record showing that an indication sequence was performed on all sensory channels specified in the manufacturer's documentation (visual and/or audible).


Verify that an MSD was received by the PSAP test point. This shall be verified by a record of the PSAP test point showing that an MSD emitted from the vehicle following the automatic or manual trigger was received and successfully decoded. If the MSD decoding failed at redundancy version MSD rv0 but was successful at a higher redundancy version or in robust modulator mode, as defined in ETSI/TS 126 267, this is acceptable.


Verify that the MSD contained accurate vehicle-specific data. This shall be verified by a record of the PSAP test point showing that the information transmitted in the fields regarding vehicle type, vehicle identification number (VIN) and vehicle propulsion storage type does not deviate from the information specified in the type-approval application.


Verify that the MSD contained an accurate, up-to-date location. This shall be verified in accordance with the Vehicle Location Test Procedure as defined in point 2.5 of Annex I to this Regulation by a test record showing that the deviation between IVS location and true location, d_IVS, is less than 150 metres and the confidence bit transmitted to the PSAP test point indicates ‘position can be trusted’. If no GNSS signals are available at the impact test location, the vehicle can be moved to an appropriate location before performing the test call.

2.4.4.Clear down the test call using the appropriate PSAP test point command (e.g. hang up).
2.4.5.If the automatic test call could not be performed successfully due to vehicle-external factors, it shall be permissible to verify the automatic trigger following the impact via the internal record transaction function of the in-vehicle system. This register shall be capable to store received trigger signals in non-volatile memory. The test engineer shall have access to the data stored in the in-vehicle system and shall verify that no record of automatic trigger signal is stored before the impact event and that a record of an automatic trigger signal is stored after the impact event.
2.4.6.If the test call was performed with the vehicle connected to an off-vehicle power supply (in cases where the impact test was carried out with the standard vehicle power supply not installed), verify that the on-board electrical system feeding the eCall in-vehicle system remained intact. This shall be verified by a record of a test engineer confirming a successful check of the integrity of the on-board electrical system including the dummy in-vehicle power source (visual inspection for mechanical damage to either the power source's mounting bracket or its structure) and the connections via its terminals.

2.5.Positioning test procedure

The positioning test procedure defined in point 2.5 of Annex I to this Regulation shall apply.

2.6.Antenna test procedure

2.6.1.If the connection procedure applied for the test call did not make use of over-the-air data transmission (point 2.7.3 of Annex I to this Regulation), the sustained functionality of the mobile network antenna shall be verified by checking the antenna tuning status after the full-scale impact test according to the procedure defined in point 2.6 of Annex I to this Regulation. In addition, it shall be verified that no wire breakage or short-circuit of the antenna feed line occurred by checking the electrical resistance between the end points of the wire and between the wire and vehicle ground.

2.7.Connection procedures

The connection procedures defined in point 2.7 of Annex I to this Regulation shall apply.